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  • Language is exactly "ita"

MB CR 3 A.mp3
L’intervistata è Clara Dei, nata a Prato il 19 maggio 1927, insegnante elementare. Interviene l’amica Annalia Galardini. L’intervista è effettuata da Claudio Rosati a Pistoia, presso l’abitazione dell’informatrice, il 5 settembre 1983. La…

MB CR 3 B.mp3
L’intervistato è Aldo Galardini, nato a Castel di Casio (BO) il 25 giugno 1925, ferroviere in pensione. Interviene la nipote Annalia Galardini, è presente la moglie. L’intervista è effettuata da Claudio Rosati a Pistoia, presso l’abitazione…

MB CR 4. Ada Breschi.mp3
L’intervistata è Ada Breschi, nata a Pistoia il 22 settembre 1917, impiegata. L’intervista è effettuata da Claudio Rosati a Pistoia, presso l’abitazione dell’informatrice, il 22 settembre 1983. Dopo l’Armistizio, Ada Breschi aiutò…

MB CR 5 Giuliana Menichini Pereira.mp3
L’intervistata è Giuliana Menichini Pereira, nata a Pistoia il 31 gennaio 1928. Interviene il padre Pietro Menichini, è presente il marito Miguel Pereira. L’intervista è effettuata da Claudio Rosati a Pistoia, presso l’abitazione…

MB CR 6 338 Giulio Fiorini.mp3
L’intervistato è Giulio Fiorini, nato a Pistoia il 26 novembre 1906, impiegato alle Officine San Giorgio. L’intervista è effettuata da Claudio Rosati presso la sua abitazione a Pistoia, l’11 ottobre 1983. Dopo aver vissuto il bombardamento a…

MB CR 7 A.mp3
L’intervistato è Mario Galardini, nato a Castel di Casio (BO) il 15 agosto 1923, consulente del lavoro. Interviene il fratello Raffaello, sono presenti Lory Galardini e Annalia Galardini. L’intervista è effettuata da Claudio Rosati presso la…

MB CR 8.mp3
L’intervistato è Ermanno Marraccini, nato a Pistoia il 26 luglio 1903, all’epoca capofabbricato. L’intervista è effettuata da Claudio Rosati presso la sua abitazione a Pistoia, il 16 ottobre 1984. Durante il primo bombardamento, Ermanno…

An opera programme with details of the production in English and Italian. There is a second copy which is identical and not linked.

A programme for the two operas.

A programme for the opera, Rigoletto with details on the production in English and Italian.

There’re no irreconcilable differences between Great Britain and Italy - only Germany is to blame for the bombing war waged on Italy. Keeping on fighting means strengthen Germany, Italy’s natural enemy.


Top left - an account of Peter Webb's service career. A flight engineer's brevet with photograph of seven crew underneath.
Top right - seven aircrew wearing uniform tunics with brevet standing in line.
Left middle - a drawing of a winter scene…

Letter to Sergeant Brennan stating that he was now entitled to wear Pathfinder badge.

Describes German air force attack on the city on 14 November 1940 giving detail of civilian damage and casualties. Compares it with bombing of Genoa and Turin which it claims as military. Includes photographs of damage to Coventry.

Justifies aerial bombing as primarily aimed to industrial and military targets; claims that destruction and civilian losses are examples of collateral damage, not hatred. Stresses that operations on Italy are less intense than Luftwaffe raids on…

No letter for a month but glad cables had still been exchanged successfully. Also glad that the two photographs had made it through OK. Described recent activities and weather. Describes different bus routes to Burnley. Mentions father filling in…

Writes of the letters received so far with one possibly missing. Just jogging along hoping for the end of dreadful war. Tells of visit by a Mrs Clayton followed by another acquaintance. Catches up with local news and gossip. Hopes he will soon get…

Reports arrival of latest mail some of which was from other acquaintances asking if hew needed anything. Writes about contents of his last telegram mentioning arrival of books. Expecting their next parcel shortly. Mentions arrival of 120 Canadian Red…

Reports letters that have arrived since his last letter to them and a cable that only took two days. Mentions letters from other people but he could not write back to them all because of his mail allowance and lack of post cards. Catches up with…

The leaflet has two maps of Cairo and adverts for holidays, restaurants, a book on Cpyrus [sic], language books and Arabic, French and Italian phrases.

Photo 1 is a three storey house by the coast
Photo 2 is a beach scene
Photo 3 are houses and gardens
Photo 4 is schoolchildren outside a building marked 'Colonia'
Photo 5 is schoolchildren and woods outside the Colonia.

A document issued to John Rich (1587295 Royal Air Force). Written across top 'with driver & 5 passengers 2 1/2 ton'. Printed in English and Italian.


Issued to Ted Neale to allow him access to the Accidents section of Allied Force Headquarter.

A small list of phrases in English with Italian, Albanian, Serbo Croat and Greek translations, stamped 'Not to be produced in public'.

A call from the German Field Marshall Friedrich Paulus to his comrades and to the German people via radio 'Freies Deutschland' while he is a prisoner of war in Russia. After a call for reflection in August 1944 he feels he has to speak again despite…
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