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  • Tags: military service conditions

Writes that he had been so busy he had little time to write letters and catch up with all his mail. Asks after Bill's work and comments on petrol rationing in Canada. Mentions although it was expensive to travel by train but he was seeing plenty of…

Writes about the issue of the 1939-45 star which he and his crew had received. Relates that he had to bale out after his aircraft had been in collision with a Halifax. mentions damage received and describes crew abandoning the aircraft. Goes on to…

Writes that he is fit and well after having done six operations and describes some of them. Mentions their usual bomb load. Relates that a fighter had attacked a Halifax just behind them. Mentions eating eggs and bacon before and after operations.…

Writes about operations to Hanover and Mannheim. Describes fires after attacks, poor German defences and German fighter attacks. Offers some sympathy to Germans on the ground and describes a fighter attacking them. Describes their first trip to…

Printed form filled out for Wakefield H E of 1332 HCU Riccall, that he did not have any restricted or classified documents, gifts, arms or articles taken from enemy in the field.

Writes about his boxing match and playing rugby. Mentions weather, low temperatures and recent snow blizzard. Expresses that he is not impressed with Canada and has little news to report. Catches up with home news and reports that he is getting on…

Writes of arriving at new camp where they were forming a new squadron. Notes that three others who trained with him in Canada had also arrived. Mentions dispersed nature of camp and distances he had to walk to facilities and other sections. Says he…

Writes that he has settled in and has a bike and uses it to to get around and go to local village for dances and local pub. Mentions that they now have three Lancasters. Says he had gotten over a bad throat. Catches up with gossip and mentions…

Top - Two men wearing life jackets by railings on deck of a ship. Captioned 'Mid Atlantic'.
Bottom - view up at the side of a passenger ship. Captioned 'H M T S Strathedan [sic]'.

Top left - view in poor visibility of a man on skis. Captioned 'Jock skiing'.
Top right - four airmen, one seated at table wearing tunic and three standing behind wearing overalls. Captioned 'Instrument section'.
Bottom left - two airmen wearing…

Top - two men wearing overalls standing by a work bench with shelves on wall behind. Captioned 'Ralph and "Lank"'.
Bottom - man wearing overalls working on item on workbench. Door and shelves in background. Captioned 'Lank'.

Top left - two airmen, one sitting at desk working on papers and the other standing behind him. Window on the right. Captioned 'Ginger Newlands and Jock Mitchell, M.T. section Penhold'.
Top right - a man crouching in a doorway surrounded by three…

RAF form 295 used for spells of leave or as a temporary pass. Uncompleted.

Roy sitting in his turret. On the reverse 'Roy in his turret'.

View from inside aircraft of an airman in the left hand pilot's seat. Submitted with caption 'PDW Austor Mallala Jul 43'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Tail Gunner in turret, A.Stone.'

View from cockpit into bomb aimers station with part of pilots seat and throttles at top and bombsight in nose. On the reverse '1944, Holme on Spalding Moor, 76 Squadron, Halifax 3 and Mk 14 Bombsight'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…

Jan Stangrycuik (Black) was born and raised in Poland. When he was a teenager, his family emigrated to Argentina for a better life. When the British Embassy called for volunteers to join the war effort, Jan answered the call and sailed, with 700…

After a challenging time being sent from country to country, Zosia Kowalska finally came to England and became a WAAF. After training, she was posted to RAF Locking where she met her future husband whilst she was working as a cook. The wedding was…

An airman at his station on board an aircraft. On the reverse 'SG Marshall (Eng)'.

Three airmen standing in line two holding mugs, two wearing flying suits and Mae Wests, the other tunic and flying jacket. In the background other airmen, NAAFI truck and hangar.

Six airmen sitting in a group on an airfield with bi-plane aircraft and tented hangars in the background. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img400'.

The four airmen are standing outside a tent with a sign saying 'Air Movements'. On their left is a larger sign with 'Baggage Instructions' and much instructions. On the reverse 'The boys again. Reg - Ted - Self - Vic No 60 PTC Tengah Singapore…

The sergeant is standing at his post behind the pilot in the cockpit of a bomber. On the reverse 'SG Marshall'.

An airman at the nose of a Lancaster, at night. A light is shining from the bomb aimer's position.
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