Interview with Anne Morgan Rose Harcombe


Interview with Anne Morgan Rose Harcombe
1001-Harcombe, Anne Morgan Rose-Cranwell Aviation


Anne Morgan Rose Harcombe was born in London in 1938 and was evacuated with her mother at the start of the war to live with her mother’s family in South Wales






00:38:47 audio recording


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Interviewer: Good morning. I’m Dawn Oakley. Today is the 20th of April 2011. I have with me Anne Harcombe who is going to chat to us for our project, “Shouting the Odds.” Welcome, Anne. Thanks for coming.
AM: Thank you very much. My name is Anne Morgan Rose Harcombe. The Rose was from my first marriage and the Harcombe from my second. I was born in Middlesex in London on the 17th of July 1938. My mother was Welsh and my father English. My father was George Albert Phillips and was born in 1915 in Finchley in London and my mother was Muriel Morgan and was born in Glynneath in South Wales in 1914. She came up to London as a house parlour maid arranged by the local chapel and was put into a household in Highgate and that’s where she met my father who was the fish boy delivering the fish. And he had to be vetted by the lady of the house before he was actually allowed to take my mother out so they were very well looked after. 1938 was not an auspicious year to be born because then we were immediately evacuated when I was six months old down to my grandparents in South Wales because of the threat of the war. I lived in South Wales until I was nine and went to school there but I lived with my grandparents who was Margaret Morgan and my grandfather who was Isaac Morgan and we lived in Glynneath which is a small village between Merthyr Tydfil and Swansea. I went to school there and in my formative years Welsh was spoken in the house and only Welsh. We only spoke English when we had visitors that couldn’t speak Welsh. Going to school we did Welsh and English and because I was an evacuee, in brackets, I had to learn English and Welsh. We had a great time in school and it really was. We were very well looked after. My father went into the Army and he was in the Rifle Brigade and my mother who was with me in South Wales went into a munitions factory in a place called Rhigos which is at the top of the Neath Valley and she made, helped to make shells and bombs and all sorts of things. And one of my aunts, my Auntie Mari she worked with her. I had a younger aunt who was still at school because she was just ten years older than me. My grandfather was a miner and three of my uncles and they were in what was called a Reserved Occupation so they couldn’t join the Army albeit three of them, three of them all tried. They tried the Air Force, the Navy and the Army and were all sent back much to their chagrin. They, they really did want to join up and do their bit but they were told digging coal was their bit and my, as I say my grandfather was a miner as well. Two of my uncles also were in the National Fire Service. So they were called out as volunteers and at the bottom of the road where we lived they had built a brick garage which we had the fire engine was housed there and a man used to sit at the back of the garage in a little room with a telephone. And if they were needed the message used to come to him and then he used to get on his bike and ride all around the village trying to shake up enough to make a crew because a lot of them were working and they worked three shifts. I’ve known my uncles come home from work and go to bed only to be called out again. And in the hall standing of my grandmother’s house their kit used to hang. Their boots with their trousers rolled down over them and all their bits and pieces hanging so that they just stepped into everything and it was pain of death if you touched anything [laughs] But they did a very good job and were called out to Swansea mostly because of bombing the docks there. Where am I? My grandfather had a very large garden so I was always out there with him. He made me a small wooden wheelbarrow and I had my own spade and I used to go and help him dig so that we could plant vegetables. He also used to garden the next door but one garden because the lady there was a widow so he put that down to vegetables as well. So we never went short of vegetables and we were very fortunate because my grandfather had a great friend who had a farm and we used to go up and help with the haymaking and everything else.
Interviewer: How old were you when you were helping [unclear]
AM: Oh, I was about what? Four. Something like that. Three or four. And we used to go up to the farm and help with the haymaking. Any of us who that not working or anything like that because most of the men had gone off or were miners and they were just short of labour. So we used to go up and help on the farm and of course if anything was slaughtered we always used to get our little bit. Our little bit of meat or something like that. So I can’t honestly say that I remember really going without.
Interviewer: No.
AM: As a child, you know we were well fed. Two of my aunts knitted so we were always well clothed. And I think all in all I had a very very happy childhood.
Interviewer: I don’t blame you.
