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  • Tags: Red Cross

Contains photographs of prisoners of war, notes, four pages of addresses, the contents of a parcels, postcards with cartoons of camp life and images of Father Christmas, as well as Jozef Nogal's bank balance.

Diary kept by Keith Campbell 24 July 1944 to February 1945 describing being shot down, evading and capture and life as a prisoner of war. Some entries talk about operations. Ends with the forced march away from the Russians. Note on front - 'original…

A detailed account of the last flight of a Stirling operation on Hamburg.

Les' record of his time as a prisoner of war. Lots of sport and camp plays and musicals. He escaped in September when Italy made peace with the Allies. He describes his journey to British lines then back home.

Prisoner of war diary of Les Rutherford, captured the 20 December 1943 and then detained at Stalag Luft 3 (Belaria). It consists mostly of sketches and cartoons but also information on camp life, photographs and German newspaper cuttings. The diary…

List of contents of British Red Cross Parcel sent from Mrs E Rutherford to Les Rutherford while prisoner of war at Belaria camp Stalag Luft 3.

The diary starts with a letter stating that Les is missing and believed killed. In reality he had become a prisoner of war. It is subtitled 'Diary June 3rd 1941 to Nov 6th 1943 Life as a POW'

A letter written from a prisoner of war camp to his family. He has just arrived and states that he is well. His tone is quite up beat.

Alan writes from Stalag Luft 3. He lists food to be sent in Red Cross parcels.

Writes of further reports that three unidentified airmen flying in the same aircraft of her husband had been buried in the military cemetery at Venlo and gives grave numbers. They were buried near the other two members of the crew previously…

Writes he is OK and asked that he persuade mother and father that he was OK despite shock when he was reported missing. Says he misses freedom and worried that time would hang, but in fact he had plenty to do. Hopes he would see them all in England…

First letter as prisoner of war. Says he is well and that he would number letters. Suggests she should make sure from Red Cross what she might send him. Asks for photographs with letters. Requests: towels, soap and toothbrushes in first parcel and…

Reports arrival of letters and writes it was good news about Italy but they had no celebrations. Says they get war news from German papers or over radio and ignore what they do not like. Mentions coming winter and that the blankets she sent would be…

Catalogues and comments on letters and cables sent and received. Mentions that letters are better by now going through the American consul in Algiers. Make comments on weather at home and in Algeria as well as some mention of daily routine and…

Writes of receiving letter with photographs of his parents which he comments on. Catches up on other recent letters and cables to and from and suggests that mail going through the American consul in Algiers is best both ways. Catches up on news from…

Says he had not received any mail since his last letter to them. Catalogues recent mail and cables along with comments. Is expecting a letter the next day. Comments on weather, heat and sirocco wind. Mentions that other internees had received parcels…

Catches up on mail received and sent and notes arrival of two more photographs making ten overall which he keeps in his wallet. Mentions photographs of himself that he had with him. Compares weather in England with his and mentions they had had some…

Catches up with mail and cables sent and received. Writes how contents of recent Red Cross parcel helped them prepare a very good 21st birthday celebration meal and describes menu. Catches up with family and friends gossip. Mentions letter writing…

Catches up with mail sent and received. Writes of journey to new camp at Laghouat, Algeria, 300 miles south of Algiers after a 15 hour journey by rail and road. Describes locale and that it is on edge of desert. Oasis town surrounded by 43,000 palm…

Catches up with letters cable he has received and discusses problems with mail going missing but suggest that they write as much as possible. He is pleased that they do not have to put stamps on outward mail and it goes through the American consul in…

Notes receipt of recent letter from them but is concerned that they have had no mail from him for five weeks despite that fact he writes two letters week. He is not aware of any problems with the post and said as a result, his letters would have…

Sends greetings on their wedding anniversary, cable to follow. Reports arrival of mail but no parcels, still hoping. Mentions strong wind blowing and that it has been hot for several days. Reports on books read and discusses some content. Relates…

Writes that last two days were red letter for him as he received a cable and three letters from them as well as other mail. He replied to their cable immediately but does not know why his letters are not getting through to them. Mentions that they…

Lists recent letters arrived and pleased that they had dispatch another parcel to him via the Red Cross. Discusses content of their letters praising their faith and courage. Provides considerable discussion about books in general. Mentions running a…
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