Letter from John Valentine to his wife Ursula



Letter from John Valentine to his wife Ursula


Number 159-16. Comments on lack of mail. Writes of receiving books from Sweden and practising violin in incinerator. Comments on health and excellent treatment by medical officer. Requests more photographs of house, daughter and her. Asks if she still likes new house. and if she is alright for money. Talks on home and war news. Writes that winter is over and catches up with family affairs.



Temporal Coverage



Two page handwritten letter


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Start of transcription
23rd April 1944
Darling Ursula: Nearly three weeks since your last letter & no prospect of the next for sometime, [sic] according to an official statement. The mail situation has steadily worsened during the past year. Three months is the average time taken now compared with 6 weeks. 30th Jan is the date of your last letter & I’m thirsting for news of you, the house & Frances. Incidentally I havent [sic] heard from Ba since Oct 1942. I enjoy her letters – please ask her why I have fallen from Grace. Have received another 4 books from Stockholm (sender unknown). They weren’t worth reading so I gave them to the library. I’m still sitting for a few hours in the incinerator – it is still very cold & I’ve developed chilblains & another wretched cold but thanks to that excellent treatment of the M.O. my senses are preserved intact. I shan’t touch the Argotone you so kindly sent until this other treatment fails. Its success so far is 100% & it has made a great difference to my life here. I’d love some more photos of you, Frances & the house, I often look through those I have & offer a prayer of thanks to Ba without whom I would not have them. You have been in C St G for a few months now I wonder if you still like the house & neighbourhood & if you are alright for money or suffering from financial stringency. Is there any chance of action from Britain this decade? (apart from R.N. & R.A.F.) The stories of strikes (even apprentices – God Allmighty [sic]!!) & stagnation in Italy make dismal reading while old Jo goes steadily marching on. “The Kriegies friend” we call him. Some of my 4 year colleagues are almost losing faith – one or two their reason, also, I believe. Frank P has now had 1 letter from his wife in over six months. Winter is now definitely over but spring is very timid. What little grass can be seen from within the wire has turned green but there are no other signs of vernal awakening. Have you had time to send cards of greeting to my revered male parent & my three sisters all of whose birthdays occur at this season? How the hell did Irenes old man get out of the service? Could he give me any hints? Has Bunty’s third turned up yet? What brand? I think of you incessantly, dearest, & yearn so ardently. Keep well & give Frances a kiss for me
Love John
[page break]
159 – 16
[underlined] Kriegsgefangenenpost [/underlined]
[inserted] Little Close
Devon Rd
Devon. [/inserted]
[deleted] FELMERSHAM [/deleted]
Empfangsort: [deleted] BOTTRELLS LANE [deleted]
Strasse: [deleted] CHALFONT ST GILES [/deleted]
Kreis: [deleted] BUCKS [/deleted]
Vor- und Zuname: J.R.M. VALENTINE
Gefangenennummer: 450
Lager-Bezeichnung: [deleted] Kriegsgefangenenlager DER Luftwaffe Nr. 6 [/deleted]
[deleted] LAGER “A” [/deleted]
Deutschland (Allemagne)



John Ross Mckenzie Valentine, “Letter from John Valentine to his wife Ursula,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 8, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/19403.

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