AM: I had one of my uncles, my eldest, no the youngest uncle, my Uncle Ensor on a Monday I used to brush his Sunday suit off and clean his Sunday shoes and put those away and I used to earn sixpence for doing that. And my other uncle, Vivien he smoked a pipe and all his tobacco came as a plug. So, on a Wednesday the newspaper was put on the table and I used to rub all his tobacco and fill his pouch and fill the jar and I used to get sixpence for that. And that was my Saturday morning picture money. It was sixpence to go into the pictures and I had sixpence for sweets and my grandmother used to cut the sweet coupon out of the ration book and give it to me. Well, if you think a sweet coupon was about the size of your thumbnail so I used to have that between my thumb and finger and run across the road to the shop which was called Dick Williams and all the sweets were in jars up on the shelf and you could have whatever you liked. You know, you could have an ounce of this or an ounce of that and you always said when you went in, ‘I’ve got sixpence to spend, Dick,’ and then he used to say, ‘Right, well you can have—', you know [pause] ‘Right. You’ve spent your sixpence.’ And we used to have a mixture of all sorts of things in a triangular bag with a twist on the top of it.
Interviewer: Oh. Yeah.
AM: For us to go to the pictures.
Interviewer: I was going to say did you have a favourite sweetie back then?
AM: I liked Jelly Babies and they used to do a very wicked line in Dolly Mixtures so you know we used to have a mixture of all sorts of things and perhaps a couple of mints thrown in and those little chocolate buttons with the hundreds and thousands on the top of them. We used to have those as well.
Interviewer: Pick and mix.
AM: But, it was. It was early pick and mix.
Interviewer: Yeah.
AM: It really was. And we used to go to Saturday morning pictures where we used to cheer Roy Rogers and all the others and nail biting serial which used to end up with and you had to wait ‘til the following week to find what was going to happen because somebody had just fallen off their horse and was hanging on to the edge of a canyon. But it was, it was great fun and that was Saturday mornings and we used to do that. My grandfather being a miner used to have his coal delivered and they used to get a certain amount of coal a year free. But when it came it used to come in a big lorry and it was just tipped on the pavement so we used to have to take it in. So my grandfather as I say had made me this little wheelbarrow. So from about the age of four I helped fetch the coal in because I used to go out with my wheelbarrow. He used to load it up and then I used to take it down to the coalhouse and tip it on one side because I had the smaller pieces. Then he would bring the bigger pieces in and would make like a wall in the coalhouse and then the smaller pieces were tipped inside it so that it was all kept nice and tidy.
Interviewer: Was that one of your usual chores or did you get paid for –
AM: No. I didn’t get paid for that.
Interviewer: Right.
AM: No. That was just something that had to be done.
Interviewer: You had to.
AM: Yes. I used to help my grandmother on washing day and I can remember she had a dolly which was put into the bath, a tin bath and she, we used to dolly the clothes and then they were put on to the line. And I used to go down and help her and hand the pegs to her while she put the washing out and then when we brought it in then I used to help her to fold it and usually when either my aunt or my mother came home from work whichever shift they were working they would do the ironing. But we all helped at home. We were not allowed to do nothing. We were always found jobs to do no matter how small they were. But my grandmother used to say to me, ‘Go and pick peas.’ And I used to go down to the garden and I knew when I was about five or six I knew how many peas we would need. How many pods of peas we would need to feed us all because my grandparents had seven children. My mother was the second eldest. And of course, when we moved down there my youngest aunt was only ten years older than me and my Uncle Ensor was only thirteen years older than me so they were more like a brother and sister to me than they were aunts and uncles. As I say I went to school there. And when we moved back to London when I was nine and we, I went to Poplar Road School in Morden because my father had come out of the Army and my uncle had a greengrocer’s shop in Middlesex, in Queensbury where I was born and he sold that and bought a shop in Morden and my father went to help him to run it. And then my uncle became paralysed so my father took over and my Uncle Bill stayed at home and did the books and we moved in with him. So we lived with him then albeit he’d had a housekeeper before, Auntie Hilda and she still used to come and do the cleaning. And we moved in with him then and we were there for four, nine, ten, eleven. We were there for three years when my Uncle Bill died. He left the shop to my father but the house had been left to Auntie Hilda so we had to move out. My father by then had found somebody else so he went waltzing off with them and left my mother and I destitute really. We had nowhere to live. She went to the council and they said that the housing was very short supply at that time and we were put into what was called a Rest Centre which was a big church hall that had been divided up in rooms by just plyboard. We were not allowed to take any furniture or anything with us. We had two camp beds and a deal cupboard to put our clothes in. It had a kitchen but no bathroom but it had one of these very large shallow butler sinks which they said the children could be sat in to wash. When we lived in Morden my mother had made a very good friend at the top of the road and she was appalled to think that we were living in such conditions so after school which I was near their house, after school I used to go there and my mother used to come straight because she was a school meals caterer then. She used to come from school to Auntie Claire’s. Auntie Claire was an English teacher. She couldn’t cook to save her life so my mother used to take on all the cooking and a bit of the cleaning and Auntie Claire used to do all the sewing. So we were never short of clothes or anything. We used to buy a piece of material and she would make us a dress.
