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  • Tags: Lancaster

Top - now reveals that the operation for which Robert Palmer was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross involved his use of highly secret "Oboe" which meant he had to fly straight and level while being engaged by enemy fighters and anti-aircraft…

Three newspaper cuttings with varying accounts of background and actions of Robert Palmer leading to award of Victoria Cross. Note that he was missing after this operation which was his 111th operational flight. Headlines - Daily Mail the shy V.C.…

Top left - shy but tough V.C. air ace picked for hardest jobs. Gives account of his 110th bombing operation leading a formation of Lancasters on daylight operation to Cologne from which he failed to return and actions resulted in award of VC. Top…

Top - Royal Air Force 23rd V.C. Announces award of Victoria Cross to Act Sqn Ldr Robert Antony Maurice Palmer 109 Squadron (missing). Quotes from citation for award with account of operation to Cologne and some service background. Bottom left - pals…

States that Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer previously winner of DFC and became Kent's sixth V.C of that war. Gives some personal and operational background and gives account of operation to Cologne which resulted in award of…

Gives account of action of Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer, 109 Squadron leading to award of Victoria Cross. Aircraft seen spiralling down in flames after attack on Cologne.

Sub headlines - great act of heroism and some remarkable tributes. States that Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer had been awarded the Victoria Cross after a hazardous daylight operation over Cologne. Quotes telegram from Sir Arthur…

The seven crew members are lined up wearing Mae Wests and two with parachute harness in front of port inner of a Lancaster, parked on a hardstanding, chocked with bomb doors open. On the reverse two inscriptions, '53.27', '"Jackie." P73603.'. The…

Lancaster with white colour scheme parked on a hard standing. Other Lancasters in the background.

Gives some family and local background as well as account of actions during operation to Cologne during which his aircraft was shot down and resulted in award of Victoria Cross. Includes b/w portrait photograph.

Gives operational history and descriptions of actions on operation to Cologne in December 1944 where he showed conspicuous bravery. He had a record of prolonged and heroic endeavour which was beyond praise.

Article in the Aeroplane magazine March 30 1945 issue. Describes actions of Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer D.F.C and Bar, 109 Squadron during an operation to Cologne marshalling yards. Also give other details of his service…

Target photograph for an operation to Kiel. It shows light trails and smoke, including multiple Flax bursts but no ground detail. It is annotated '5B' and captioned:
'2493. TUD. 9/10-4-45. //NT. (C). 7". 19,000'. 081 º 2243. KEIL. F.
1HC4000IN. 8…

Target photograph for an operation to Dortmund - Hansa. An area of glare occupies the lower part of the image and there is another down the left side. The rest is in darkness and n ground detail is visible. The photograph is annotated '6' and…

Target photograph of an operation to Neuss. Only a large area of glare, roughly in the middle, is visible. It is annotated '5B' and captioned:
'1787 MEP 23/24.9.44//NT 8" 19,000 ← 055 º 2127
NEUSS. H1. 11 x 1000. 4 x 500. 31 SECS. F/S…

Target photograph taken on an operation to Duisberg. Left hand side is obscured by smoke or cloud and several bomb explosions can be seen. The Rhine river runs across the image, just below half height and there is built up area towards top of…

Target photograph. Fields and several minor roads visible. Much of the image is dotted with smoke from bomb bursts or Anti-aircraft fire and glare obscures right hand side. A Lancaster can be seen flying below. Annotated '3B' and captioned '1750 MEP…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for F Williamson, air gunner. Covering the period from 27 December 1942 to 27 June 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Morpeth, RAF Cottesmore, RAF Fulbeck,…

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for E D Keen, flight engineer, covering the period from 30 July 1943 to 18 May 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF…

A newspaper article about the attack on Kassel. It is annotated 'No 16 22/10/43'.

A newspaper article about an attack on Munich. It is annotated 'No 14 2/10/43'.

A newspaper article about attacks on Mannheim-Ludwigshaven. It is annotated 'No 11 23/4/9/43'.

A newspaper article describing an attack on Hanover. It is annotated 'No 10 22/3 9/43'.

A newspaper article describing an attack on Nuremberg. It is annotated 'No 9 27/8 1943'.
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