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A propaganda leaflet directed at the German population produced by the Psychology War Department and Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force. One page is missing but both pages are translated into English.


Transcript of broadcast 8 June 1942 in Manchester at 8.30pm. Tells of making model aircraft when he was a youngster and taking an interest in work of the Wright brothers, Codey, Roe and others. Relates when 18 getting to know A V Roe and joining him…

From commander of RAF Careers Information Service thanking him for his enquiry concerning a career in the Royal Air Force but regretting that he is over age and so his application cannot be considered.

R Stubbs writes from RAF Scampton to Mr Woolgar informing him that his son has been rescued and is at the Royal Naval Hospital in Portsmouth. He advises that he will be granted leave after he has returned to the squadron.

35 airmen arranged in three rows in front of a hut. The front row of 12 airmen are Free French airmen. On the front is 'M.N.O.' and on the reverse signatures of some of the men and a stamp with 'RAF Evanton Crown Copyright Reserved' and 'G.1727.E'.…

A group of ten airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden building. On the front is 'R' and the names of each man. On the reverse is stamped 'RAF Evanton Crown Copyright Reserved'.

A group of ten trainee airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden hut. On the front is 'O' and the names of each man. On the reverse is stamped 'RAF Evanton Crown Copyright Reserved'.

Nine airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden building. On the front is 'P' and the names of each man. On the reverse is stamped 'RAF Evanton Crown Copyright Reserved'.

The last issue of Kandy Calling. A magazine with news, quizzes, stories, sports reports, personalities, photographs, cartoons, letters to the editor and adverts.

Postcard from Roy Chadwick to Rosemary Chadwick at St Elphin's school hoping that she is feeling better. On the front a painting of a schoolboy sitting on a bench seat in a railway carriage. Title 'Is my journey really necessary?'.

On 23 August 1947 near Adlington, death of Roy Chadwick in aircraft crash.

Notebook containing drawings, short essays and notes in English and French by herself, family and other friends as well as several pages of signatures. Include part of a Théophile Gautier's poem. On the first page 'Rosemary Chadwick 1946'.

Letter talks about bad weather and catches up with news.

Postcard postmarked Venice from Roy Chadwick to his wife. Writes of journey through Simplon Pass to Italy. On the front a panorama of Domodossola.

Letter saying he has arrived in Istanbul. Writes of business matters, weather, view from window. Writes that he hopes things will go well with Turkish authorities in Ankara and hope for good business results. Writes that he will be leaving for…

Written after arrival in Ankara Turkey. Writes about the city and weather. Writes that representatives from De Haviland have been in Ankara but have departed. Talks of Turkish people and catches up with family news.

Writes that he is enjoying Greece more that Turkey and that as finished most of his business in Turkey, he wished that she could be with him for sightseeing. Writes of his arrival in Athens and meeting British official and a cavalry officer on leave…

Written aboard ship on route to Brindisi. Writes of journey through Greek archipelago and about travelling companions. Says that he will arrive in Brindisi in the morning and take train to Rome. Hopes to spend a couple of days in Rome before taking…

From Roy Chadwick to wife. Talks briefly of journey from Brindisi and that he has not enough time to sight see. Will find out about train times to for tomorrow. Painting of path way, trees,fountain with building in the background.

Writes to wife Mary Chadwick that he is in the Vatican and is due to get train at 2 pm. Hope he will be home Saturday. On the front religious artwork.

Roy Chadwick Writes to wife Mary Chadwick about the slowness of doing business in Ankara Turkey and hopes there will be a letter from her when he get back to Istanbul. On the front a photograph of a square in Istanbul with statue in foreground and…

Addressed to daughter from Roy Chadwick. Writes of her recent visit to seaside and a little about heat in Istanbul. Writes he will be glad to get home. On the front a photograph of waterway with many boats and buildings with Mosque on far bank. Title…

Postcard to daughter from Roy Chadwick. Hoping that she has been good and writing that he had a interesting time in Paris and relating some events. Postmarked Paris. On the front a picture of a young girl in a red coat and hat. She is carrying a…
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