Letter from Ian Hay to his grandmother
Letter from Ian Hay to his grandmother
Apologises for not writing and commiserates over her illness. Writes that he hopes to be home for the weekend. Mentions being on water guard duty and going into Chippenham.
Temporal Coverage
Spatial Coverage
Photocopy of two page handwritten letter and envelope
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[Royal Air Force crest]
906233. A.C.2. Hay. I.
Hut Y.42,
‘A’ Sqdn: 2 Wing,
R.A.F. Yatesbury,
Nr Colne,
Dear Granny,
So sorry not to have written before, but this past week has been our busy week as we were duty wing.
I was sorry to hear you were still in bed, but I expect you will be up soon & out in this lovely weather.
Very many thanks for the stamped cards. I expect & hope to be back next weekend for a long week-end. That means that I shall be back on Friday evening & away on Sunday evening. But of course one can never be sure of anything. I will drop you a card though as soon as possible.
Last Wednesday night I was on
[page break]
water-guard. Which consists of guarding a water tank & pumping machinery against I.R.A. sabotage – but we now keep our eyes open for parachute troops.
I went to Chippenham last night but only stayed for a Hair Cut & to buy a couple of books.
I don’t know where I shall go to-day yet, but I expect I shall take a ride on my bicycle.
Very best love
[underlined] Ian. [/underlined]
[postmark] [postage stamp]
Miss F. Hay,
Nr Maidenhead,
906233. A.C.2. Hay. I.
Hut Y.42,
‘A’ Sqdn: 2 Wing,
R.A.F. Yatesbury,
Nr Colne,
Dear Granny,
So sorry not to have written before, but this past week has been our busy week as we were duty wing.
I was sorry to hear you were still in bed, but I expect you will be up soon & out in this lovely weather.
Very many thanks for the stamped cards. I expect & hope to be back next weekend for a long week-end. That means that I shall be back on Friday evening & away on Sunday evening. But of course one can never be sure of anything. I will drop you a card though as soon as possible.
Last Wednesday night I was on
[page break]
water-guard. Which consists of guarding a water tank & pumping machinery against I.R.A. sabotage – but we now keep our eyes open for parachute troops.
I went to Chippenham last night but only stayed for a Hair Cut & to buy a couple of books.
I don’t know where I shall go to-day yet, but I expect I shall take a ride on my bicycle.
Very best love
[underlined] Ian. [/underlined]
[postmark] [postage stamp]
Miss F. Hay,
Nr Maidenhead,
I Hay, “Letter from Ian Hay to his grandmother,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 7, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/37227.
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