Browse Items (1151 total)

  • Tags: military service conditions

A man sitting in the rear turret of a bomber. It is a Rose turret with two .50 machine guns and no perspex.

Two versions of the same item. On the reverse 'Bob in rear turret'.

View of the rear turret of a bomber

Roy sitting in his turret. On the reverse 'Roy in his turret'.

An airman wearing parachute harness and flying helmet sitting at navigator station inside a bomber. Submitted with caption 'Reg Weeden at Navigator Stn. Lancaster - RAF Mepal 1944'.

Photograph 1 is a colourised image of four airmen including Reginald George Cavalier in fancy dress. Captioned 'West Raynham R.A.F. Norfolk. Photographic Section. R.G.C. Chalky White Jack Smart Jim Hider.'

Photograph 2 is of five airmen including…

List of items to be brought by ACW2 Nicholls on reporting for draft to reception depot.

Four photographs mounted on a sheet.
#1 is two airmen standing beside a saloon car.
#2 is Robert and his crew.
#3 is the grave of Robert and his crew.
#4 is Robert in his aircraft.

#1 is a pilot at his station, identified as Robert Frazer. It is annotated 'No dates/place. Training?'.
#2 is seven airmen with Robert arrowed. It is annotated 'No dates/place. The crew (7) obviously, at a point in time, no names'.

Details of enlistment 31 May 1943 and discharge on transfer to Navy 18 June 1945. Dated at Lee-on-Solent 7 July 1945

Personal details and dates of wartime and postwar service. Calculation of gratuity and wages amounting to £43 9s 6d (£43.47).

Gunner wearing Mae West sitting in rear turret of a bomber.
It is a Rose turret with two .50 machine guns and no perspex. Captioned 'Wednesday 24 September 2014, Sergeant Robert Orton aged 20 in the rear turret of an Avro Lancaster bomber.…

Ron sitting on the pilot's seat and turned to smile at the camera.

Eight photographs from an album.
#1 is an airman in the cockpit of a Baltimore with the cockpit open.
#2 is four airmen beside their tent.
#3 is Ron at the controls of an aircraft.
#4 is a port side view of a Baltimore.
#5 is an airman standing…

Document containing five photographs:
1 - Six aircrew wearing battledress with brevet and peaked or side caps standing and squatting in two rows in front of a Lancaster bomber. Captioned 'Lancaster at Skellingthorpe July 1945. Back row (L-R) Bruce…

Document contains order of service for funeral and memoir of service in the RAF. Includes training as wireless operator/air gunner, troop ship to Cairo and continued training in Egypt. Posted for operation on Boston aircraft with 114 Squadron in…

Two figures wearing oxygen masks look out through the opening of a rear gun turret. From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Rose turret 343'. Same photograph but image has been reversed recorded as turret 46.

An individual demonstrating how to bale out of a Rose turret by leaning headfirst through the opening in the perspex.
From information kindly provided by the donor. 'S Rose Lancaster turret 344'.

Ross in the cockpit of an aircraft. On the reverse 'Ross Charlton gives the camera & I hope the English girls the 1-2'.

Covers spirit of the service, discipline (self and collective).

An airman at his station on board an aircraft. On the reverse 'SG Marshall (Eng)'.

Sam at work and play in the snow.
Photo 1 is Sam at the navigator's station on an Anson.
Photo 2 and 4 snowy landscapes from an Anson.
Photo 3 is an air to air of the starboard side of an Anson.
Photo 5 is an ice hockey team resting.
Photo 6 is…

Two versions of the same strip with enlargements of all slides. Slide 1 - captioned 'Joyce and her MT divers "joined in" on sports day GD 45/6?'. Six women, one on left in uniform, the others in civilian dress, four standing two sitting by the cab of…

Pen and ink drawing of operations room with raised platforms to the left and tables in front. Men and women working at tables and on platforms. map on wall to right and squawk boxes high up on walls. Titled 'Sector Operations Room, RAF Digby 1939'.

An airman wearing flying suit, helmet, harness and life preserver sitting in the entrance to cockpit inside an aircraft. On the reverse 'Sgt Blaydon ("BB"), 2cd W/Op)'.
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