Browse Items (31 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Saskatchewan--Swift Current"

Letter, with envelope, describes Wheatley's training in Canada and his desire to remuster as a navigator. It mentions other colleagues who are in pilot training at Moncton and that his own money problem 'is still a hell of a bind'. He asks how George…

Pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 7 July 1943 to 9 September 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Cambridge (22 EFTS), RCAF Assiniboin (34 EFTS), RCAF Swift Current (39 SFTS),…

Flying log book for R Starkey covering the period from 26 January 1942 to 30 March 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown, includes certificates, instructional notes, newspaper clipping and a personal account of being shot down. He…

Top - a group of airmen in various uniform or overalls standing and sitting in front of a line of Tiger Moths. Captioned 'The flight "Mechs"'. Bottom - a row of Tiger Moths in front of two hangars. The aircraft on the left has a group on men in front…

Top - a line of 7 Tiger Moths parked on grass. On the left hangars. Bottom left - a pilot wearing flying suit and carrying parachute walking away from a Tiger Moth. Captioned Sgt Smith. Bottom right - nine pilots wearing flying suits and one man in…

Top left - air-to-air view of two Tiger Moths, the second behind and below the first. Top right - three Tiger Moths in echelon formation. Bottom left - Tiger Moth in front of control tower. Bottom right a Harvard parked in front of hangar with two…

Top left - air to ground view of town with starboard wing. Captioned 'above Swift Current'. Top right - air t o ground view of open country. Captioned 'the experimental farm'. Middle left - air to ground view of open countryside with river. Captioned…

Top left - a line of Tiger Moths parked, in the background right a control tower. Top right - parked Tiger Moth captioned 'Tiger Moth No 72, the first kite I flew on'. Centre middle a fuel bowser in front of a Tiger Moth with man on top wing…

Top left - Man wearing flying clothes and carrying parachute walking away from Tiger Moth. Captioned 'Sgt Smith, my first instructor' Top right - two men in flying clothes standing behind the wing of a Tiger Moth. Captioned '"Murf" Murray with Sgt…

Top left - road with telegraph poles on left side going into the distance with entrance on left with sign 'Royal Air Force [.......]'. Top right road running into the distance with single story huts either side. An airman is walking way from camera…

Top left - street with buildings/shops either side and cars parked at curbs. Top right - view over town with residential houses. Snow on the ground. Bottom left - railroad tracks with steam train coming towards. Commercial buildings beyond tracks.…

Royal Canadian Air Force pilots flying log book for Hedley R Madgett, covering the period from 23 September 1941 to 15 August 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RCAF Swift Current, RCAF Medicine Hat, RAF…

This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

Daily entries for most of year 1941, First half of year entries cover events in England before joining Royal Air Force. Entry for May includes call up papers and travel to Stratford on Avon. June move to Scarborough. August to Wilmslow, sea journey…

Two airmen in flying suits standing in snow embracing on a step in front of the door to a building. On the reverse 'Bill + Lucy, 32 EFTS, Swift Current Nov 1941'.

View of street running bottom to top with two story buildings either side. There are cars parked on both sides and people on sidewalks and crossing road in the distance. On the reverse 'Swift Current, Nov 1941, Central Ave'.

Hedley Madgett wearing winter overall standing snow by a door to a building. On the reverse 'Me - taken by Bill!, 32 EFTS Swift Current, Nov 1941'.

Hedley Madgett wearing greatcoat and side cap looking out of the window of a Canadian Pacific Railway G3 4-6-2 steam engine. On the reverse 'Yours truly in cab of engine at Swift Current, 26 Oct 1941'.

Identification kindly provided by the Rocky…

Written from Medicine Hat and relates previous adventures while attempting a cross country flight in formation to Bowden, Alberta via Medicine Hat. Explains that he ran out of fuel and force landed near Medicine Hat and that many others suffered the…

Writes from Swift Current that they still have not started flying. They have been issued with text books on flying and are doing lots of sports. Mentions the weather and the time his latest letter took to get from England. States that they will get…

Written from Swift Current and states he has passed examinations and gives scores. Writes that he is pleased to be going Medicine Hat on twins along with most of his room mates. States when he is moving and but before that they are redeploying…

Written from Swift Current. Writes that snow has prevented flying and they have little to do as examinations are over but some people have failed them. Mentions that the C.G.I relented on the resit of the engines examination. Discusses future course…

Cannot understand why they have received so few letters from him and lists those he has sent. Continues that he has finished final examinations and describes navigation exam. States that they other exams and in particular theory of flight for which…

Writes from Swift Current that he has been very busy but had hitch hiked to Regina on day off and visit to McNelley's. Describes visit to the town with daughter and then took train back. Describes railway station and Canadian trains. Mentions final…


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