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  • Tags: military service conditions

Writes that he is about to join a Pathfinder squadron despite trying to get on Mosquito, but does not know where yet. Carries on to write of the great difficulty of getting onto a Mosquito squadron. Recommends that if Rosser get posted to main force…

Mentions lucky trip to Cologne and subsequent DFC. Mentions seeing Rosser in a bus queue in Oxford but missed meeting up. Writes a little about his operation to Cologne (flown as an Operational Training Unit crew) where he was engaged by fighter…

Catches up with news after recent meeting and thanks him for posting on letters. Writes about cost of sending his bicycle by train and explains why it is essential in his current location. Catches up with gossip and his activities and flying.…

Writes complaining about his current location goes on with gossip about various people there. Mentions he had done nothing recently and continues to complain about his situation. Envelope is covered with handwritten flying hours calculations.

Writes complaining about the state of the war. Mentions casualties and their effect on him and others. Describes the crash that killed Sergeant Ian Hay (748459). Comments on incorrect news about himself but he was obviously still alive.

Writes that he had received news of Rosser and letter was attempt relieve browned off feelings. Comments that his course would shortly be over and he could leave that awful place and hopes he could join Rosser at his Operational Training Unit Tells…

Relates history of his recent postings and that he was happy at Morpeth as it was near his home and girlfriend even though he would have liked to joined Rosser. Asks how things are with him. Mentions he has leave coming and describes some of his…

Writes that he has been very busy and asks how Rosser is getting on. Comments on girl friends/partners. Mentions how he was on standby for 1000 raids but was not called for which he though was just as well as two of his friends were lost (Cologne and…

Apologises for taking so long to write and asks how things are with Vic. Mentions possible future meetings. Complains about his job and reminisces for old days and comments on returning to ops.

Writes just to let him know he is still in circulation and has little news. Writes about his 'staying in camp business' and how fit he feels as a result. Reminisces over past events and mentions his Flying Officer had come through. Says he is trying…

Writes from RAF El Ballah, Egypt. Mentions letter had been finally been received from Vic. Catches up with news. Envious that Rosser was going back to old job and wished he could have the opportunity to fly with him. Describes a little of life in…

From RAF Coningsby concerning 617 squadron working parades. Concludes with discussion on extensions to airmens' passes.

Reply to a request from Cheshire that 4 Group provide crew. Not possible at present due to heavy commitments and new squadrons forming.

Notes that Cheshire relinquished acting group captain rank on 25 October 1943 but continued to get paid for that rank until 30 November 1943. This resulted in over payment of £25 5s 8d. Goes on to discuss recovery of the money.

Explains why he had not written and complains about his current location and course. Expects to be there for another 10 weeks before being sent to a station to act as a wireless operator. Mentions many people on aircrew courses and adds a little…

Writes that he arrived at an awful place after long journey of 14 hours. Mentions making enquiries about a transfer but not holding out much hope. States that he is instructing on wireless and describes activities and thinks he might be able to do…

Writes that it would probably better for him to stay where he was which he was now enjoying. He says was likely to remain there for the duration and the situation was generally good with plenty of leave and good trains. Catches up with news of…

Asks after Lewis's Christmas and writes about his own activities over the holiday. Continues with banter and gossip.

Asks how his course was going and writes that he though Lewis was a dammed fool for sticking his neck out and that he was happy in his comfortable job. Mentions the station might close down and speculates on the future and hope for posting to…

Gives excuses for delay in replying to letters and writes that he was unable to arrange leave as he wanted. Mentions travel planes and possible meeting. Catches up with gossip.

Writes about not receiving mail and possible reasons. Discusses upcoming leave and possibility of Lewis arranging leave at the same time. Catches up with gossip.

Castigates him over some unstated matter. Refers to previous letters and discusses problems with arranging leave and plans for possible meeting.

Thanks him for letter but says he had little new news. Details his leave plans and asks if Lewis can arrange his to match.

Writes that his leave had been changed and he was unable to give him any new dates.

Letter to brother Henry, Lil and Barbara from 75 Air School in South Africa from Arthur Wright. He describes sailing to Durban. He is impressed with the food, the city and the people. Then a 23 hour train journey to the camp. He discusses his social…
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