Interviewer: Brilliant. So did you move in with Auntie Claire?
AM: We didn’t. We stayed at the Rest Centre until they, because they hadn’t got room. They’d got two girls. So we used to go there and we used to leave there by about 7 o’clock.
Interviewer: Right.
AM: At night and get on the bus and go back to Raynes Park where we were then living. And then the council found us a flat which was a house which they had requisitioned because there was just one lady living in it and we had the upstairs of this house as a flat. And then later on they rehoused us in a council flat at South Wimbledon. But it was pretty tough I can tell you at that particular time and my mother felt very guilty that she hadn’t got a home to offer me.
Interviewer: Was she still working?
AM: She was still working. She was working full time and my father gave us three pounds a week housing allowance. Housekeeping allowance which I used to go to the shop to collect when I left school. Then I went and worked for him on a Saturday, Saturday morning and I used to go and work in the shop. On a Friday night we used to take down the old shows of all the vegetables and fruit that had been up on the wall and they would be put then to be sold off cheaply. And we used to put new shows up on a Friday night and then work all day Saturday. And on a Friday straight from school we had a big tank at the back of the shop, a big old tank that had come out of somebody’s house which had running water in it. I used to have to, I think my father was the first people, person that ever washed vegetables and salad before it was sold because he insisted that all the celery was to be scrubbed. So we didn’t sell dirty celery. We sold washed celery. And everything had to be dipped. The lettuces and everything. The tomatoes used to come in in boats and I used to have to sort the tomatoes because we used to have frying, small, medium, and best quality. So four lots of tomatoes used to come out of one boat of tomatoes and I used to have to sort those as well. So my job was the salad really and I used to have to keep that going and we had a chap that had worked for my uncle in Middlesex and he used to come every Saturday to manage the salad part because we used to sell quite a lot. And old Fred, I don’t know how old he was. He must have been quite ancient and he had dreadful arthritis and he used to walk like a penguin really and he used to come on the train. On the tube to Morden and he used to walk down then to the shop and he used to, and he always wanted a cup of tea as soon as he got there. And then I used to make tea for him and take it out to him and he always used to say to me, he used to just drink it straight down, I think he had a cast iron gullet because he always used to say to me, ‘Make it a bit hotter next time, girl.’ But I used to keep him supplied with salad then during the during, during the day and at lunchtime I used to have to go across the road and we had an ABC restaurant across the road and I used to have to go over and find out what was on the menu and come back and tell him because my father used to buy him lunch. So I used to have to run across the road then. Tell him what was on the menu and I used to have to go and do it and every week he had steak and kidney pudding but I still had to go over to see what was on the menu. So I used to go over and get his steak and kidney pudding and I had to cross two roads and bring it back on a tray and he used to sit out the back and eat that and then I used to take the dishes back and come back with either apple pie and custard or something like that for him for his pudding.
Interviewer: How old were you then?
AM: I was about thirteen.
Interviewer: Right. A teenager.
