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  • Tags: ground personnel

One aircrew and three ground crew standing in front of left rear centre section of Mosquito On reverse 'October 1944 21 Squadron (Thorney Island) with Sid Moulds and ground crew P.S. Sid died in 1981'.

Three airmen in shorts, two topless, standing in front of an aircraft.
A second copy is identical but on the reverse 'Willie, Self and Bert. Khormaksar. Aden 46. April'.

Three airmen and a boy carrying a pith helmet. In the distance a fourth man carrying a cup. On the reverse 'Geordie, Johnnie, Pete and Self. Jock Frazer in background with Chai. Aden. Sept. 1946.'

Eight men arranged in a line under an aircraft engine. On the reverse 'Ground-crew & air crew after the C/Os inspection of Comm. Flight. Aden Aug.1946'.

A port side view of a Lincoln on the ground with an access frame at the port inner engine. On the reverse 'Lincoln Thor II being serviced by "C" shift. May. 1947'.

The nose of Lancaster 'Aries' with the front lifted up for maintenance. Two ground crew can be seen working under the nose. On the nose is painted 'Aries' and a list of locations the aircraft had been flown to.
On the reverse 'Cockpit and nose of…

Wellington HE968, starboard side, on the ground. Nine ground crew are underneath.

Six airmen arranged at the front of an aircraft. Four are standing and two are crouched.

Stan Shaw driving a tractor in front of a Wellington. In the background is a man on a bicycle On the reverse 'U.T. Tractor Driver!! Aden. Jan. 1947'.

A group of men loading cargo in to a Wellington. On the reverse 'Loading cargo on 968'.

Dave is dressed in shorts and is draped in equipment. On the reverse 'Dave Davey. Fitter on 122. He's a good mate and comes from Peterboro'.

Stan standing with three men. Behind is the wing and engine of a Wellington.

Four airmen under the front of a Wellington. On the reverse 'Graham, Guy, Sparks & 'Chicko' Khormaskar. Aden. April. 1946.'

A document listing the activities of the Maintenance Unit Repair and Salvage unit. It describes the recovery of damaged aircraft which could be rebuilt and returned to service. The make up of the team is described.

A detailed description of three flights undertaken in 1947 . Stan flew on 53 trips as a flight engineer. He names some of his colleagues and mentions they never had a crash between March 46 and March 47.

A page from Stan's memoirs starting with the airship R101, Cobham's Flying Circus, Air Training Corps, glimpses of his service activities then ending with the 54 Maintenance Unit.

A brief description of Stan's time at 54 Maintenance Unit.

A crashed Mosquito being recovered by Stan's team. Seven ground crew are posed at the front of the aircraft. Their lorry is parked at the front. On the reverse 'Mosquito Crash Swannington 1944-45 No 9 Salvage Party 54 M.U. R & S'.
In a second image…

A group of airmen and ground crew arranged in four rows in front of a Wellington with a fared over nose. On the reverse 'Comm Flight Khormaskar Aden Command March 1946-March 1947'
A post-it shows an engine and propeller with a star and 'Stanley Shaw…

A description of their time during the war by their daughter. Her father joined the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers in September 1940. He was captured by the Japanese in Singapore, 1942. He was released on 12 September 1945 and came home on…

Cartoon showing front of a four engine bomber with port outer engine started and blowing two men off a gantry to front. Pilot looks out of cockpit window. On the reverse 'Taxying'.

Four engine bomber with undercarriage collapsed with figures of men caught in various predicaments caused by the event. On the reverse '35b Undercarriage lever'.

Summary: George Rogers joined the RAF in 1930 at 16 as an aircraft mechanic. He talks about the build up to war, rationing and the fall of France. George was sent to India with the Royal Navy. Holidays and relaxation are discussed with stories from…

Norman Freeman was born in London, his wartime preference to be a pilot was thwarted by poor eyesight so he became a wireless/radar mechanic. After training he served all over Britain, and then France at the end of the war. Norman told of why he…
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