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  • Tags: firefighting

Joan Watson went to Bracebridge School and then worked at Ruddock’s of Lincoln as a printer. Joan discusses evacuees, the bombing war, home font (local men doing fire watching at work), and social life in wartime: dancing, cinema and gatherings.…

Marina Zucco recalls wartime memories in Monfalcone: how her father rented a flat conveniently located above a shelter, in which they remained for hours eating food they had brought from home; the day the ‘all clear’ sounded immediately before a…

Peter Swallow was born in Sheffield in 1929, one of three children. He recalls hearing Mr Chamberlain’s declaration of war broadcast as a schoolchild. His father, a plumber, volunteered as a member of the Local Defence Volunteers, eventually…

Rob Carter was born in the village of Scampton and reminisces about his life on the land before the war. He recounts the foundation of RAF Dunholme Lodge, which his house overlooked. During the war, he served in the Auxiliary Fire Service. He was…

During the war Sheena lived in Cottingham, a village close to Hull. She lived with her mother and father (who was a fire watcher). He fought in the Far East during the first world war. She had two elder brothers, one in the Navy and one in the Royal…

Sue Jones was born in Manchester. When the mill where she worked closed at the beginning of the war, she went to work for Avro. She worked on Ansons, Manchesters and then Lancasters. She describes the camaraderie on the factory floor. She also found…

Sybil was born in Bracebridge near Lincoln, she went to Bracebridge School then left at fourteen to work first at a Co-op store and then at and electric shop. Sybil talks about civilian life in wartime, her family working at Foster Quinns, fire…

Johanna Burghardt's account of the events at Oberste Gasse 10.

Mrs Käthe Sch's account of the events at Luisenstraße 2, Old Barracks (north wing), Railway Bunker, Bismarckstraße. Included is a statement by her son, Harry.

Police Sergeant Karl E's account of the events at Police Station no 4 (Reuterstraße 12) and Moltke-straße 8.

Karl Heinz K's account of the events at Müllergasse 2.

Karl Kniese's account of the events at Wolfhager Straße 11, train station in the lower town.

Karl Nolde's account of the events at Losse power station.

Karl Sch's account of the events at Riedwiesensiedlung, Am Hutekamp nos. 6, 7, 9, 11, Am Hohen Rod.

Karoline K's account of the events at Obere Karlstraße 17 (Bürgersäle).

Kitty Michel's account of the events at Platz der SA (Housing Inspectorate), old Lutheran church am Graben.

Johannes Leimbach's account of the events at Zeughausstraße 10, Wildemannsgasse 19 'Pinne'.

From Mildred H Grundy writes pleased to receive his letter and notes that it was a long time in transit. Writes of her activities including fire watching and her job. Writes of putting clocks back and having to go to bed earlier. mentions Queen's…

Asks whether he would like her to send razor and to mention that he would like his post office savings book to be returned to her as she need his written authority for this. Asks whether he would be prepared to make a rug if she sends him materials.…

She writes whilst she is on fire watching duty. She says that their daughter Frances went to tea on her own and that she has finished her diptheria immunisation. She writes that she and some friends went to tea and that she has been practising…

Writes about sending him socks and other items as well as about the activities of daughter Frances. Mentions she has been appointed fire-fighting group leader and been asked to do some secretarial work. Continues writing of fruit bottling, jam making…

Ludwig B's account of the events at Wolfhager Straße 176 (rescue centre), Hohentor-straße 19.

A card authorising Malcolm Staves to take part in Civil Defence Fire fighting.
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