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  • Tags: Red Cross

They advise her not to correspond to her husband until it is established whether he is a prisoner of war.

Letter from Jim Cahir to Paddy Cahir in Australia telling him not to worry, he is quite well.

Writes of her recent activities with daughter Frances and friends. Mentions that she has heard that food parcels from the United States have been stopped. Writes of contacting Red Cross education books section and news of friends. Continues with…

Writes about sending him socks and other items as well as about the activities of daughter Frances. Mentions she has been appointed fire-fighting group leader and been asked to do some secretarial work. Continues writing of fruit bottling, jam making…

Writes about domestic activities and visit from the vicar. Mentions that monthly copy of prisoner of war official Red Cross Journal had arrived and wonders about accuracy of some statements about food. Continues with more domestic chat and about…

Writes telling him she went to the West End to have her hair cut and she tells him of the shopping she bought for their home. She talks of a meeting, organised by the Red Cross for the next – of - kin of prisoners of war. Plus other news from home…

Reports receiving postcard he sent in January an glad he got new boots from Red Cross and discusses whether she should send more parcels or not. Laments over time missed while he has been a prisoner despite fact he is learning violin and Dutch.…

Writes of letters received and contents of parcel sent and intended for future based in his lists of requirements. Writes about his violin lessons and comments that prisoner of war monthly journal mentioned his camp had a dance band and symphony…

Writes about daughter Frances being 18 months old, has no sign of measles and her putting squash ball in the oven where it melted. Continues with family news and description of her recent activities. Mentions that Red Cross is sending medicines and…

Writes of her activities and domestic matters including making chutney and marmalade as well as going to Red Cross meeting to receive mementos her for work done on penny a week club. Continues with description of church service arranged for next of…

Writes about his sister's upcoming wedding and getting an enlargement of his photograph from Red Cross headquarters. Continues with news of her and daughters activities along with other gossip. Continues with news of progress collecting for prisoner…

She writes about attending an ambulance station bazaar which Dame Myra Hess formally opened; going to hear a speech by Sir Walter Monkton about prisoners of war; selling flags on Flag day for London; daily/social activities and her factory work.

Reports arrival of two letters from him and mentions she is anxious to hear his views on size and cost of new house. Says she should be able to proceed with looking after parents arrive home and discusses possible locations and high cost of buying…

Writes that she has heard he has been moved to another camp but no official notification. Continues with family and local news and mentions daughter mistaking grandfather for him.

Still unsure if he has moved, not according to Red Cross so still addressing letters to previous camp. Says she is enclosing colour photographs. Mentions gathering of both sets of their parents and other family news. Writes of completing a knitted…

She writes of her containing house hunt and that she went to Exeter to look at houses with her father and of the difficulty in finding one for her and John. She also writes about the garden, her job and her Current Affairs Club where the speaker was…

She writes long account of about her efforts with house hunting in Hatfield Herford, Ashdown Forrest, Essex and possible financial solutions to buy. Mentions going to Epping Forest to visit Sir Hubert and Lady Llewellyn Smith.

Describes packing up all belongings and arranging for furniture and other belongings to go into store. Mentions donating blood at Red Cross, doing her last shift at work and wrapping up other matters. Still awaiting news about her possible house…

Reports arrival of letter and postcard posted in September and news that next of kin parcels had stared again but she had not got anything ready. Intends to post before she leaves for holiday in Devon and hopes Red Cross hurries with things she has…

Writes that she is sending off clothing parcel and lists contents. Mentions that she now has updated map of prisoner of war camps from red cross and has a better idea of where he is now. Reports she is leaving for holiday in Devon the next day and…

Writes of making acquaintances in local area and of social activities. Mentions visitors, how adventurous their daughter is and of her latest activities. Writes that she now has some white hairs and disparages her getting older. Catches up with news…

Writes catching up with news of family and friends and progress of daughter Frances. Mentions taking over Red Cross penny-a-week fund and other activities. Continues with more news of family and friends and that she is longing to receive her first…

Writes about sending postcard and parcel (with list of contents) and rules about contents. Continues with intricacies of sending parcels through Red Cross. Mentions her and their daughter's activities and visit of padre and trying to get addresses of…

Reports arrival of his letter and postcard from previous November and comments on his description his fellows and camp conditions. Mentions his violin practice, that she is sending music and strings as well as asking Red Cross to send medicine.…

Reports arrival of heavily censored letter posted in November and commiserates over missing parcel. Catches up with news of acquaintances and hopes that a new violin from the Red Cross will arrive soon. Mentions that his mail is really slow, she now…
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