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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Writes telling him that she had bought their daughter some bedroom slippers. She goes on to say that two books would be sent on to him. After giving him some general news regarding people they both know she ends by saying that she has written to…

Writes about domestic activities and visit from the vicar. Mentions that monthly copy of prisoner of war official Red Cross Journal had arrived and wonders about accuracy of some statements about food. Continues with more domestic chat and about…

Writes about sending him socks and other items as well as about the activities of daughter Frances. Mentions she has been appointed fire-fighting group leader and been asked to do some secretarial work. Continues writing of fruit bottling, jam making…

Catches up with received and sent mail and complains about censor restrictions on what she is allowed to write. Continues with description of her and daughters recent activities. Mentions she bought herself a skirt and her plans to send him a chess…

She writes whilst she is on fire watching duty. She says that their daughter Frances went to tea on her own and that she has finished her diptheria immunisation. She writes that she and some friends went to tea and that she has been practising…

Asks whether he would like her to send razor and to mention that he would like his post office savings book to be returned to her as she need his written authority for this. Asks whether he would be prepared to make a rug if she sends him materials.…

Writes of her recent activities with daughter Frances and friends. Mentions that she has heard that food parcels from the United States have been stopped. Writes of contacting Red Cross education books section and news of friends. Continues with…

Reports arrival of his letters and postcards and that she has at last received his prisoner of war number. Writes of results of her efforts to recruit friends and acquaintances at home and abroad to send him food parcels. Mentions arrival of heavily…

Asks what sort of books he would like her to send and says she is doing best she can with food parcels. Mentions that income tax assessment has arrives and provides some financial details. Writes that his kit arrived from depository along with…

Reports arrival of a number of postcards and letters and mentions parcels of tobacco and cigarettes she and his father have sent. Mentions she believes letter cards will get to him more quickly. Writes of her attempts to spread request for food…

Acknowledges receipt of his postcard number 5 and is worried about his health. Asks if he has received Red cross parcels yet and mentions parcels of cigarettes and tobacco she has sent. States her plan to send him agricultural books for study.…

Writes of her attempts to recover money that he left in his locker. Says no letter from him for three weeks. Hopes to get his prisoner of war number so she can send him books.

Writes of visits to cinema and of domestic activities. Continues with story of her sister's photographic efforts. Mentions letters she has dispatched with photographs. Writes of spending session in air raid shelter which daughter Frances took in good…

Writes of her daily activities with savings group, family/friends and their daughter. She asks about his mail allowance and continues with domestic news and mentions local Red Cross is organising meetings for next of kin of prisoners of war.…

Writes about sending postcard and parcel (with list of contents) and rules about contents. Continues with intricacies of sending parcels through Red Cross. Mentions her and their daughter's activities and visit of padre and trying to get addresses of…

Writes about first parcel she has sent and asks him to let her know what he needs. Mentions she has not gotten his personal kit back yet and that she will send books and smokes when she has his prisoner of war number.

Announces that she had received her first letter from him and that postcards seem to arrive more quickly. Mentions writing to padre and central depository to get personal kit released. Writes of contents and number of parcels allowed and letter from…

Describes of hectic social life and news of family, friends and daughter Frances. Mentions recent car journey and going swimming. Continues with more description of activities.

Writes catching up with news of family and friends and progress of daughter Frances. Mentions taking over Red Cross penny-a-week fund and other activities. Continues with more news of family and friends and that she is longing to receive her first…

Writes she is not sure if he received her first letter when he was at Dulag Luft. Describes her feeling and events over three weeks and reactions of all when she found out he was a prisoner. Hoping there would be a postcard soon. Describes recent…

Her first letter to John since she heard that we was a prisoner of war. She describes the time when he was missing and the reactions of friends to the good news. Suggests starting a game of chess and asks him to tell her what he wants her to send…

Air observers and navigators flying log book for John Valentine covering the period from 20 September 1941 to 30 May 1942. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Prestwick, RAF Jurby, RAF Upper Heyford and RAF…

Full-length portrait of toddler Frances Valentine in bath. In the background a tiled wall. On the reverse 'No 70, To Sgt J R M Valentine, British Prisoner of War no 450, Stalag Luft III, Germany, From Mrs Valentine, Lido, Tenterden Grove, Hendon NW…

Head and shoulders portrait of toddler Frances Valentine wearing woollen jacket and a bonnet. On the reverse 'No 69, Sergeant J R M Valentine, British Prisoner of War No 450, Stallag Luft III, Germany'. Stamped “Geprüft 32”.

Four children, two sitting on the left and two standing by a toy wheel barrow on the right. In the background a wooden fence with tree on the left. On the left a pram. On the reverse 'No 68, To Sgt J R M Valentine, British P/W No 450, Stalag Luft III…
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