AM: And then, so that was sort of the shop really there. Then when I left school at fifteen I wanted to be a florist. I’d always wanted to be a florist. I always wanted to be a lady that worked in a flower shop. So my grandmother had a dresser and I used to keep it full of wildflowers and she had paste pots and jam jars and everything and I always used to keep that filled from when I was quite a small, small child really. So I always wanted to be a florist and we had careers officers that come into the school by then and they were not terribly helpful because all they wanted to do was to push all the girls into office work and I said, ‘No. I want to be a florist. So we, we tried and they were not helpful so I thought right I’m going to go out and get my own job. So, I went out and tried various places and then I went with my mother one day to Victoria. On the train to Victoria Street and there was a lovely catering shop there and she’d got a special wedding on and she wanted to go and get some cutters. So as we came out of the station I saw Moyses Stevens Florist which had water all running down the inside of the window and I said to her, ‘Oh, I wonder if they’ve got a job.’ So I went in and she went down to her shop and I went in there. I was sort of about I suppose about four foot six. Pulled myself up to my full height and this lady came and said, ‘May I help you?’ And I said, ‘I’d like to see the manager please.’ And she said, ‘Oh. What is it about?’ And I said, ‘Well, I wondered if you needed an apprentice.’ So, this gentleman duly arrived in his striped trousers and frock coat. He was the manager of the shop and spoke to me for a little while and then said, ‘Are you on your own?’ And I said, ‘No. My mother is just down the road.’ So he said, ‘Well when she comes back,’ he said, ‘I’ll interview you.’ So he interviewed me and he said yes. He would give me a job as an apprentice but we would have to pay. Well, as my mother said that was totally out of the question because she was the only breadwinner and there was no way that we could pay for an apprenticeship. So he said, ‘Well, leave it with me and I’ll see what I can do.’ So a week later we got a letter from him to say that I had got my apprenticeship and the date I was to start and that it was being paid by the Worshipful Company of Gardeners from the City of London and they were sponsoring me. So I had my five year apprenticeship. I had two years as a junior and three years as an improver and then when I finished there I went to the West End of London an I did contract work and I did shops and hotels and offices. We used to do the arrangements on a Saturday in the shop because we could get market on a Saturday morning and then they were all taken out on a Monday morning on the van and deposited in various places. I used to do Dolcis in Oxford Street which was on three floors and there were fourteen arrangements there. Then I used to go around the back to Stratford Court Hotel and I had six arrangements to do there. And then I used to go to Burroughs Adding Machine and there was one large arrangement there and that was on one of these seats. I don’t know if you remember them that were completely round and padded in velvet and the arrangement was on the top in the middle and I used to take my shoes off. But the lady who we nicknamed the dragon used to come rushing out with a piece of newspaper to put on the seat for us to stand on in case we had dirty stockings. But I used to do that and then go back to the shop and we used to write up what was in each arrangement and what colouring it was so that we knew what spares we had to take and what colour. And I had a trug basket which was about three foot long and about a foot and a half, about a foot and a half wide which was made of wood that I used to have to carry around with all my flowers in. I had a metal watering can as well that I used to have to take plus my scissors and secateurs and I used to have to walk and I did that for two years. I used to have when I finished at Burroughs’s I used to go back to the shop and have my cup of coffee but at the Stratford Court Hotel I was always, I used to work just off the kitchen and I was always given breakfast and the chef always used to say, ‘What would you like, Anne? And I used to say oh whatever.’ And he used to say, ‘Oh, the smoked salmon and scrambled egg is a bit slow today.’ And I used to say, ‘Oh well, I’ll have that.’ You know. As if it was –
Interviewer: Brilliant.
AM: You know. Such a hardship.
Interviewer: Yeah.
AM: But I used to have breakfast there and I used to have to work underneath the staircase with a table which was a flap that used to come down and I used to have to tuck myself underneath this staircase to work. But and then I used to have my, fill my basket again and I used to go out and I used to do Cinephone which was the cinema opposite Selfridges and I’d do three arrangements there. One of them was in the manager’s office and I hated doing that because he was a bottom pincher and at that time you know we didn’t have equal rights and all this sort of thing and so I used to say to the young man when I went in, ‘Is he in?’ If he wasn’t in I would dash in and do that one first and then do the two upstairs. But if he was in I’d just had to run the gauntlet you know. And I used to sort of move around the room so that he couldn’t get but invariably he used to pinch my bottom before I left. And I can remember saying to my boss who was a German about this thinking that he would do something about it and all he said to me was, ‘Well, I’m sorry. I can’t do anything about it because he pays his bills.’ So I just had to put up with it.
Interviewer: Yeah. Put up –
AM: I used to have my lunch then and then in the afternoon I used to go and decorate in the American Embassy and then I used to do Marcelles the furrier which was in Bond Street.
Interviewer: Oh.
