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  • Tags: pilot

Names of crew including Harold Wakefield

Top left, annotated 'The crashed Lancaster 29 August 1944';
Centre, a group of seven airmen standing under the fuselage of a Lancaster, wearing Mae Wests, annotated from left 'Jack Crawford, Doug Looms, Dave Cook, Tom Dykins, Bert Jackson, Paul…

Two photographs of eight crew members. Both photographs have the same eight men but in different order. Two of the airmen are cropped and enlarged.

A document with a photograph of the crew, including Hugh Jones, of the Halifax that was lost whilst on an operation on the railway at Somain. Hugh Jones was in hospital and he was replaced by Harry Brown.

Crew posed in two rows in front of plain background. Crew are listed, Back row, Ken Casey (Australian Wireless Operator), Fred McCarten (Air Gunner), Geoff Towers (Air Gunner), George Fairless (Flight Engineer), Front row Mick Miller (Australian Bomb…

Six airmen grouped at the front of a brick entrance. They are named in the caption underneath.
Their aircraft is incorrectly captioned. It was DV217.

A crew list of Lancaster 111, ED531, PO-T, 467 Squadron.
Captioned -
'1, F/O Mitchell RAAF (Pilot)
2 F/O St George RAAF (Nav)
3 Sgt Evans RAFVR (Eng)
4 F/O Morgan RAFVR (B/A)
5 F/Sgt Maher RAAF (Wop)
6 F.Sgt Terry RAAF (A/G)
7 F/Sgt Bolger…

Seven photographs of the crew of ED908. Each man is captioned. A main caption reads 'Crew of Lancaster ED908 (60-Z) lost on 20 July 1944, attacking a V-1 site, Foret du Croc, France'.

A group photograph with each man captioned. A further caption reads 'At around the time the crew joined 156 Squadron'.

Seven photographs of the crew. Each man has his photograph and named captioned. A further caption refers to the loss of the Lancaster at Foret du Croc.

Seven photographs of the crew of Lancaster ED908. Each man is captioned.

Seven photographs of the crew of Lancaster ED908. Each man and his trade are captioned.

Seven photographs of the eight crew of ED908. Each man is identified by name and trade.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Seven photographs of the eight crew of ED908. Each man is identified by name and trade.

Seven photographs of the eight crew of ED908. Each man is identified by name and trade.

Seven photographs of the eight crew of ED908. Each man is identified by name and trade.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Photograph 1 is of Lou Morgan at the controls of the Lancaster, captioned 'Lou Morgan (left)'.
Photograph 2 is of Syd Marshall at his position, captioned 'Myself Syd Marshall F/E'.
Photograph 3 is of Nobby Clark standing by a gate, captioned '…

A handwritten list of the crew of Lancaster PM-C 44-45,
F/O Lou Morgan Pilot
Russ Johnston Nav
Nobby Clark B/A
Ivor Cole Wop
Murray Ward A/G
Jack Round A/G

F/O Breheney Eng Leader
F/L Wymark Gunnery leader
S/L Van Rollagem flight com

Photograph 1 is the crew of Stirling R9143. Five airmen are standing at the rear of the aircraft with the sixth crew member standing at the rear door. On his left is a large exit hole in the fuselage. The airmen are dressed in leather flying jackets…

Seven aircrew, three sitting in front and four standing behind. All are wearing tunic with aircrew beret. In the background curtains at either side. Captioned ‘Len (Navigator) Arthur (Wireless Operator) Mac (Flight Engineer) Don (Bomb…

Seven aircrew wearing tunic with brevet including pilot. Four seated and three standing behind.

First page - photograph of seven airmen wearing battledress with brevet standing in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Lancaster - 138 Squadron, Alf Warren (3rd from the left) mid upper gunner'. Then follows a list of thirty-one operations between 2…

A port side image of a B-24 Mk VI showing the eight crew positions.
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