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  • Tags: military service conditions

Letter mounted over seven album pages with envelope with last page of letter on seventh album page. Next page has four b/w photographs. Letter gives excuses for not having written. Catches up with family news. Explains they could not get off camp…

Comments on recent rheumatism and that she was currently writing while on duty. Continues with news that WAAF watchkeepers were now allowed to fly on cross country flights over the continent. Recently this was done on the quiet. Mentions two routes…

Letter from Keith Dexter to Phyllis Dexter. He writes making arrangements for his leave.

Writes that he hopes communication with the family is working and encourages sister on her future employment opportunities post war. In a separate section talks of life in Canada. Although appears to be written at Moncton the letter was posted in…

Catches up with family and friends and mentions that he is night flying at present.

Catches up with family and mentions that a chill had caused his operational training unit course to be cancelled but he had seen the doctor. Concludes with discussion on how to get Christmas presents.

Short letter as he is packing to move. He includes a ration coupon as he feels guilty about consuming families rations on visit home. Will write again when he gets to new station.

Apologises over unannounced visit home the catches up with family and friend news. Mentions he is exploring local countryside by bicycle and had attended a concert in Stafford. Mentions flying in 'Wimpey' and that crew is well on bail out drill.

Thanks Phyl for parcels and states money sent. Writes about accommodation difficulties for family member. Notes bombs dropped nearby to home. Talks briefly about work at initial training wing and then catches up with family and friends.

Writes and describes flying all day in Anson which was easier to navigate that the Fokker. Mentions 18 degrees of frost lying on the floor getting drift on the bomb sight. Continues to describe his route and other airborne activity.

Writes that he is fed up of having to work seven days a week and no time off for 8 weeks. Mentions having vaccinations and his current activities. Says he has found a reasonable place for meals in the evening but that they had had instructions not to…

Thanks her for letter and postal order but asks her not to send any more money as he had a high rate of pay. Mentions military events of last year and describes Christmas in the desert which was a great success. Wonders when the war would end and…

Describes a typical day in camp including: recovering from a party, dance in the sergeants' mess. Comments on his stage of training and writes of lectures in cold hut. Mentions girlfriend. Attempting to get 48-hour pass without luck. Includes printed…

Writes while on course in Blackpool. Mentions studying for exams and relates how well he did. Comments on cakes she sent and the weather. Asks after family news and asks her to send black tie.

He writes of the lack of flying and the weather.

He writes about night flying, the weather, and his activities on base at RAF Cark.

He writes of a journey through Birmingham and of domestic arrangements.

He writes of training lectures at RAF Fiskerton and of his social activities.

He writes of his flying over Nottingham and activities at RAF Fiskerton.

He writes of the arrangements for his 48 hour leave and the weather.

He writes of the weather and colleagues’ postings and domestic arrangements.

He writes of his duties at RAF Cark and domestic and social arrangements.

He writes of life at RAF Cark, his social activities, arrangements for his leave and his colleagues.
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