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  • Tags: pilot

George wearing Sidcot suit, flying boots and gloves. He is holding his flying helmet with goggles around his neck. On the reverse 'Flt/Lt GAJ Frazer-Hollins DFC 101 Squadron Ludford Magna'.

Eight man crew with pilot. George, standing third left, standing in front of a Nissen hut. On the reverse 'Flt/Lt Frazer-Hollins and crew at Ludforf Magna about September 1943'.

The front of a Halifax with an annotated note stating 'Halifax Bomber. Macnamara the 1st with Paddy Murray, the skipper, at the controls'.

Two women are sitting on a bed and the other two are standing behind.

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A head and shoulders portrait of Squadron Leader Abbott. On the reverse is 'Whiskers? to be or not to be? JD Bennet Bradford 65516'.

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Two identical images of Five airmen, the middle one holding a dog.
On the first the second from the left is annotated 'Rodney Coker', the third (holding the dog) is annotated 'Pete (cheers all the best) Tunstall' and the fifth is annotated 'Jim…

Five men and two WAAFs outside an RAF building. R E Abbott is second from the left.

The first of three chapters of Bill's wartime service.
There is a second copy with handwritten edits.

Five airmen seated round a table.

From top left,
A group of 13 uniformed airmen arranged in two rows outside an open window in a tile fronted building. Seven standing all with half caps and six seated in front, including two officers. The individuals are annotated, from the top…

Top row, from left;
A group of 13 uniformed airmen arranged in two rows outside an open window in a tile fronted building. Seven are standing all with half caps with six seated in front, including two officers. The individuals are annotated, from…

Top left, annotated 'The crashed Lancaster 29 August 1944';
Centre, a group of seven airmen standing under the fuselage of a Lancaster, wearing Mae Wests, annotated from left 'Jack Crawford, Doug Looms, Dave Cook, Tom Dykins, Bert Jackson, Paul…

The three men are sitting at around table with wine and a wine cooler.
On the reverse ' "An Evening in the Taverna" Pallazo Cristalla Cortina Italy'.

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Four men standing on the pavement at the side of the road in front of the 'Voisin' hangar. On the reverse 'F/O Chris Taylor F/O Stan Edwards Ft/Lt "Willy"Williams Ft/Lt Me'.

The two men are looking out of a curtained window.

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PSmithRW23020006 copy.jpg
47 airmen and naval officers arranged in four rows outside the hotel. They are a mixture of pilots and other airmen from both forces.

PSmithRW23020015 copy.jpg
A pilot at the controls of his aircraft.

A group of airmen discussing a successful minelaying operation. Several are still wearing their flying kit. One WAAF is at the back.
On the reverse 'CH 12689 and A Dirkin'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form.…

A head and shoulders portrait of Theo wearing his pilot wings.
His name has been written on the reverse.

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20 airmen arranged in two rows.
On the reverse it indicates that Theo Lumb is 4th from left in the back row.

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