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  • Tags: pilot

Seven aircrew and two groundcrew, all wearing battledress and side caps, three squatting and six standing, all in front of a Lancaster. Pilot is third from left back row. Submitted with caption 'crew 3' and information 'Crew 3 as crew 2 but with…

Seven airmen all wearing battledress with brevet standing in line in front of a Lancaster. Pilot is third from the left. Submitted with caption 'crew 2' and information 'Crew 2 l to r: Len Stevens FE, Harry Wilson W/Op, dad, Bob Lillico RG, Harry…

Seven airmen, all wearing battledress with brevet, three squatting in front and four standing behind. Submitted with captions 'crew 1a' and 'Crew1a taken in early April 1945 at Balderton'.

37 airmen arranged in four rows in front of a hangar.
On the reverse ' "C" Flight RAF Station Greenwood Nova Scotia No 36 OTU Hudson III
Back Row Pilots RCAF
2nd Row Standing Observers RAF
3rd Row Seated Air Gunners RCAF
Front Row Kneeling…

Gives list of unit postings, mustering and promotions.

A newspaper article about Ron after he was shot down over France. A second cutting has a brief note about Ron returning home after being missing in France.
[The details in the article are incorrect. His aircraft was a Wellington, it was shot down on…

Ron sitting on the pilot's seat and turned to smile at the camera.

Two photographs from an album.
#1 is a half length portrait of an airman in flying kit inside an aircraft.
#2 is a pilot in his seat in an Anson. It is stamped Mar 1942.

Two photographs of Ron in pilot's kit.
#1 he is standing wearing a Sidcotsuit and flying boots holding a case and a parachute
#2 he is climbing out of an aircraft.

Two photograph from an album.
#1 is a pilot at the controls of an aircraft.
#2 is four airmen leaning against a wooden railway building. Above is a sign for Priceville.

A head and shoulders portrait of Frank, with a Royal Australian shoulder tag. It is captioned 'Pilot Officer Mouritz, London 1944'.

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A partial Royal Australian Air Force Flying log book for F A Mouritz. Covers (with gaps) the period from 27 September 1944 to 18 April 1945. He was stationed at RAF Skellingthorpe with 61 Squadron flying Lancasters. The log book details eight night…

Two photographs of Wolfgang Thimmig.
#1 A half length portrait of Wolfgang, captioned 'Wolfgang Thimmig 1936'. He was the pilot that shot down Paul's Stirling in 1943.
#2 is a full length image of Wolfgang.

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Geoffrey Robinson's recollection of an operation to bomb Bonn in December 1944.

A memoir about being attacked during an operation.

20 airmen arranged in four rows. Behind is a biplane. The front row are holding pith helmets. Oliver has a small cross on his left shoulder. On the reverse 'A Flight 8(B) Squadron February 1937 right hand side of rear row'.

Flying log book for Oliver Bell covering the period from 18th January 1935 to 30th September 1938. He was at RAF Cranwell and then posted to Aden and the Middle East with 12(B) and 8(B) Squadrons. Aircraft flown were Hart, Vincent and Wellesley.

Notes kept in a small booklet. Some pages record flights.

Step by step instructions for handling a Wellington.

A licence issued to John in 1939 allowing him to fly land planes.

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J.S. Hitchcock’s RAF Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 5 December 1941 to 1 November 1945 detailing training and operations as a pilot and flying instructor. He was stationed at RAF Upavon (Central Flying School), RAF Little Rissington (No. 6 Flying…

J.S. Hitchcock’s RAF Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 25 April 1941 to 28 June 1941, detailing flights as a Transport Command pilot based in Egypt. Very short logbook, includes a summary record of service from 4/12/37 onwards. The last entry reads:…
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