AM: And then I used to go back to the shop. I used to start at half past seven in the morning and I’d go back to the shop when I’d finished and if it was before half past four I used to have to work in the workroom until it was half past four. Then I could go home. So in actual fact it worked out quite well because I was in front and, of the rush hour going to work and coming home and I used to, we lived at Morden and I used to get the tube from Morden then to Tottenham Court Road and change then to Bond Street. But I did that for two years and got a bit fed up with it. And then I was offered a job in the same company but working in the on the Exhibition Team. So then I went and did venues outside. We used to decorate places like the Albert Hall, Farnborough Air Show. We used to go every year to the British Industries Fair in Birmingham. We used to go twice a year to France to decorate for Ford’s. We used to do the Covent Garden when the Queen was going to be there. I’ve made wedding, I’ve made bouquets for all the royal family. All the royal ladies.
Interviewer: Oh.
AM: At one time or another. And I did that for two years and my partner because we worked in twos was a young man and then when I married my husband didn’t really appreciate me [recketing] around the country with an unmarried man. So I packed the job up and came local again and managed a shop. Then I had my son so I didn’t work for a year and then I got him into a nursery because we lived in a flat. I got him into a nursery school and I went back to work part time.
Interviewer: What did your husband do?
AM: He was an engineer. He worked for Osram’s as it was then.
Interviewer: Oh right.
AM: And he used to cut the big gears that were used in large pieces of machinery like dams and things like that. Very precision work. And so then I went back to work again then and then after we’d, I’d had worked there for a few years I opened my own business in Roehampton which was near Putney. Between Putney and Kingston and I opened my own florist business there and which I had for sixteen years. My husband had a heart attack. He was older than me. He was fifteen years older than me and he had a heart attack and died when I was forty.
Interviewer: Oh dear.
AM: And I was left with the business and everything else.
Interviewer: How old was your son at this time?
AM: He was eighteen. And then we, we struggled on. We carried on.
Interviewer: As you do.
AM: As you do. But I had a very great friend who was my Interflora field officer and he used to visit the shop every couple, every three months to make sure we were alright and everything and I was on the committee for Interflora District 1 and Chris used to pick me up because he was passing to take me up to the meetings in London and take me home again. He was divorced from his wife and we got together.
Interviewer: Oh, how lovely.
AM: I’d know Chris for twelve years so it was like an old, like marrying an old friend.
Interviewer: Yeah.
AM: It was really.
Interviewer: Oh, that’s nice.
AM: It really was. It was wonderful. Then Interflora offered him a job in Lincolnshire, in Sleaford so we moved up then and he took over and managed the Training Department there. I sold the business and we moved up and I was at a loose end and had nothing to do so I started tutoring for Interflora. We used to do schools. Weekend schools. And I used to go off to Scotland or Ireland or we used to have one at Knutsford. We had one at, near Beamish Hall. We used to go to Bobby Shaftoe’s house there.
Interviewer: Oh.
AM: Which had been turned into a school and we used to go there and we used to tutor girls and we did different courses. We used to have girls that would, or boys who had just come into the business. So we used to take them so that by the time they went back to their shops they could address a customer, take a cheque, take money, give change, make a cellophane gift wrap, make a buttonhole. So they were becoming a useful member of staff. So we used to have a three day school then. Then we did sympathy work for funerals. We did wedding courses. We did all sorts of things. Gift courses and everything. And then I became an assessor for, for Interflora as well when people did examinations. And then I decided that I was away a lot and really didn’t want to be away that much so I decided I would go to Riseholme College near Lincoln and see if they wanted someone to teach in their Floristry Department. And of course, the first thing I was asked was have you got a piece of paper? And I said, ‘No. I’m sorry I haven’t got a piece of paper. But I have forty two years experience.’ But I was told that no I couldn’t have a job because I hadn’t got a piece of paper. I hadn’t got a teaching degree. I hadn’t got a piece of paper to say that I was a florist. So I came back and I said to Chris, I said, ‘I’m really miffed about this.’ So he said, ‘Well, go and do a course.’ So he found out for me and I went to Monks Road and I did a Teacher Training Course which was hilarious in itself because there were about twenty of us in this room all from different backgrounds. We all did different jobs. We had hairdressers, firemen, we had all sorts of people and the lady that I palled up with she came from Lincoln Hospital and she was an incontinence nurse. So we were all very diverse and we had two tutors and the first day we were there we just fell about because we had this lady to teach us and she was a psychologist. And she came and she said, ‘Right, today’s lesson is going to be communication. How to communicate with people.’ So she started off and all we had were all these abbreviated letters for things. Well, we didn’t know what she was talking about, you know. Instead of saying the Royal Air Force she would say the RAF. Well, you know in other contexts we didn’t know what she was talking about. Well, this went on for about a quarter of an hour and we were all looking at each other and all shrugging our shoulders and I said to Joan, this lady from Lincoln hospital, ‘I’ve had enough of this.’ So, I put my hand up and she said, ‘Yes.’ And I said, ‘Are we supposed to be communicating?’ And she said, ‘Well, yes.’ And I said, ‘Well, I’m afraid we’re not.’ And she was quite shocked and I said to her, ‘You’re using all these abbreviations. We haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about.’ I said, ‘Had you written them all down on a piece of paper and we’d had that given to us.’ I said, ‘Well then, we could look it up and find out what you were talking about. But as it is now we have no idea what you’re talking about.’ And she said, ‘Oh, dear.’ She said, ‘I haven’t prepared this very well, have I?’ And I said, ‘No. I’m afraid you haven’t.’ So that was the end of that lesson. But we muddled through and I did get my Teacher Training Certificate and I went back to Riseholme and I said, ‘I’ve got my piece of paper.’ And they said, ‘Oh, well we can offer you one morning a week.’ So I said, ‘Oh, I don’t think so.’ So I said –
Interviewer: A long way to go, isn’t it?
AM: I said to Chris, ‘I need something to do.’ So I bought another shop. I bought a shop in Ruskington and it was a florist shop and I revamped it. My son and Chris stood inside the door and they said, ‘What do you want to do?’ And I said, ‘Gut it.’ So we gutted it all out. We redecorated it. We revamped it and we opened and I had that for nine years.
Interviewer: As a florist.
AM: As a florist. Yes. Chris retired and said, ‘Are you retiring?’ And I said, ‘No, I’ll give it another year.’ And then I retired, and unfortunately in 2000 he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and I’m afraid I lost him in 2011. No. Sorry 2009. So, I’m now moving on with my life. I belong to a Flower Club. Woodhall Spa Flower Club. And I did when I twenty five years ago I joined Sleaford Flower Club and I became a demonstrator for Flower Clubs and I used to travel all around the place. Our area covered from Sheffield down to Stamford and from the coast into the Peak District to Matlock.
Interviewer: Oh.
AM: And I used to visit all the different Clubs and do floral demonstrations and, and that was great. I used to thoroughly enjoy that and when Chris retired he used to drive me and we used to have a great time. But I did it for fifteen years and then decided that, that I’d had enough and I really didn’t, didn’t want to do any more. So having done fifteen years for them I retired. But I’m still working. I still do weddings for people. People that, I had a lady ring me up a couple, last well a couple of weeks ago and she has got four daughters and the fourth one is now getting married and, ‘Will you do the flowers because you’ve done the other three.’ So at seventy two I’m still battling on.
Interviewer: That’s lovely.
AM: I’m still working. The body is weakening but the mind is only thirty and I have to keep telling myself now slow down a little bit because you’re not thirty. But I do go and on a Monday morning I do a Zumba class. I’m trying to lose some weight with Weight Watchers and all in all I lead a very active life. My son lives in Louth. He moved up and lives in Louth. I have a grandson, Joshua. He lives in Sleaford with his mum and he is just preparing now and trying to get himself in to the RAF. He’s been an Air Cadet for three years and he’s just gone up for promotion. He’s got his masters, he’s a Master Cadet so he’s got his lanyard and he’s had an interview last Monday now to try and get promotion. So I’m hoping that he will get it because he desperately wants to go into the RAF as an aircraft mechanic. So I think I filled you in quite a bit with my bits and pieces.
Interviewer: That’s very interesting.
AM: I go to Cranwell to church who are a brilliant lot there and I thoroughly enjoy going to church because we have such an hilarious time and as I say I have lots of friends and I do live a very active life. I hope this will be interesting to somebody.
Interviewer: Well, I found it very interesting.
AM: Good.
Interviewer: Thank you very much, Anne.


Dawn Oakley and This Interview was recorded by Aviation Heritage Lincolnshire., “Interview with Anne Morgan Rose Harcombe,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,

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