Browse Items (112 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Alan Pinchbeck"

Number 121-28. Still no mail or food parcels. No chance to practise violin and therefore bored. Good weather and suntan. Reports on health and flies. Mentions war news getting better and optimism abounds but not him. Still worried over new weapons.…

Number 51. Describes conditions in new camp. Mentions they no longer cook their own food therefore little distraction from monotony. Mentions difficulties in continuing with his violin. States that mail will be slow for a few weeks, comments…

Number 106(49). Reports arrival of two of her letters and that she will not hear from him for a while as they leave the next day. Mentions music exams he taken. Says he will keep up his violin, his study of agriculture and Dutch. He writes that he is…

Number 32. Notes letters received. States he has no objects belonging to his pilot (Floyd) and that he also tried to get recognition of his gallantry without success. Catches up with news. Writes he is fully occupied but has not stated his…

Number 31. Reports no new mail received. Mentions parcels that have arrived. Writes of reading about agriculture and plans for future and where and in what sort of house they might live. Encourages her to approach an estate agent. Mentions weather,…

Number 30. Writes that medical comforts parcel (lists contents) and tobacco from father had arrived. Writes of his activities and weather. Christmas Red Cross parcels have arrived. Hopes daughter Frances had good Christmas.

A postcard from John Valentine to his wife Ursula written from RAF Grantham. He tells her that this is not his permanent address and that they are still in the dark about future duties.

Report from western Germany. One page of a propaganda leaflet produced by the Psychology War Department and Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force. The second page is absent, but both pages are translated into English.


Letter written over several days. Initially expecting to have his flying test the next day and be able to return for leave soon after, but this is changed following snow. He and six others are unable to take their tests in time and remain at the…

Catches up with family news. Writes of life at RAF on Initial Training Wing at RAF Aberystwyth. Tells her what scores he got in tests, how much he’s earning and how leave is looking more unlikely. He also tells her about being interviewed by the…

A memoir by Joe Harrison of his first operation in 1943. He describes the initial briefing, the events during the bombing run, the damage to their aircraft and his subsequent illness. Includes descriptions of the post-op analysis and good crew…

Provides results of attacks on Mailly le Camp military depot and tank park 3/4 May, Clerment-Ferrand aircraft factory 29/30 April, Toulouse aircraft assembly works and Montaudran airfield 5/6 April and 1/2 May, Lyon Motor vehicle works 1/2 May,…

Account of repairs to tunnel which was attached by Bomber Command on 8/9 June 1944 which is still not open to traffic. Describes damage and provides account of repairs to craters. railway tracks and hole in the roof of tunnel.

Gives overall assessment and then detailed list of damage to E-boat pens, oil tanks, fuel storage, warehouses, huts, vessels, cranes, port facilities, public buildings, arsenal, other buildings in the town including the casino.

Reports severe damage to shipping over the whole dock area. Describes hits on E-boat pens, with some craters visible on roof with no apparent damage. Three oil storage tanks destroyed, Describes other damage to port area and facilities. Mentions…

Describes planned timing to attack at the same time as the main force. Reports that weather was unfavourable. After initially cancelling the operation leader checked out weather at low level but decided low visibility and target defences precluded…

States date 15/16 June 1944, target, zero hour 2235. Shows Wing Commander Cheshire leader and marker in Mosquito and 22 crews flying Lancaster all armed with Tallboy bombs.

Congratulatory letter written on House of Commons paper on award of Victoria Cross and relates views of others he has met, a missed meeting and inviting him for a meal.

Incomplete letter telling his wife about going to see one film and hoping to go and see 'Gone with the Wind'. He goes on to say he is enclosing £5 cheque for her to buy a coat. Concludes both sending love to her and daughter.

A letter from Captain A Macdonald to Officer in Charge, 'B' Squadron, asking permission for Malcolm Staves to attend the wedding of the writer to Malcolm's sister. Also attached is the wedding invitation to Mr and Mrs Ely on the occasion of the…

Letter from Harry Brooks' father ('Pop') to his daughter-in-law Winnie. His wife has written to Winnie asking that her daughter Pamela be sent to stay with them but without inviting Winnie herself. He does not agree with his wife's attitude towards…

Letter from Harry Brooks at RAF Waddington to his wife. He talks about arrangements for her coming to visit and he hopes he can get the time off.

An undated letter from Harry Brooks at RAF Waddington to his wife. He writes about her short visit and hopes to be home for Christmas. He mentions the possibility of his wife having to go into hospital and tells an anecdote of something that happened…

Notice paper for five years reserve service for James Douglas Hudson dated 29 June 1939. Gives conditions and contains certified copy of attestation with personal; details. Concludes with signatures, oath and certificate of a justice of the peace or…

Congratulatory letter from group headquarters on award of Distinguished Flying Cross
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