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  • Tags: pilot

Wellington pilot's notes for all marks and all engines. Outline drawing of aircraft.
This item is available only at the International Bomber Command Centre / University of Lincoln.

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is of seven airmen.
Photo 2 is of three airmen.
Photo 3 is of 15 airmen arranged in three rows.

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Guidance to pilots and navigators on the simplest means of locating a target. Provides comprehensive notes. Covers preparation, action before take off, action after take off.

Pilots flying log book two for R Wareing, covering the period from 17 February 1942 to 25 November 1943. Detailing his Instructor duties and flying training. He was stationed at RAF Cottesmore, RAF Market Harborough, RAF Upper Heyford and RAF…

Pilots flying log book one for R Wareing, covering the period from 26 February 1939 to 16 February 1942. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Waltham (aka RAF Grimsby), RAF Bexhill, RAF…

The two airmen and two WRNs are sitting in a shelter. It is annotated 'Jan 1944' but is Daphne's 21st birthday.

Six photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is Victor in civilian clothes, captioned '1945'.
Photo 2 is Victor in uniform captioned '1945'.
Photo 3 is Daphne, sitting on a fence, captioned '1944'.
Photo 4 is a half length portrait of Victor, captioned…

Eight photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is two men in RAF uniform and two women in WREN's uniform sitting, captioned 'Vic, Me, Wink, Trevor'.
Photo 2 is two men and a woman, captioned 'Vic, Mum, Trevor'.
Photo 3 is two WRENs and TWO airmen…

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The crew of the Lancaster are named with their date of birth and next of kin. The aircraft was missing on the night of 3/4 May 1944.

Six photographs and a related description of the crash of Lancaster JB134.
The description covers the following six copies of photographs.
Photo 1 is a villager inside the crater. On the reverse 'Film 19'.
Photo 2 is the scene around the crater…

A detailed memoir of the operation to Mailly-le-Camp when Lancaster JB314 crashed, killing all eight crew on board. It includes a detailed description by Michel, a teacher at Courboin. The remains of the airmen are collected and buried with ceremony.…

A group of six airmen including Eddy posed in front of Nissen huts. On the reverse
'Back Row
Far Left Sgt P Keenan Pilot
Centre Sgt JH Thomas Fl Eng
Far Right Sgt ?

Front Row
Far Left Sgt ?
Centre Sgt EH Hastie Mid Upper Air…

Seven airmen including Bill forming the crew of a Halifax. Each man is identified in the caption underneath. Information supplied with the collection states 'Bill and Crew Leconfield 640 Sqn 1944-45, Pilot- Bill Gudrum-Middlesborough, BA - Arthur -…

Gold pilot's brevet broach with pin and presentation box.

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Three RAF pilot brevets. First has queens crown, the second two kings crowns.

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A F K Jeziorski’s pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 1 April 1944 to 30 Sep 1948. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Manby (1 AAS), RAF Watchfield (1 Beam Approach School), RAF…

A mixed group of airmen, two naval officers, soldiers and one woman arranged in three rows outside a building. Henry is second row on far left. On the reverse 'Shawbury 56'.

Two similar images of seven airmen grouped together. In the background is a large bush. On the reverse of the first photo is a handwritten comment which is not decipherable.

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Three identical images of five airmen standing at the front of Halifax EY-Q MZ774. On its nose is 'Queenie' and 16 operation 'bombs' painted on.

Those shown in the photo are, from left to right:
Sergeant Stanley George James Knight, flight…

Pilots flying log book for P I Harris, covering the period from 12 January 1932 to 29 September 1937. Detailing his flying training and pre war flying duties with 35, 6 and 47 squadrons. He was stationed at RAF Digby, RAF Bircham Newton, RAF Ramleh,…

Brief Resumé of Initial Flying Training and operational experiences on 106 Squadron, led by Wing Commander Bob Allen DSO with sorties against the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Battleships in the Port of Brest.

Head and shoulders portrait of Andrezj Jeziorski. He is wearing a flying jacket. On the reverse 'Benbekkula [sic] 1944'.

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RAF Pilot’s Flying Log Book. A F K Jeziorski’s Flying Log book as pilot covering the period from 9 March 1943 to 15 March 1944. Detailing his flying training as a pilot. He was stationed at RAF Hucknall (25 [Polish] EFTS), RAF Newton (16 [Polish]…

Andrezj Jeziorski in the pilot's seat. Information supplied with the collection states 'At the controls of Rapide a/c, Duxford Museum 1983'

Andrezj Jeziorski's last flight. Information supplied with the collection states 'Britannia Airways:- My last flight on Boeing 737 before retirement (December 22nd 1982).'

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