Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents



Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents


Writes of the weather and looking over town to see works where father was and of his daily routine and life in general. Talks about the war in general. Says they will not go away for summer holiday but might go to see their old house and visit friends. Writes of the garden, house and weather. Looking forward to next letters and hoping for photographs.




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Two page handwritten letter


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[inserted] 149 [/inserted]
[underlined] 49 [/underlined]
[inserted] 30-6-42 [/inserted]
191 Halifax Road
Nelson Lancs.
Thurs. June 4th/42
My dear Douglas.
This is a most beautiful June day with bright blue sky & lovely sunshine & a gentle breeze. I am sitting in the garden & I can look across the town & see the works where I know Dad will be just about baked. The heat wave has come suddenly & altho’ it is now June no amount of talking would persuade him to put on summer underwear so I suppose he will be just about exhausted when he does get home. Altho’ on a clear day like this the works look quite near it is a 4d fare from here. Dad goes into to [sic] town on the bus from our own gate. Then he has another 2d ride another way out of town. It is really very pleasant where Dad is. He has a short very uphill walk from the bus but he can walk out of the works into fields & I am always so thankful for that. If only we could say the same about you!! You will have some idea, no doubt, what is happening in this crazy world & Dad & I are both more than thankful that you are away from it all. Of course we understand so well how irksome the inactivity must be but we understand a little, too, what a strain these brave boys of ours are subjected to in the terrible warfare. I have no news of John for many weeks. I told you he had been moved to
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Derby. In three weeks time, June 26th, the week holiday starts here. We shall not go away, but thought we might like to go look how the old homes are looking – in which case we should either go see Mrs Clayton or get in touch with her to meet us in town. As you have no doubt gathered from previous letters my patience with her is a bit like that of a much better known person. We’ve read so often about his patience being exhausted. I do feel that we have all wasted a very great deal of sympathy. Well love as usual my garden is a great source of joy to me, but it is now beginning to lose its pristine beauty. The Spring flowers are almost over but the rain of the past two weeks has done a great deal of good & brought the summer plants on well. My apple tree is a great disappointment but since it was planted we’ve been told that fruit trees don’t do well here. It is too exposed. There is usually plenty of fresh air even on the hottest day. I try to picture you almost all the time. We know from official reports that the heat in the desert has been very great & I often wonder if your windows & shutters mentioned in a much earlier letter have the effect you hoped for in keeping the building cool. I am looking forward to my next batch of letters & hope there will be more snaps. I should like to see the Editorial Staff at work on the Camp Echo. I keep a lookout for funny pictures to send to you. There are plenty of very funny ones but almost [inserted] always [/inserted] on the other side of the paper, news, [inserted] news [/inserted] war comments, which I know would not pass the censor. Now Goodbye love once again. A few more days nearer peace & the greatest day for us. All our love as usual Mother & Dad
755052 Hudson
Camp Militaire



P Hudson, “Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 24, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/23693.

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