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  • Tags: pilot

On the left, two officers both wearing tunics with brevet and peaked caps, man on left is pilot. On the right four women. In the background an man standing and others seen through windows. Submitted with caption 'Dad unknown family'.

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A pilot and Alexander Lamb seated in a cockpit.
A second copy of the image is annotated 'Local Flying 45 myself & Skipper'.

Two pilots in the cockpit of a Stirling. They have half-turned to face the camera.

Half length image of two airmen both wearing greatcoats and side caps. The man on the left has pilot officer rank, the man on the right sergeants rank and a medal on his coat. In the background a Wellington. On the reverse 'Granddad (right) with…

Pilot Bob Halewood (right) and man named Mark standing in front of a laden bomb trolley with aircraft behind. Bob is wearing a non regulation scarf about his neck. Annotated on the reverse 'Bob Halewood (right) Mark (left)'; 'Bob Halewood + Mark'.…

Two airmen in khaki and shorts standing in the sunshine. The man on the right has pilot wings.

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Two airmen standing by a brick building.

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Two airmen sitting on bikes in front of a corrugated lined hut.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

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Two men standing by the port main landing gear of a Lancaster parked on hardstanding. Has letter 'F' on front fuselage. On the reverse 'L Frederick David Jones DFC, R Leslie Alfred Davies, note on engine, NF918 crossed out/SW264'.

Two airman wearing tunics with sergeants rank and on the right with pilot's brevet kneeling and squatting either side of a young boy and girl toddler. In the background a baby's playpen.

A detailed memoir of the operation to Mailly-le-Camp when Lancaster JB314 crashed, killing all eight crew on board. It includes a detailed description by Michel, a teacher at Courboin. The remains of the airmen are collected and buried with ceremony.…

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is nine airmen at the front of a B-24 'O', captioned 'Hastie & Crew Oulton 1944'.
Photo 2 is three airmen captioned 'Lawrence - self Oulton 1944'.
Photo 3 is a side view of a B-24 captioned 'Liberator O…

On the left a man wearing civilian jacket and trousers sitting on a chair leant back on the wall of a wooden hut reading. On the right and officer wearing uniform tunic with pilot's brevet and a side cap looks down at the seated man. Captioned 'tony…

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Two part interview with Bob Panton.

Part 1. Bob Panton was a child during the war. One day as his father was coming towards their house Bob saw three Dornier 17 come into view. Then out of the sun came six Spitfires and a battle started in front…

Left - two airmen both wearing tunics with sergeant rank and pilot's brevet sitting on steps either side of a naval rating. Captioned 'Don and friends at Leuchars'.
Right - a toddler standing leaning with hands against wall. Captioned 'Don's little…

Left two airmen wearing tunics with pilots brevet standing either side of a man holding a baby. In the background a fence and trees. Captioned 'George, Mac and Don with Jennifer at 15 months'.
Right - a servicemen in shirtsleeves. in the background…

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Top - seven aircrew wearing flying helmets and Mae West, three squatting in front, four standing behind under the wing of a bomber aircraft. Captioned 'The crew under a Halifax wing'.
Middle a note giving names of crew 'L to R standing, Jim Jackson,…

Two pilots wearing flying suits and helmets, one with parachute, both standing on an airfield, one looking up. In the background a hangar. Three versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img189' and the third 'img388'.

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Full length image of two pilots wearing battledress standing in a field with trees in the background. Note on page 'Sgt Wayne Elliott, Brownsville, Indiana, U.S.A'.

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Two pilots wearing tunics standing with hands in pockets by a wooden chair in a garden with brick wall in the background. Submitted with caption 'Don Cameron on the left'.

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Two pilots wearing battledress with pilot's brevet standing in front of a brick building with and open window to the left. Both have hands in pockets and the pilot on the right has medal ribbon.

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Two airmen wearing tunics with Polish pilot's brevet sitting on a soda and a female in uniform tunic sitting on the knee of airman on the left. Both airman are holding a pint beer glasses.

Two pilots and an army officer having a drink. On the reverse 'Just a Celebration! Another Victory Roll'.

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The three men have drinks in their hands.

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Three airmen standing on an airfield. Two are pilots and one has an Observers brevet.
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