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  • Tags: flight engineer

Photo 1 is a head and shoulders portrait od a pilot, annotated 'F/O Bates'.
Photo 2 is a full length portrait of three airmen, annotated 'F/O Bates W/O Jennery (Nav) Sgt Weston (Flt. Eng)'. and 'Feb 45'.

Seven aircrew in various uniform. One wearing Mae West is sitting on a chock in front while the others, three with Mae Wests stand behind. In the background the front of a Lancaster with bomb door open. The aircraft has the letter 'S' on the nose and…

Five Group Newsletter, number 27, October 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about operations, gardening, signals, tactics, air bombing, navigation, this month's bouquets, radar navigation, training, second thoughts…

A landscape group photograph of seven airmen in uniform, standing by, sitting on and resting against something not seen, submitted with caption; 'Arthur Vickers crew 1943. 2nd left rear Bill Elsey, Bomb Aimer. Arthur Vickers right rear.' Huts are…

A head and shoulders portrait photograph of Arthur Vickers, in uniform with an engineer's brevet and sergeant’s stripes, submitted with caption; 'Arthur Vickers 1943,' damaged right and bottom edges.
On the reverse '[H]arriet [w]ith love from…

Internal images of inside the RAF Lancaster, captioned 'Last time in a Lancaster was on Thursday 20th. March 1947 flying back to Ein Shemer from Malta Now inside a Lancaster some 67 and a half years later.'

Photo 1 - the cockpit, annotated 'Pilot…

Item 1 - rear/side view of a Lancaster (JI-N), captioned 'RAF Bottisford [sic] conversion unit to Lancasters Len Thatcher joins our crew as Flight Engineer We have a change of tail gunner'.
Item 2 - an airman sitting on a farming machine.
Item 3 -…

Item 1 is a note annotated 'RAF Peplow Joining crew except flight engineer Training as crews on Wellingtons'.
Item 2 - a large group of airmen and ground crew arranged on and around a Lancaster marked PB529.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…

A group of seven airmen sitting on top of a Lancaster, JI-N, PB142. One man is sitting on the mid-upper turret. Underneath is 'Rosebud'.

From the left the crew is: wireless operator / air gunner Sergeant Denis Carlos Bradbury 198880 (1811449), mid…

Seven airmen in two rows at the rear of a Lancaster, JI-N'. Four are identified with annotations - 'Len Thatcher, Hank Snow, Denis Bradbury, Woody Freamo'.

Seven airmen in flying gear at the rear of a 514 Squadron Lancaster.

From left to right, back: Gorton Craig 'Gort' Angus; Donald G. 'Don' Thompson; Henry Charles 'Hank' Snow; Roy A. Moran; Leonard James 'Len' Thatcher.
Front: Bernard Ellwood…

Five Group Newsletter, number 26, September 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about operations, gardening, war effort, tactics, signals, air bombing, navigation, radar navigation, engineering, air sea rescue,…

Cloth Sergeant stripes awarded to Peter Webb.

Issued to Peter Webb covering his service from November 1943 to March 1947.

A notebook used by Peter Webb to record lecture notes regarding engine systems, instruments and electrics.

Peter Webb's log for a cross country flight of 1200 miles. Aircraft was Halifax 'RV-C'.

Peter Webb's log for a cross country flight of 856 miles. Aircraft was Halifax 'RV-J'.

Notes made related to electrical systems.

A document to be used by the Flight Engineer covering drills for use of fuel tanks, Lancaster Mk I and III drills for pre-starting and starting, taxying, take-off, landing, engine stopping, propeller feathering and unfeathering drill, drill for fire…

Flying Log Book covering the period from 19 August 1944 to 20 March 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. Peter Webb, flight engineer, was stationed at RAF St Athan, RAF Topcliffe and RAF Leeming. Aircraft flown in: Halifax and…

Seven airmen in two rows.
Back row, left to right: Frank Benger, mid-upper gunner; Jim Neal, flight engineer; Jack Pollard, wireless operator; Arthur Long, navigator. Front, left to right: Alec Bishop, rear gunner; Harry Tweed, pilot; Alan Johns,…

Harry standing on a seaside promenade. He is in uniform and holding a scroll or perhaps a stick of rock and wearing his engineer's brevet.

Six airmen photographed at the tail of a white painted bomber with twin machine guns mounted in the rear turret. Five are standing, one is seated on the grass. Harry Fearns is in the middle at the back.
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