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  • Tags: Stalag 8B

He is well but has not had much mail.

He has received three parcels, in total. He is well. He especially liked the clothing parcel and cigarettes from his office.

He has had mail and a cigarette parcel.

He has had no mail from home. He cancels his request for shoes and shorts but is keen to get a pipe, tobacco and cigarettes.

He asks for mail, one or two pipes, khaki shorts, swimming trunks or football shorts and chocolate.

He has had no mail from home. He is well. He remains optimistic.

He is well and asks for lots of letters. He mentions that they should receive a letter for his Caterpillar Club membership. He asks for shoes, slippers, tobacco and pipe.

He is well and repeats his request for a pipe and also tobacco.

He asks for cigarettes. He is studying accounts.

Part of a letter but only the address side.

He is desperate for a cigarette parcel. He has been studying and hopes to be home soon.

He has received parcels of cigarettes from home. It has been very hot.

Part of his message has been censored. He asks about folk back home and hopes he will be home soon.

Gordon wishes them well and explains it is very hot. He signs the card as Navigator.

He writes that they are fed up.

A map of 41 POW camp locations. The key gives each camp's name and number.

A letter referring to the night of the crash and George's subsequent escape via Switzerland. He was caught while trying to get to Spain and sent to Paris. After the war he worked for the post office in Calgary.

On account of approaching Russians, Germans planned to move all prisoners of war in the east to the west. Documents gives day by day account of journey of over 200 kilometres on foot in winter weather over 12 days before being taken the rest of the…

From George Grundy, card produced on behalf of the prisoners of war in Stalag VIIIB, Christmas 1941. Annotated from 'George with Love'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are…
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