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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Seven Japanese prisoners pushing and pulling a trolley full of boxes, supervised by a man with a rifle. There are three more copies.

The programme lists 23 pieces to be played a the prisoner of war Christmas show at Belaria camp.

The theatre's wings with an actor and two stage hands.

Quotes from Eden, Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Goebbels and notice on treatment of German prisoners of war by German staff HQ.

Pilot's flying log book number three for R E Wannop, covering the period from 1 March 1945 to 9 November 1945. Detailing his operations flown and post was flying duties. He was stationed at RAF Tuddenham and RAF Feltwell. Aircraft flown was…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 216-1.jpg
Address of R Hall

A comment from a broadsheet newspaper that was posted on a board at the camp. It includes a list of items supplied in a cardboard suitcase.

Photograph of prisoners of war working. Shows six prisoners in various clothes standing, sitting or working on foundations of a hut.In the background other huts and trees. Captioned' RAF prisoners at Stalag Luft 3 laying brick foundations for a new…

The menu for the Sergeants Mess Christmas dinner. It is signed by the waiters and is annotated 'The German POW staff of waiters at the Sergeants Mess. RAF Station Shallufa MEF December 25th 1946.'

Gerry Philbin's talents in hockey whilst serving in the RCAF are described. He then transferred to the UK to fly Halifaxes. During an operation they were shot down and only he and Sergeant Millard survived. He was captured but escaped with the help…

A receipt for a watch confiscated by the Germans at Dulag Luft.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 219-1.jpg
A D Moyle and D V G Buchanan (England) state that received 500 lire. Includes the address of Winton K Sexton.

Account of operation to Nuremberg on 28 August 1942 in Halifax where aircraft was attacked and shot down by night fighter. Continues with account of capture, interrogation and transport to prisoner of war camp. Describes camp occupants, situation,…

A record of the loss of a Halifax. It lists the crew and their fate - five became prisoners of war and returned safely to the UK but Cyril John
Pope (1578663) and Theodore Ian Mardon Edwards (R/97583) were killed. Their burial details are recorded.

Full list of articles allowed for inclusion. Notes that list of contents is to be included.

Gives contents of parcel pyjamas, towels, face cloth, tooth brush, shoes, scarf, gloves and other items.

A head and shoulders portrait of Reg taken when he was a prisoner of war, with his service number, 1389401.

Two cloth brevets, for a navigator and an observer plus a Stalag IVB dog tag.

The certificate lists Reg's studies whilst incarcerated as a prisoner of war.

A card issued by the Air Ministry whilst Reg was a prisoner of war notifying his commission as a Pilot Officer.

A notebook to be used for recording wartime activities. It contains an account of Reg's bale out, capture and time in Dulag Luft, Stalag 4B and Offlag 7B.Reg records his operational experiences the day he baled out. His captors were friendly but the…

A summary of all major matches in Stalag IVB

Account of release of two Burnely men (Ordinay Seaman G Taylor and Marine C Latham) amongst French North Africa nternees freed by American Forces. Both had been aboard HMS Manchester which was torpedoed in Mediterranean on August 13th. Tells of…

Account of Douglas Hudson's safe arrival home after two years internment in French North Africa. Notes squalid conditions in camps and two escape attempts.
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