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  • Tags: RAF Yatesbury

Describes going to Bath to see friends and catches up with their news. Goes on to describe meeting an old schoolfriend. Mentions plan to visit Swindon and that he had caught a cold.

Writes about a mix up in his travel arrangement and his subsequent journey. Mentions other cycling expeditions in Wiltshire and including a visit to friend in Bath. Comments on weather and that he might get leave at Easter.

Writes of leaving parcel at railway station and subsequent recovery. Mentions uncertainty over weekend off. Comments on guard duty previous Sunday and funeral on previous day. Mentions that training was more interesting and he had passed Morse exam.

Thanks her for cakes and asks her to send him his encyclopaedia of wireless. Comments on good weather and being confined to camp over not handing in pass. Catches up with news and mentions a pilot who had been killed.

Thanks her for sending shoes but he had to give dance ticket away as he was on guard duty. Comments on her illness. Provided details of travel home and plans for weekend.

Apologises for not writing and commiserates over her illness. Writes that he hopes to be home for the weekend. Mentions being on water guard duty and going into Chippenham.

Peter Lamprey notes that he is writing while on guard duty at a remote location. He mentions that he has only got his final boards to take and he is waiting for results of his application for night fighters. He writes about increasing numbers of…

Peter Lamprey writes that he is undergoing including intensive training at Royal Air Force Yatesbury and about an injury from an assault course.

Peter Lamprey writes that he is on ‘jankers’ for being late back from leave and about problems with life in general. He mentions training and then writes colourfully about how he feels about the Royal Air Force and particularly, the medical…

Peter Lamprey writes that he is nursing a bad shoulder from parachute training. He complains about life in general and notes flying has been at a minimum these last few days.

Peter Lamprey writes that his shoulder is better and the sling is off and about cheering on his colleagues running six miles in the rain. He mentions pursuing ladies and the difficulties in hitching lifts. He says that flying has started again.

Peter Lamprey writes physical and other training and that they are now known as cadets. He mentions Women’s Auxiliary Air Force girls and that he will try and get off camp at the weekend. He catches up with friends, mentions that there a number of…

Peter Lamprey writes about a cracked rib he received playing hockey and being on light duties. He talks a little about his training and that there is six weeks to go on the course. He mentions that some old acquaintances from his basic training have…

Peter Lamprey writes that he is preparing for his final boards. He talks about poor weather and that new course member were punished for arriving back late. He mentions a incident of negligent discharge of a rifle.

Peter Lamprey writes that his hut has been punished for arriving back after hours. He speaks of incidents with members of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force and about his social life and activities available on camp.

Peter Lamprey writes that he has taken his final boards and he looking forward to celebrating. He notes that flying had interfered with his plans and that he is now waiting to find out the location of his gunnery course.

Peter Lamprey writes that he is leaving for Scotland where he has a four week course at Castle Kennedy and that he hopes to be home for Christmas. He mentions that he has not told his girlfriend that he is leaving.

Peter Lamprey writes about taking his final exams in a few weeks and that he was successful in his air test last week. He noted that most aboard a Dominie trainer were ill and that he has applied for night fighters.

Peter Lamprey writes about his training at Royal Air Force Yatesbury which he notes is very complex and hard. He continues with some general observations on life.

Peter Lamprey notes that he has only five weeks to go and then he should be off on his gunnery course or a wireless operator on the ground. He mentions some casualties and that a large number of Australian had arrived at the camp which might lead to…

Peter Lamprey writes that he failed his final board and will have to stay a further three weeks. He mentions duties as rifle party and defence squad and concludes by catching up with friends news.

Peter Lamprey describes physical hardship, parachute training, flying and shares light hearted banter with his former colleagues.

Peter Lamprey writes complaining about life at Royal Air Force Yatesbury. In particular that his course has not started and they are doing fatigue duties in the mean time.

The letter advises that Les has been elected into the Goldfish Club.

Booklet produced as part of 'Their Past Your Future's series produced for the Heritage Lottery. This is based on Ken's memories of his training for and operations with Bomber Command and his post war service in the Royal Air Force, as described to a…
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