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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Great britain"

Top left - twelve airmen pose in front of the starboard wing of a Halifax. Captioned 'George after 28th, lost on 29th'.
Top right - seven airmen pose in line under the nose of a Halifax, Captioned 'George ground crew'.
Top two titled…

Top left shows the prototype Lysander K6127 standing on the grass with buildings in the background.
Top Right shows T E Lawrence's grave.
Middle left shows airmen attaching bombs to an aircraft
Middle right shows a line of Hawker biplanes standing…

Two photographs, the first is of fire fighting the burning wreckage, damaged buildings in background. From information kindly supplied by the donor, 'Attempts to put out the fire after the bomb load expired after the crash on take-off. The crash took…

Notes that Norman Ivor Powell had completed a course and obtained aircraft engineer licence.


A large number of aircraft fuselages some with engines mounted others with none, parked outside a multi-story brick building. On the left part of a crane. On the reverse '26, 1914, outside Park Works, Newton Heath, often used photo in magazines,…

Halifax aircraft in numerous rows on a grassy field.

Two images of an aircraft hangar with an administration building in front.
Information supplied with the collection identifies the airfield as Leeming.

Top left shows a hangar under construction. Other buildings and houses can be seen in the background.
Top right shows rows of bi-planes standing on the grass.
Bottom left shows aircraft under maintenance in an aircraft hangar.
Bottom right…

A brief first hand description of aircraft in flames, crashing and the loss of crew member Gallagher.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

This was the aircraft that crashed on the 1 December 1943 where Ken Hook was the only surviving crew member.

List of Halifax, Wellington and Mosquito aircraft lost from 192 and 462 Squadrons from December 1943 to April 1945. Gives aircraft registration, date, description of incident, some with captain named.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive…

Instructions for preparation of an aircraft recognition lecture to the air gunners instructors course. Lists the aircraft to be covered.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are…

Aircraft engine with other pieces of mangled metal lying on grass in foreground. Other pieces of wreckage scattered about. Three men standing in distance. On the reverse 'Spitfire L.P. 85, RAF Leuchars/48'.

Top - seven aircrew, three sitting in front and four standing behind. All are wearing tunics with brevet and peaked or side caps. In the background are huts. Submitted with description 'F/O Burroughs' crew. Undated but location believed to be RAF…

Eight photographs, all full length, LH page, first is of Geoff standing in a garden, caption unreadable except for 'Self at ... and Sept 44'. Second and third are of four aircrew standing in front of a low wall with a tree, building and motor…

Left page. Seven aircrew at the rear turret of a Lancaster. The three at the back are standing, the middle one is an officer while the four in front are squatting down. All are wearing battledress and two have on Mae Wests. On the reverse is written:…

Dennis Denton with four other aircrew, on the reverse,'Taken at Blickling Hall, July 1943', 'Left to right [?] Clutton, Les Heagerty, myself, Ted Pennell'. Also a note to Miss O'Keefe, Church Farm, explaining that he had cycled over to see her but…

Top - eleven aircrew, except one, all wearing battledress with pilot's brevet sitting and standing in a group in front of a building.
Middle - sixteen aircrew, all wearing battledress, some with discernible observers or navigator's brevet standing…

Top - head and shoulders image of three aircrew wearing tunics with brevet (one pilot, one wireless operator and one air gunner) standing in a group with another figure in civilian dress behind them. They are standing on a railway station platform…

Top left - six airmen wearing battledress sitting on top of the starboard inner engine of a bomber.
Top right - seven aircrew wearing battledress sitting and lying on grass with side view of part of Lancaster in the background.
Bottom left - ten…

First, a group of 12 men in uniform and flying suits standing under the starboard wing of a Lancaster with David is standing sixth right. Five of the men are wearing side caps and five are wearing flying suits and parachute harnesses. Parachute bags…

Nine photographs, LH page first one is of Lancaster nose, someone leaning out of cockpit window, squadron letter U visible. Second is of starboard engines of a Lancaster in flight, captioned 'Taken from Uncle in flight - over ten tenths cloud'. Third…

Five airmen sitting in front and seven aircrew wearing battledress or tunic with brevet, They are under a Lancaster.
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