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  • Tags: Oboe

Shows a two bomb loads (MC and GP) and details distributor, preselection and false height settings as well as other information. Includes route, times, Window, heights and wave timings. On the reverse Oboe marking plan as well as list of aircraft…

Shows a number of bomb loads AMN59 and 65s. Details distributor, preselection and false height settings as well as weights, Window and wave/aircraft allocation. Page is annotated 'Cancelled' in large letters. On the reverse oboe marking and bombing…

Shows two bomb loads for operation. Details distributor, preselection and false height settings as well as other details including Window and timings. Page is struck through and annotated cancelled. On the reverse Oboe marking method and bombing…

Shows four bomb loads for four, seven, two and two aircraft respectively. Details distributor and preselection settings and other information. Includes timing, window, weights, H+ times for waves one to three and notes on illumination. On the reverse…

Shows three bomb loads for twelve, one and two aircraft respectively. Details distributor, preselection and false height settings as well as other information. Includes Window, effort level, bombing heights and H+ times for waves one, two and three.…

Shows two bomb loads for operation, one for six aircraft the other for seven. Details distributor, preselection and false height settings as well as Window, timing, bombing heights and wave H+ times for four waves. On the reverse Pathfinder marking,…

Shows three bomb loads for four, four and three aircraft respectively. Details distributor, preselection and false height settings as well as Window and time to target. On the reverse marking plan and bombing instructions. List aircraft letters with…

Shows one bomb load for operation. Details distributor, preselection and false height settings. Includes weights, Window and bombing heights. On the reverse; the marking plan, form up over Conningsby, formations, bomber controller position and call…

Shows single bomb load with weights as well as distributor and false height settings. Indicates timings and Window. On the reverse marking and timings by Mosquito and Pathfinder Force Mosquito as well as other details.

Shows a single bomb load for operation. Details weights, distributor and preselecetion settings, window and other details. On the reverse; marking plan, order of bombing, heights and bombing instructions. Includes all master switch instructions.

Shows two bomb loads for eight and ten aircraft respectively. Details preselection and other settings as well as time to target and bombing heights. On the reverse marking and backing up plan and bombing instructions.

Indicates two bomb loads for operation. Includes preselection settings, times, window and briefing times as well as other notes. On the reverse aiming point marking and bombing instructions. At the bottom weight calculations.

States H-hour '2235'. Indicates two bomb loads for six and six aircraft respectively. Shows preselection, distributor, false height and other weapon settings. Some weight calculations in the left margin. On the reverse; marking and tactics including…

Shows two bomb loads for eight and three aircraft respectively. Includes H-hour, preselection , false height and distributor settings as well as other bombing information. On the reverse; objective 'to destroy concentration of rolling stock,…

Indicates a single bomb load for operation. Included preselection and distributor and other settings. On the reverse target marking and bombing details. Warning that own troops are 3 miles away from target and crews are only to bomb if red TIs…

Indicates two bomb loads for operation, one for two aircraft the other for eight. Includes preselection, distributor and false height settings, zero hour and other details. On the reverse marking and bombing instructions including that attack…

Shows one bomb load for operation. Includes preselection settings, heights and Window. Annoated weight calculation. On the reverse marking and bombing tactics including Oboe Mosquito, timings, objective to destroy enemy concentrations. Lists crews…

Notes including timings, heights, marking plan, master bomber and target marking.

Bombing details of operation on Berchtesgaden. Includes preselection settings, effort, marking details and other instructions.

Includes a route, zero hour, method including target marking, Window and other notes. Notes that target marking will be done by Mosquito and that they will also be attacking Hanover and Essen with red target indicators and bombs.

Shows one bomb load for squadron. Includes preselection settings, Window, effort level and method including target marking by Pathfinder Mosquito. On the reverse, route, wave details and heights.

Form containing bomb load, pre-selection settings, false height settings, operation timings, route including target coordinates in France near Rouen, wave times. On the reverse handwritten notes on target marking including that red target indicators…

Dr Marjorie Birch was born and grew up in London. She was evacuated with her younger sister when war was declared. She later trained as a medical student in London. She describes her accommodation opposite Kings Cross Station and the bombing. She…

Six page document courtesy of the late Allen White - 44 Squadron Historian. Reproduces narratives from three 44 Squadron crews involved in the operation. Overall the operation lost 37 crews from 120 launched against Wesserling oil refinery near…
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