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  • Tags: Women’s Auxiliary Air Force

He writes of the social activities at RAF Cark, domestic arrangements and expected timelines for postings.

He is still waiting but is working in the camp post office. He has been on parade in Moncton and walking in the countryside.

He thanks he for his birthday card. He describes his return trip to camp. The next day he had exams which he thinks he passed. They have had no luck getting a new wireless operator. They had a home guard training attack on the base. They had a couple…

He thanks her for two letters and a Christmas card. Christmas dinner was very good, followed by a dance.

He has moved to Blackpool from Manchester. He complains about prices and how mean his landlady is. Jean is about to become a WAAF. He has been to a dance at the Winter Gardens.

They have raised $20000 for the War Loan Victory effort with dances, boxing matches, films and variety shows. They marched through Moncton. He talks about his impressions of Canada.

To Royal Australian Air Force liaison officer at Bomber Command. Writing that Flight Lieutenant D J Shannon desires to continue with operations and does not want to return to Australia. Mentions Shannon's wife is in Royal Air Force serving in same…

Peter Lamprey notes that he is writing while on guard duty at a remote location. He mentions that he has only got his final boards to take and he is waiting for results of his application for night fighters. He writes about increasing numbers of…

Peter Lamprey writes physical and other training and that they are now known as cadets. He mentions Women’s Auxiliary Air Force girls and that he will try and get off camp at the weekend. He catches up with friends, mentions that there a number of…

Peter Lamprey writes about a cracked rib he received playing hockey and being on light duties. He talks a little about his training and that there is six weeks to go on the course. He mentions that some old acquaintances from his basic training have…

Peter Lamprey writes that his hut has been punished for arriving back after hours. He speaks of incidents with members of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force and about his social life and activities available on camp.

Peter Lamprey writes about life in the at Royal Air Force Hixon including Women's Auxiliary Air Force personnel and the terrible camp conditions.

Peter Lamprey writes about life at Royal Air Force Inverness including Physical training which consists of trench digging, and the new ‘WAAFs, ATS and WRENS’ that have arrived and improved his social life.

Terry Ford writes home telling his social and service life. He mentions flights to Rabat, Morocco and Calcutta, India.

Writes that she has been billeted and that she is very disappointed and cut up about him not getting a commission. Hopes that he might be chosen for specialised training on strength of his navigation results and get another chance of a commission.…

Writes it was a shock to her that he was starting operations again so soon and would be interested to know how he was getting on with augmented crew. Comments on good weather, her daily activities and catches up with family news. Comments on possible…

Replies to his previous letter and hope the weather will be good so he can finish his high level bombing training. Encloses latest photograph of daughter Frances and writes of laundry and books. Continues with mention of fire watch schedule and…

Mentions a WAAF lodger and writes about her domestic activities, listening to a talk by Mrs Jean Knox, the Director of the Auxiliary Territorial Service, and about news of American miners’ strike.

Writes of sending bicycle, which she rode to Paddington station to dispatch to Oxford. Records recent expenditure and arrival of 10/6 for billeting a WAAF, Asks about possible accommodation for her and daughter near his current location so she can…

Writes saying she is longing to see him and hopes nothing interferes with his upcoming leave. Mentions doctor visit to see daughter who has heavy cold. Catches up with family news and mentions that billeted WAAF has returned. Comments on Japanese and…

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Letter from Wing Commander H W Hall of 930 Squadron [sic] to the commanding officer of 'A' Flight. The letter thanks the special Women's Auxiliary Air Force crew for their patience and skill during filming.

Judy has just heard that Ted is a prisoner of war. She tells her news from her new station.

From David's brother thanking him for birthday telegram and relating current activities. Catches up with family news. Tells an amusing story about two Women's Auxiliary Air Force members.

Three-page handwritten letter from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry writes about life in the RAF at his station in Yorkshire including observers being posted to Scotland, training and his social life in Doncaster.
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