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  • Tags: Lancaster

Ivor (arrowed) and his crew under their Lancaster. On the reverse 'Our crew Lancaster "C" Charlie 103 Squadron Elsham Wolds Lincs 1944'.

An airman leaning on the rear turret of a Lancaster.

The damaged turret of Lancaster PM-C covered with a tarpaulin.

A pilot looking out of a Lancaster cockpit window. The photograph has been taken from the port wing looking forward.

A vertical aerial photograph taken over Bochum. No detail is visible due to light flashes.
It is annotated '4565 EWS 4/5.11.44// NT(8") 16500 145° 1944 BOCHUM A/P.A.C. 1HC 4000 [indecipherable] 29 SECS F/O MORGAN O 103'

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Ulm. Most of the image is obscured by cloud or explosions. It is annotated '4710 EWS 17/18.12.44//NT 7" 12500 118° 1932½ ULM C 1HC 4000IN 15X4 23SEC F/O MORGAN C 103'.

Observer's and Air Gunner's Flying log book for Stanley Hawes, wireless operator. Covers the period from 18 May 1943 to 16 June 1944, when he was killed. It details his training and operations. He was based at RAF Yatesbury, RAF Mona, RAF Cottesmore,…

Victoires de la RAF en 1943
Air Marshal Sir Richard Peck describes large composition and successes of RAF during 1943 whilst underlining the threat still posed by Germany.

Les machines
Maintains Anglo-American aircraft production is four times…

A report on raids on Stuttgart and Donges. On the reverse is other news.

A vertical aerial photograph of a daylight bombing operation. Six Lancasters can be seen at lower levels. Below them are lots of explosions and smoke. Open countryside, with few buildings but several minor roads, can be seen around the bombing area.

Eight airmen standing at the nose of their Lancaster. The nose art is a lady with 'Gee' painted beside her. Also painted are 48 bombs/operations.
Handwritten underneath on the mount is '3rd Left: EJH Roberts DFC (408451)

An airman at the nose of a Lancaster, at night. A light is shining from the bomb aimer's position.

The two men are sitting on bombs. Behind is a Lancaster 'QR-G' of 61 Squadron. On the reverse 'No 5 (Right) EJH Roberts DFC (408451)'

The nose of Lancaster QR-G with a cartoon woman, 'Gee!' and 48 operations.

An air-to-air frontal view of a Lancaster taken from a rear turret. It is flying over sea.


Five airmen at the rear entrance of a Lancaster 'ME72?'. On the reverse 'No. 3 2nd Left EJH Roberts DFC (408451)'.

The five airmen are grouped at the front of their Lancaster QR-G with 'Gee' nose art and 48 operations visible on the nose. On the reverse 'No 2 Right rear: - EJH Roberts DFC (408451)'.

Message from RAF Watchfield to RAF Bridgnorth concerning Lancaster taking off at 10:28 with pilot Squadron Leader Brown and four crew.

Flying log book for navigator’s, air bomber’s, air gunners, flight engineers for C Dayman, wireless operator, covering the period from 11 February 1944 to 16 May 1947. Detailing his flying training, post war flying with 216 Squadron and Aden…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for J Penswick, air gunner, covering the period from 25 October 1942 to 19 May 1945. Detailing his flying training, operation flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Morpeth, RAF North…

Six airmen on their return from sinking the Tirpitz. They are positioned at the rear of their Lancaster.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

Six Lancasters lined up on the ground. Another can be seen in the far distance. Airmen with bicycles are sitting on the grass. This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

An air-to-air view of two Lancasters KC-W and KC-A in flight.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A squadron photograph of a large group of airmen and ground crew arranged in five rows in front of a Lancaster. Information supplied with the collection identifies it as 617 squadron, 1945.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

A vertical aerial photograph of the bombing of the Tirpitz. Much of the image is obscured by smoke and explosions. Tirpitz can be seen right of centre. Anti-aircraft fire can be seen to the top of the photograph. Three bomb explosions in the water…
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