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  • Tags: aircrew

An airman wearing flying suit, parachute harness and flying helmet inside the fuselage of an aircraft. On the reverse 'Sgt Goldingay ("Goldy")(Observer).'

Relates experience of pilot trying to get control of their Wellington which had iced up. Writes of trying to get front gunner out of his turret and putting his torch inside his clothing as he would need it to signal for assistance. Once pilot got…

Gives personal details and list of postings. Notes at one stage missing believed intered.

Six airmen wearing uniform (one with flying jacket) standing by the rear fuselage of a Wellington. On the reverse '1. P/O Moody (rear gunner), 2 ? (W/Op) 3. [.....] (observer), 4 Sgt [....], 5. Sgt Hudson, 6 "Stu"'.

Relates early life and employment before the war. Was RAF reserve and was called up at beginning of the war. Mentions training including operational training unit before joining 9 Squadron. Includes letter describing in some detail his first…

A half portrait of Thomas McMahon wearing uniform and his air gunner's brevet. On reverse 'Thomas McMahon' and 'Do you know this Boy'.

Thomas McMahon wearing uniform, sitting on the right, with a man wearing army uniform and a third standing man in naval uniform. On the reverse is stamped 'The State 581 London Road Glasgow, .S.E. 1 May 1945' and annotated 'Thomas McMahon on the…

Four airmen, all holding cigarettes, sat in front of a man with pilot's brevet standing left and Thomas standing right. Thomas has his hand on the shoulder of the man, also with pilot's brevet, sat in front of him. Thomas and the other three men have…

Two crouch on the ground with three men standing with their arms around each other. Thomas is crouching front left. The group are outside a two storey building with open metal framed windows. On the reverse: 'Parachute No. R105549 Harness No. 555'…

Head and shoulder portrait of Thomas McMahon, on the right, with another man, held inside a cover. Both are in uniform and Thomas has his air gunners brevet. On the reverse is printed 'The State Studios 581 London Road Glasgow and 18 Aug 1945', also…

A group of 25 airmen in uniform, all with side caps. outside a wooden building with brick foundations and glass windows. They are arranged in rows with three sitting cross legged on the ground, four sat behind, 13 standing and five standing on a…

Warrant Officer Thomas McMahon's service and release book from 26 August 1940 to 29 January 1946.

Enclosing Thomas' flying log book together with acknowledgement of receipt card.


Acknowledgement of Thomas' flying log book. Annotated '1061081 - W/O - McMahon,T'.


William Jackson’s Flying Log Book 1 from 12th July 1940 until 14th February 1943 as a pilot. Training started in No. 15 Elementary Flying Training School, then No. 6 Flying Training School, 17 Operational Training Unit. Posted to 105 Squadron in…

William Jackson’s Flying Log Book 2 from 15th February 1943 until 26th November 1946. Posted to 23 Operational Training Unit, 15 Operational Training Unit (October 1943) and 1673 Heavy Conversion Unit (May 1944). Operational posting to 355 Squadron…

45 airmen in three rows. They have all been named.

Tags: ;

P M Edge’s Flying Log Book as a bomb aimer from 20th March 1943 until 28th September 1944. Initial bombing and gunnery training at 41 Air School in South Africa, before posting back to the UK in September 1943. Further training at 10 Advanced…

P M Edge’s Flying Log Book 2 from 30th December 1947 until 20th August 1956. Posted to No. 2 Air Navigation School on an Air Bomber Conversion Course to be a navigator. On completion of course posted to 201 Advanced Flying School and then 230…

P M Edge’s Flying Log Book 3 from 18th September 1956 until 21st December 1961. Flew with 213 Squadron as a navigator. In November 1958 posted to Ferry Training Unit followed by 242 Operational Conversion Unit in March 1959. Posted to 70 Squadron…

P M Edge’s Flying Log Book 4 from 10th May 1962 until 9th August 1966 as a navigator. Posted to Central Navigation and Control School for training as Staff Navigator. Posted as Wing Navigator and then to Transport Command Examining Staff.


P M Edge’s Flying Log Book 5 from 9th August 1966 until September 1977. Posted to Transport Command Examining Staff as navigator and route checker. Continued to serve with Air Support Command Examining Unit. February 1968 saw posting to 242…

A discharge letter from RAF Reserve.


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