Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (Observer Section) Notice Paper



Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (Observer Section) Notice Paper


Notice paper for five years reserve service for James Douglas Hudson dated 29 June 1939. Gives conditions and contains certified copy of attestation with personal; details. Concludes with signatures, oath and certificate of a justice of the peace or attesting officer.



Temporal Coverage




Four page form booklet filled in


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Form 2020.
Signature of applicant receiving the Notice Paper [Signature of James Douglas Hudson]
NOTICE to be given to the applicant at the time of his offering to join the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
Date 29th June 1939.
The general conditions of the contract of enlistment that you are about to enter into with the Crown are as follows :—
1. You will engage to serve His Majesty (as a special reservist) for a period of five years in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, provided His Majesty should so long require your services.
2. You will be liable to be called out for training as explained in Question 21 on page 3 of this Form.
3. You will be liable to be called out on permanent service as explained in Questions 22 to 24 on page 3 of this Form, and to be called out to aid the civil power in the preservation of the public peace. When called out on permanent service you will form part of the Regular Air Force.
4. When called out for training or for service as explained in Questions 21 to 24 on page 3 of this Form you become subject to the Air Force Act.
5. You will be liable when called out and if medically fit, to go into the air whenever required to do so.
6. If you are in receipt of a service or disability pension you are not eligible for enlistment.
7. You will not be permitted while serving in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve to join the Royal Navy, Army, or Royal Marines, the Militia, the Territorial Army, or the Auxiliary Air Force, or the Reserves of those forces.
8. You will be required by the Attestation Officer to answer the questions printed on pages 2, 3 and 4 of this Form, and take the oath shown on page 4, and you are hereby warned that if you wilfully or knowingly make, at the time of your attestation, any false answer you will thereby render yourself liable to punishment.
Signature and Rank of Officer or N.C.O. serving the Notice Paper [signature of Patrick Butler]
(2010—758) Wt. 42751—3340 1,000 2/39 T.S. 700 [P.T.O.
[page break]
[underlined] Certified Copy of Attestation. [/underlined]
[underlined] No. Name HUDSON. JAMES DOUGLAS. [/underlined]
[underlined] Questions to be put to the Recruit before enlistment into the Observer Section of the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. [/underlined]
You are hereby warned that if, after enlistment, it is found that you have wilfully or knowingly made a false answer to any of the following questions you will be liable under the Air Force Act to a maxi-mum punishment of two years’ imprisonment with hard labour.
1. What is your name? 1. Christian names JAMES DOUGLAS Surname HUDSON
2. Where were you born? 2. In the parish of WHITKIRK in or near the town of LEEDS in the county of YORKSHIRE.
3. What was the date of your birth? 3. MAY 21ST 1916
4. Are you married? 4. NO
5. What is your full postal address? 5. 10 MOORSIDE ROAD. KERSAL SALFORD 7. LANCS.
6. Are you a British subject by birth? 6. YES.
7. Are you of pure European descent? 7. YES.
8. Are your parents both British subjects by birth? If not, state separately their nationality at birth. (a) Father (b) Mother 8. YES.
9. Are you, or is either of your parents, a naturalised British subject? 9. —
10. If so, state the date(s) of the naturalisation certificate(s). 10. —
11. What is your profession or calling? 11. TEXTILE BUYERS ASSISTANT
12. What is your religious denomination? 12. CHURCH OF ENGLAND
13. Are you willing to be enlisted (as a special reservist) in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve for five years provided His Majesty should so long require your services? 13. YES.
14. Have you been convicted by the civil power? If so, give particulars and dates of all convictions. 14. NO.
15. Do you now belong to any of the regular or non-regular Naval, Military or Air Forces of the Crown in this or any other country, or to any Police Force? If so, state to what unit or corps you now be-long, your official number, what rank you now hold, and whether it is substantive or acting. 15. NO
[page break]
16. Have you ever served in any of the regular or non-regular Naval, Military or Air Forces of the Crown in this or any other country, or to any Police Force? If so, state to the unit in which you have served, your official number, the cause of your discharge, the rank you held on discharge, and wheth-er it was substantive or acting. 16. NO.
17. Have you truly stated the whole of your previous service, if any? 17. YES.
18. Have you ever been rejected as unfit for any of the Naval, Military or Air Forces of the Crown? If so, on what grounds? 18. NO
19. (a) Have you ever been awarded a disability pension, a gratuity or any temporary or conditional allowance for disability? 19. (a) NO
(b) Are you now in receipt of any such pension or allowance? (b) NO
20. Did you receive a notice, and do you understand what it means? Who gave it to you? 20. YES. Name FLIGHT LIEUT P. BUTLER
21. Are you aware that you will be liable to be called out for 15 days’ training (involving continuous whole-time attendance) annually and also attend for training at week-ends in the evenings, or at oth-er times as may be required? 21. YES.
22. Are you aware that you will be liable to be called out to permanent service in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, ashore or afloat, in cases of imminent national danger or of great emergency, and also will be liable to be called out to aid the civil power in the preservation of the public peace? 22. YES.
23. Are you aware that you will be liable (whether or not the Air Force Reserve is called out on per-manent service) to be called out and to serve within the British Islands in defence of the British Is-lands against actual or apprehended attack: it being understood that service on any flight of which the points of departure and intended return are within the British Islands or the territorial waters thereof is to be deemed to be service within the British Islands, notwithstanding that the flight may in its course extend beyond those limits? 23. YES.
24. Are you aware, that if called out under paras. 22 and 23 above, you will be liable to be detained in Air Force service for the unexpired portion of your service in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve and for a further period not exceeding 12 months, if so directed by the competent Air Force authori-ty? 24. YES.
[page break]
25. Do you understand that you will be liable, when called out under paras. 21-24 and if medically fit, to go into the air whenever required to do so? 25. YES.
26. Do you understand that you will not be permitted, while serving in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, to join the Royal Navy, Army or Royal Marines, the Militia, the Territorial Army, the Auxiliary Air Force or the Reserves of those Forces? 26. YES.
I, JAMES DOUGLAS HUDSON do solemnly declare that the foregoing answers made by me to the above questions are true, that I have read and accept the conditions in A.M. Pamphlet 77 and am willing to fulfil the engagements made.
SIGNATURE OF RECRUIT [signature of J.D. Hudson]
SIGNATURE OF WITNESS [signature of Patrick Butler]
[underlined] OATH TO BE TAKEN BY THE MAN ON ATTESTATION. [/underlined]
I, James Douglas Hudson swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King George the Sixth, His Heirs and Successors, and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, in Person, Crown and Dignity, against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and of the Air Officers and Officers set over me. So help me God.
The recruit above named was cautioned by me that if he wilfully or knowingly made any false answer to any of the foregoing questions, he would be liable to be punished as provided by the Air Force Act.
The foregoing questions were then read to the recruit in my presence.
I have taken care that he understands each question, and that his answer to each question has been duly entered as replied to and the said recruit has made and signed the Declaration and taken the Oath before me at Manchester on this Twenty ninth day of June 1939
[signature of Patrick Butler Signature.]
I certify that the above is a true copy of the Attestation of the above-named recruit.
Approving Officer.



“Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (Observer Section) Notice Paper,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 16, 2025,

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