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  • Tags: home front

Pat Harrison was born in Lincoln and was the only girl of four children. Her father joined the Royal Air Force after serving as an air raid warden. Pat remembers the arrival of evacuees in Lincoln and also recalls occasions when bombing resulted in…

Letter to Ken from his wife while he was still in Canada, but about to return to England. She thanks him for a parcel and says that she is looking forward to him coming home.

Writes about stories of damage to Hull in bombing related by him and other acquaintances. Enquires about other people and relates some family news. Mentions that things are not comfy at her location due to bombing but she wished to stay with her…

A letter sent to George Shephard Johns' parents concerning the government evacuation scheme. The Municipal offices ask George's parents for a contribution for an allowance.

Flight Sergeant Frank Waters is reunited with his wife Kathleen at a secret location on 21 March 1945 after he had been released from prisoner of war camp by advancing Russian forces. Recently married, Kathleen Waters had been lodging with the Carter…

John Smith grew up near Corby, surrounded by aerodromes, so was used to the sight of aircraft. He observed Lancaster aircraft practising for the Dambusters raid over Eye Brook Reservoir. He also witnessed glider practice and was impressed by the…

Gerda Gentner (b. 1934) recalls the first bombing of Dresden on 7 October 1944. Gerda describes how she unsuccessfully tried to persuade a young boy to take shelter with her in the basement and reminisces her feeling when she knew that he had died…

Agnes Stocker (b. 1932) recounts her evacuation from her hometown and the journey to Ueckermünde. Agnes tells how she get separated from her sister, her brother and her cousin (who followed the road to Swinemünde), while she, her mother and her…

Eva Brossmer (b. 1925) remembers the incessant bombing of Berlin by the Allied and explains how she and her mother fled to Südharz trying to avoid the advancing Russians. Explains how German broadcasts did not mention their advance and how she heard…

Gisela Schäfer (b. 1929) remembers her youth in Eberbach as schoolgirl. Stressed how unlucky she was, having experienced all major bombings in the area. Remembers spending her school holidays as farmhand and emphasises how it was physically…

Irmgard Schulz (b. 1935) describes how the harbour of Hamburg was a recurring target during the war. Mentions the use of target indicators and radar countermeasures. Explains how she was been told not to pick up anything, for fear it could be…

Thanks him for last letter and describes a daylight German attack near his office. Two bombs dropped nearby but did not explode and were dealt with by Royal Engineers. Two oil bombs were also dropped, but these landed on waste ground. Mentions life…

Writes of weather, mentions she got many letter for her birthday and comments on bad weather noted in some and other news. Mentions shortage of onions and continues with other gossip. Comments on butter ration and that she has become a clever soup…

Notes arrival of 4 letters and 5 postcards in a week. Comments on contents concerning his activities and whether he is becoming a cynic. Writes of happy hours spent in garden. Provides description of new house. Mentions double summer time and sunrise…

Had just received four letters from him, all by airmail but some had taken longer than others. Worried about cost to him of airmail. Passes on sad news of loss of friend. and news of others missing and awarded medals. Catches up with family news,…

Writes answering question he asked in letter dated 24 August about fathers smoking habits. Comments on food, scarcity of grapes in England and cost of tomatoes. Catches up with other correspondence and passes on news of friends.

Written on new years night and mentions father going out and that they are thinking of him. Awaiting next batch of letters from him and noted that 6 arrived on 15 December with the last dated 17 September. Wonders whether he has enough warm food and…

Writes of father going out for fire watching duty on a snowy night. Comments on the days weather and that it had been a rough winter. Still waiting for letters the last came at the end of January. Writes there was no more news of loss of a friend.…

Comments on weather and arrival of spring and tells of her activities. Writes that they still have good wholesome food despite rationing. Catches up with news of friends, gossip and other activities. Mentions drastic reduction in petrol ration which…

Writes of lengthening days, good weather and local area. Mentions their activities going for a walk but still deep snow. Writes that she sent him a cable previous Saturday and awaiting reply. Writes of daffodils and snowdrops in shops again but…

Writes of prospective visits by relatives and spring in the local countryside. Mentions plants and garden. Comments on letter he sent to another acquaintance which they have been lent. Mentions sending cable and looking forward to his reply. Catches…

Writes of the weather and looking over town to see works where father was and of his daily routine and life in general. Talks about the war in general. Says they will not go away for summer holiday but might go to see their old house and visit…

Reports on latest consignment of letters which arrived in May. Catches up with news of friends. Mentions his culinary efforts and that neighbour had brought round rhubarb for her. Continues with more on rationing. Writes of wonderful sunrise, the…

Relief to receive cable. Long discussion on problems with receiver to pay telegrams which they said they had sorted out with Cable and Wireless. Comments on the weather and working in the garden. Reports arrival of another letter from him and says…

Reminisces over past events and reports arrival of postcard from him. Mentions father on duty and going straight to work. Writes of new biscuit rationing system which would be the same as for sweets. Wonders if any parcels have reached him. Mentions…
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