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  • Tags: Lancaster

A crown of airmen and members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force, several with bicycles, waving to a Lancaster taxiing past. Submitted with description 'Imperial War Museum photo No. CH10046. Annotated "Waving the boys off at Syerston." A group of…

Half length image of three pilots wearing tunics with brevet and (the right hand two also medal ribbons), with peaked caps standing in front of a Lancaster with Mickey Mouse nose art. Submitted with description 'Photo of, left to right, S/Ldr John…

Six aircrew wearing parachute harnesses standing talking to a man in civilian clothes. In the background a Lancaster. Submitted with description 'Under Secretary for Air Geoffrey Lloyd talking to 35 Sqn Pathfinder aircrew at Gravely'.

Ground to air photograph of a Lancaster flying to the right dropping food parcels with cheering crowd at the bottom below. Submitted with description 'A card with a photograph of a Lancaster dropping food parcels. Printed on the card: "Operation…

Top - target photograph showing tracer lines and explosions. Caption too faint to read. Submitted with description 'Target photo of Gnome-Rhone factory at Gennevilliers on 9/10 May 1944. Photo taken from Lancaster ND682, ZN-K. Captain: P/O…

Top - target photograph showing Bordeaux with Garonne river top right. Captioned '2005 METH 11.8.44//8". 18,000" 010 degrees, `16.33, BORDEAUX E. 6x2000. C. 36 sec. F/O MEREDITH E/106'. Submitted with description 'Target photo of Bordeaux on 11th Aug…

Top - air-to-air photograph of two Hampdens in formation. Submitted with description 'Aerial photo of two 106 Sqn Hampdens - ZN-K and ZN-F'.
Bottom - three Lancaster parked on dispersal with another two visible in the distance. Submitted with…

Top - aircrew member in battledress sitting on a bomb trolley with 8000lb bomb under an aircraft. Submitted with description 'An aircrew member in battledress with an illegible half-brevet sat on a bomb trolley under an unidentified aircraft. Also on…

Top - view inside a building showing block of toilets in the centre and wash basins against far wall. Submitted with description ' Toilets at Lamsdorf POW Camp, Stalag VIIIB. (Stalag 344 from 1943)'
Bottom - air-to-air photograph of the front of a…

Top rear quarter view of a parked Lancaster PB437 J9-L , with buildings in the background.
Bottom - four members of Women's Auxiliary Air Force in shirtsleeves out side a Nissen hut with a Union flag above and behind. Submitted with description…

Top - seven aircrew, three sitting in front and four standing behind. All are wearing tunics with brevet and peaked or side caps. In the background are huts. Submitted with description 'F/O Burroughs' crew. Undated but location believed to be RAF…

Top - target photograph showing fields on the left and a built up area with rows of buildings on the right. There is a four engine bomber below bottom left. Captioned '529 METH. 3/4.5.44//NT 8" 6,500' 219 degrees 00.17, MAILY.Rd.F 1x4000HC 16x500MC.…

Hazy target photograph showing tracer on left and an arrow middle right side. Captioned '4039METH 20/21.3.45//NT08", 1 HC4000 IN 15 GP 500 DT22 Sec W/C LEVIS'. Submitted with description 'Target photo of Bohlen synthetic oil refinery, dated…

Top - four airmen, two wearing greatcoats, one battledress and one flying jacket, two with shovels, standing in line in snow in front of a Lancaster. Other aircraft parked in the distance behind. Submitted with description 'Clearing snow, RAF…

LAC T. Barber’s Royal Canadian Air Force Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 8th March 1943 to 29th April 1943 detailing his pilot training. He was stationed at RAF Clyffe Pypard (29 Elementary Flying Training School) and RCAF Station Davidson (23…

In the foreground a 4000 MC bomb on trolley. Behind, four airmen wearing battledress and side caps standing in line. In the background a Lancaster with two men on scaffolding working on starboard inner engine. Submitted with description 'Ground crew…

Top - two airmen, one wearing battledress, the other a tunic with pilot's brevet and both with peaked caps, standing behind the port tailplane of a Lancaster. Submitted with description 'P/O Jock Cassells and 2nd pilot, P/O E. White - both of 106…

Top - seven aircrew, three squatting down in front and four standing behind, all wearing parachute harnesses, six with side caps and on with peaked cap, all standing behind a Lancaster. Submitted with description 'Duplicate of MAVCP:2019/M08/10.…

Top - full length image of a flight sergeant wearing tunic and side cap standing outside a door to a building. Submitted with description 'F/Sgt Jackson, RAF Metheringham March 1944'.
Bottom - six aircrew, four standing and two crouching in front…

Covering letter for the photograph of the temporary cross marking the grave of Aubrey and the other members of his crew. Photograph of the grave. On the reverse 'Grave 9-12, Row B, Plot. Brittish [sic] Military Cemetary, Bad Tolz, Durnbach, Germany.'

Covering letter for a form that the Commission would like Aubrey's mother to complete to enable them to provide an appropriate headstone for Aubrey's grave. Specimen of the headstone.

Top - front quarter view of a Lancaster parked with another in the distance on the right. Submitted with description 'Lancaster at dispersal on unidentified airfield. Annotated as "'G' George Aug 1943. Vic Coles' kite. Photo by Bill Haig." This…

Top - six airmen, all wearing tunics with three squatting in front and three standing behind. The man middle rear wears a peaked cap and has half brevet. In the background part of a building. Submitted with description 'Duplicate of…

A detailed account of an operation on Friday, 8th October 1943. The crew of Lancaster 'N for Nan' were Pilot PPilot Officer John Charles Peter Taylor from London, Flying Officer Stewart Stubby bomb aimer from Herefordshire, Warrant Officer James…
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