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Vertical aerial target photograph of Trento. The image shows open countryside but most ground details are obscurred by cloud or smoke. Some roads and buildings are visible.
The photograph is captioned:
2789 104/86 2/3 APR 45. F8 N.T.//9.500'…

Two poor quality copies of target photographs. The left image has no discernible detail and is captioned:
2789 104/86 2/3 APR 45. F8 N.T.//9.500' →[redacted] TRENTO.
E. 2x1000. 10x500 MkIII 23. F/O WARD. (F/O SCOTT B/A) S.

The right image…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation at Trier. Some industrial buildings can be seen on the left. Details in the central area are obscured by smoke from explosions. The photograph is captioned:'1659 SDL 23.12.44 // 7" 17500…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation at Trier. Much of the detail is obscured by bomb explosions but in the bottom right corner are fields and roads.

It is captioned :
'1654 SDL 23.12.44 // 7" 17000 097 1433 Trier B

Target photograph showing streets on left side with clouds/bomb explosions centre and right side. Captioned 'P4' and '2004, 104/15, 15/16 Oct 44, F8, NT 7000 ft→ 093 degrees, 1931, Trieste M/Y'. Annotated on page 'Q - Queenie, 9x500, 9x250'.

Top - target photograph of a large port city with land to the left side and port with piers bottom right. Bomb explosions top centre. Captioned '2625 104/61, 17 Feb 45, F8, 14200ft→ , 15.16 1/2. E.L. Trieste'.

Bottom - eleven airmen round a…

Target photograph taken on an operation to Trieste of the Zaule area, with the Gaslini works and the railway lines. The roads and field pattern are clearly visible.
The photograph is annotated 'A4' and is captioned:
'1637 FOG. 26/27 JUNE 44 // N.T…

Target photograph of Trossy St Maximin. Red dot left of centre. Three Lancasters flying below. River Oise bottom right. Partially obscured by cloud smoke and dust but bomb explosions, bomb craters roads and field patterns visible. Captioned '3°F',…

Vertical aerial photograph over Trossy St Maximin. The top and bottom sections are largely obscured by cloud and bomb explosions. Two Lancasters are visible, one directly below and one diving away in the bottom left corner of the…

Target photograph of Trossy St Maximin. Majority of photograph obscured by smoke and dust, in area not obscured roads, woods and field boundaries clearly visible. Two Lancasters flying below also visible. Captioned '3°F', '4B', '1681 SKELL.3.8.44.//…

Target photograph of Trossy St Maximin. Partially obscured by cloud, smoke and dust. Runway intersection and many bomb craters clearly visible. Also visible are bomb explosions, roads, woods, field boundaries and a Lancaster flying below. Captioned…

Target photograph of Trossy St Maximin. Both banks of the river Oise visible although partially obscured by smoke or cloud, red dot just right of centre. Very many craters. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '1652 SKELL.3.8.44// 8" 18000' [arrow] 230° 1432…

Target photograph of Trossy St Maximin. Red dot just left and higher than centre. Rural area, river Oise running across photograph, some smoke and dust, many craters. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '1723 SKELL.3.8.44.// 8" 17500' [arrow] 239° 1432…

Target photograph showing snow-covered ground with a river middle left to bottom left. A parachute is visible over the river, and parachute shadows are visible on the open ground to the right. Captioned '2599, 104/58, 14 Feb 45, F8, 1000 ft,→…

Article by Carl Ollson from the Illustrated magazine published on 25 March 1944. The article covers the preparations made by the station staff to prepare the aircraft and equipment for an operation. There is a large photograph of twenty Lancasters in…

Vertical aerial photograph of Udine main aerodrome, taken during bombing operations. No detail is visible on the photograph due to anti-aircraft fire. It is captioned '2483 37/323 17/18 Nov 44. F8"//NT. 7500' -->345° 2059. UDINE MAIN A/D W. 9x500lbs…

Vertical aerial photograph of Udine marshalling yards, centered on Porta Aquileia. The image is clear with the exception of an explosion in the lower right. Detail of the town and roads is visible. Captioned 'A4 2760 40/54 Jan 20 45 F8/NT 8000'…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Ulm. Most of the image is obscured by cloud or explosions. It is annotated '4710 EWS 17/18.12.44//NT 7" 12500 118° 1932½ ULM C 1HC 4000IN 15X4 23SEC F/O MORGAN C 103'.

Vertical aerial photograph of unnamed location. The image is largely clear, only a few lines of tracer are visible with street patterns and buildings clearly visible. At the bottom it is captioned ‘A B (x7) 12 NT. 29/30/4/42 F/8” [arrow]…

Four vertical aerial photographs taken during the bombing of Uzice, numbered 2603, 2604, 2605 and 2606. On 2603 bombs are seen dropping. Bomb explosions obscure part of the image. It is captioned '2603/2604/2605/2606. 37/329 23.Nov.44 F8//10,200'…

A vertical aerial photograph showing a hill, roads and some settlement in a valley. It is captioned '2604. 37/329 23.Nov.44 F8//10,200' --> 1501 A.C. UZICE. Maj BAYFORD Sgt CROUCHER (B/A)'

Target photograph showing railways running top to bottom with marshalling yard centre right. Bomb explosions over yard. A Lancaster is visible bottom left flying to the left. Titled 'Vaires marshalling yard (14 miles east of Paris) 18 July 1944,…

Target photograph for an operation to Valance Aerodrome. A road is visible, running diagonally top to bottom, surrounded by fields. The photograph is annotated 'A4' and captioned:
'1669. FOG. 15/16 AUG 1944. //NT. F8. 9500'. -> 020° 23.38.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation. No detail is visible of the ground, the image is obscured by explosions and light flashes.
It is captioned '1165. Fog.22/23 May 44 // NT 8" 8200 -> 120° 23.26 Valmontone. Rd. D 5 x 500 PO Sgt…
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