Browse Items (578 total)

  • Coverage is exactly "British Army"

An airman in a Sidcot suit, a WAAF, a second airman, an ATS, a soldier and a naval officer. The six are standing in front of a house.
On the reverse 'Hampstead. April 1942. Embarkation Leave'.

Item 1 refers to a protest from Dresden over a statue to Sir Arthur Harris.
Item 2 is a letter thanking Sir Arthur Harris from a couple bombed out of their home in Liverpool.
Item 3 is an article titled 'Remembering Bomber H'.
Item 4 is a letter…

Four men in informal uniform standing in a cemetery alongside an exhumed coffin. Summitted with caption ' mreu3 001 74 GCU Pat (Captain Paterson) & the boys exhuming on Borkum Islands'.

Two soldiers, an army officer and an RAF airman standing in front of an Auster aircraft. The soldiers are dressed in fatigues and berets, the officer wears battledress, with a pilot's brevet, and a peaked cap, the airman is in battledress and beret.…

Three soldiers and an RAF airman in front of an Auster aircraft. The soldiers are dressed in fatigues and berets, the airman is in battledress and beret. The aircraft is parked on open ground in long grass. In the distance are some low buildings. The…

Dates of main events of life of J F Nolan including birth, education, army service 1939-1941, then Air Ministry AID in various locations including Vickers Armstrong and A V Roe.

General Information about Fred. It records his date of birth and death with a comprehensive list of his family. Included are details of his funeral.

A memoir about Frederik Kroese's wartime activities. There is a brief biography followed by a portrait of Frederik.

Included are photographs of a number of items: his fake ID card, a permit allowing him to use a bicycle, an official numbered…

Seven photographs on a page.
#1, 2 and 6 are the funeral at Newark.
#1 is annotated 'Funeral at Newark (Ella & Reg 2nd and 3rd from right)'.
#3 is Józef and Ella standing in the back garden of 12 Browning Road Coventry and is annotated.
#4 is…

555914 Gordon Cruickshank enlisted on 2 January 1936 in corps of cavalry of the line. Includes report on leaving 20 April 1937 and discharge on 22 April 1937.

Five photographs of George and Barbara's wedding day.
Photo 1 is George in uniform standing with his bride. On the reverse 'George & Barbara Hutton 30/8/45'.
Photo 2 is a head and shoulders image of the couple.
Photo 3 is the couple cutting their…

George Grundy circa 1939. Two soldiers in uniform including wellington boots and gauntlets, standing in open country, pond and hills in the background. Additional information has been kindly supplied by the donor.
This item was sent to the IBCC…

King George VI talking to senior officers, servicemen formed up on parade in background. Captioned 'The King at Antwerp'.

Top: a group of tradesmen sitting on the steps of one of their mobile offices/workshops.
Bottom: King George VI with a group of senior officers including General Montgomery.

Major Gordon Lett writes to Colonnello Mario Fontana criticising lack of coordination, poor discipline, and the fact Allied Mission personnel are considered as “foreigners” rather than Allied forces.


Major Gordon Lett tenders his resignation as Allied Headquarters representative, stating lack of collaboration from the Resistance.


A description of their time during the war by their daughter. Her father joined the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers in September 1940. He was captured by the Japanese in Singapore, 1942. He was released on 12 September 1945 and came home on…

Greetings card addressed to Irene Green page with a silhouette of man on a camel. Greetings of the season H M Forces Middle East from Robert to the family. Annotated 'Good Health, Good Luck, To You All'.


Twenty-five men wearing army uniform and one physical training instructor sitting and standing in four rows. Checked cap bands. In the background brick buildings.

Eighteen men some in Army uniform, some in civilian clothes sitting and standing in front of trees. Captioned 'Some of the jocks 1938'. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Army band in six rows in front of an ornate building with arches in frontage. Captioned 'Dryhurst Harold India 1916 GRY'. Probably refers to Harold Percy, who served in the British Army. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by…

Five soldiers, one RAF leading aircraftsman and a Military Police corporal, grouped at rear of a lorry.

A group of soldiers arranged in five rows. On the reverse three men are named with their home town. Also 'Taken 22 June 1943 at Gloucester'.

Informal group of 13 soldiers, in two rows, variety of dress, wire fence in background. Captioned 'What no girls?'.
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