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  • Tags: prisoner of war

News sheet with details of the Southampton reunion in 1987, Recco Report -stories about ex-POWs, Obituaries, members reports, KLB Club for prisoners from Buchenwald and a flight in a Blenheim.

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for R M Curnock, covering the period from 28 July 1943 to 25 February 1944 and from 18 September 1946 to 26 October 1946. He was shot down on 25 February 1944 and became a prisoner of…

A cartoon from Dick Curnock's Wartime Log Book. A prisoner is in a bunk which has had the slats removed. The mattress and his body sinks down where the slats are missing. It is captioned 'Life seems full of Ups and Downs'.

A summary of a medical undertaken on Dick Curnock on his return to UK after being held as a prisoner of war.

Short note to let them know he is well and hopes they have received his letters.

Writes he is doing well and has been sunbathing and comments on the weather. Mentions he has sent a number of letters via the Red Cross but has had no acknowledgement that they had been forwarded to them. Asks that they cable him via the American…

Mentions he is allowed two letters a month and hopes his previous ones have arrived. Hopes they are keeping well. Reports he is well and has not lost any weight. Mentions current weather and that they are quite high up. Writes of various clothes he…

Writes that he was pleased to get a letter from Red Cross at Geneva informing him that his name had been forwarded to the prisoner of war information bureau in London and that they would inform his parents of his address. Mentions he has written…

Hopes that they had received his first letter telling them he was well and interned at Le Kef. Writes of his daily activities and that there is plenty of English reading material available. Recalls his fathers recent birthday and send greetings.…

Writing from Tunisia that he is perfectly well as are the others. He is keeping letter simple in order not to write anything that may prevent the letter being delivered. Mentions the current climate and availability of grapes, figs, olives and…

Acknowledges arrival of several items of mail both ways. Map of world on reverse.

Acknowledges of cable and letter. Awaiting confirmation of Laghouat in a week.

From J E Hole writing that he has had news of Douglas and received a letter from his mother recently. Says he hopes to cheer him up and recalling their school days and mentioning current life. Catches up with news of people and his activities.

From Mildred H Grundy writes pleased to receive his letter and notes that it was a long time in transit. Writes of her activities including fire watching and her job. Writes of putting clocks back and having to go to bed earlier. mentions Queen's…

From M H Grundy mentions that he had seen Douglas's family and told them that he had received mail from Douglas and allowed them to read them. Continues with news of blitz on Manchester and his going to cinema as first visit since the bombing. Asks…

From W A Clayton apologising for not writing and giving reasons. Hopes he is well and getting some enjoyment from life and that he will be home soon. Catches up with news about someone in the air force and other news of family and acquaintances.

From W A Clayton writes that he is in their thoughts and that has little news as does not get out much and is concerned about what writing about things they should not. Sends Christmas greetings and hopes he will get home soon. Hopes he is fit and…

From Mary Clayton thanking Douglas for cable photographs and sending best wishes.

Wishing him a happy Christmas and best of health and luck for 1942. Signed Walker, Una and lilley

Birthday greetings from Lilley

Offering birthday greetings from Walter, Una and Lilley

Philosophical letter from Roger about his pacifist views on life and offering advice. Includes and extract from Douglas Hudson's book 'Destined to fly again' explaining that he used to visit an English lady and her two conscientious objector sons…

From auntie Gladys and cousin Eileen. Happy that he is safe and well. Writes of families daily activities and news including recent educational success and remarks that that John is in the air force.

The letter acknowledges Dick Curnock's confinement address.
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