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  • Tags: ground personnel

He has moved to Blackpool from Manchester. He complains about prices and how mean his landlady is. Jean is about to become a WAAF. He has been to a dance at the Winter Gardens.

They have raised $20000 for the War Loan Victory effort with dances, boxing matches, films and variety shows. They marched through Moncton. He talks about his impressions of Canada.

Mentions seeing medical officer and got shampoo and pills. Hope to get trip over soon but leave situation looked blacker than ever. Mentions her health issue and that he could not sleep.

Writes of his experiences at Receiving Centre. Includes account of journey back to centre. Says it was good to see her. Continues with description of activities and fellow trainees. Includes humorous account of being sorted by religion.

Number 65-122. He writes about Ursula purchasing a new house for them and discusses financial matters. Mentions new British medical officer and treatment he is receiving. Sends request for contents in Swiss contacts to arrange for Rolex watches to be…

Number 159-16. Comments on lack of mail. Writes of receiving books from Sweden and practising violin in incinerator. Comments on health and excellent treatment by medical officer. Requests more photographs of house, daughter and her. Asks if she…

To officer at Central Medical Establishment thanking him for letter stating that he will get the medical officer to complete special fitting mentioned.

To Royal Australian Air Force liaison officer at Bomber Command. Writing that Flight Lieutenant D J Shannon desires to continue with operations and does not want to return to Australia. Mentions Shannon's wife is in Royal Air Force serving in same…

Writes about journey back to camp by train. Talks about moving to Bardney. Scheduled for cross country but had to see medical officer who grounded him for three days and now he has to do clean up tasks, Mentions easy trains to Lincoln to see her and…

Peter Lamprey notes that he is writing while on guard duty at a remote location. He mentions that he has only got his final boards to take and he is waiting for results of his application for night fighters. He writes about increasing numbers of…

Thanks her for her letter and includes details of other member of her husbands crew.

Letter of sympathy that her husband is reported missing from operations.

Peter Lamprey writes physical and other training and that they are now known as cadets. He mentions Women’s Auxiliary Air Force girls and that he will try and get off camp at the weekend. He catches up with friends, mentions that there a number of…

Peter Lamprey writes about a cracked rib he received playing hockey and being on light duties. He talks a little about his training and that there is six weeks to go on the course. He mentions that some old acquaintances from his basic training have…

Peter Lamprey writes that his hut has been punished for arriving back after hours. He speaks of incidents with members of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force and about his social life and activities available on camp.

Peter Lamprey provides a detailed description of the procedures and emotions of the crew before, during and after an operation..

Peter Lamprey writes about life in the at Royal Air Force Hixon including Women's Auxiliary Air Force personnel and the terrible camp conditions.

Peter Lamprey writes about life at Royal Air Force Inverness including Physical training which consists of trench digging, and the new ‘WAAFs, ATS and WRENS’ that have arrived and improved his social life.

Terry Ford writes home telling his social and service life. He mentions flights to Rabat, Morocco and Calcutta, India.

Begins with apologising over thing she said when there were no letters from him and understanding that he is now overwhelmed with socks. Continues with more discussion of socks. Mentions she is pleased he has been to the MO and offers suggestions to…

Writes thanking him for his letter and detailing those she has sent to him with discussion of post schedules from Aberystwyth. Mentions sending him a parcel and then continues with baby news. Looking forward to time when they can have normal family…

Glad to hear him and hopes he will ring as often as possible as it is a good way to spend money. It means a lot to her as she need not worry for at least a night and desperately watch for the postman. Was sorry top hear of lost crews. Tells him not…

Writes that she has been billeted and that she is very disappointed and cut up about him not getting a commission. Hopes that he might be chosen for specialised training on strength of his navigation results and get another chance of a commission.…

Writes of sitting in garden with daughter and of his new crewing. Mentions Whitley aircraft overhead and continues with family/friends news. Hopes he will be able to come home and encourages him to see MO about his cold. Comments on good weather and…
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