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  • Tags: wireless operator

Writes of meeting fellow student who also lived in Cookham (where grandmother lives). Mentions upcoming six words a minute test and consequences of failure. Writes of plans to visit Bath and a little about his training.

Starts with account of life at school (Rendcomb College) from 1931 to 1937. Continues with decade 1938-1948 starting with time at Cheltenham Art School in 1938 and 1939. Continues with account of wartime activity including enlistment, training at RAF…

Technical document with description of valves, circuits and operation of equipment.

Describes signal office organisation, equipment, W/T failure procedure, duties for signal warrant officer, signal office superintendent, signal office traffic clerks and operators. Continues with abbreviations allowed, responsibilities regarding the…

A newspaper article about Ron after he was shot down over France. A second cutting has a brief note about Ron returning home after being missing in France.
[The details in the article are incorrect. His aircraft was a Wellington, it was shot down on…

37 airmen arranged in four rows in front of a hangar.
On the reverse ' "C" Flight RAF Station Greenwood Nova Scotia No 36 OTU Hudson III
Back Row Pilots RCAF
2nd Row Standing Observers RAF
3rd Row Seated Air Gunners RCAF
Front Row Kneeling…

Seven airmen all wearing battledress with brevet standing in line in front of a Lancaster. Pilot is third from the left. Submitted with caption 'crew 2' and information 'Crew 2 l to r: Len Stevens FE, Harry Wilson W/Op, dad, Bob Lillico RG, Harry…

Seven aircrew and two groundcrew, all wearing battledress and side caps, three squatting and six standing, all in front of a Lancaster. Pilot is third from left back row. Submitted with caption 'crew 3' and information 'Crew 3 as crew 2 but with…

Announces that he lost his life on an operational flight on August 9th. Gives some biographical and service details.

Seven airmen wearing tunics with brevet and side caps. Four sitting and three standing behind. Captioned 'Seated left to right, P/O F McLelland, F/O G Russell, F/L T.S. Blyth, P/O P Galan, Standing left to right, Sgt N Chappell, F/Sgt J Littlejohns,…

#1 is six airmen with three men named.
#2 is six airmen and all the men are named.
#3 is six airmen, all named with nationalities, two are noted as dead. Behind is a Stirling.
#4 is six airmen in front of a Stirling. They are named and their trade…

#1 is twelve airmen and soldiers at the entrance to a Horsa glider. Each man is named.
#2 is a mix of airmen and a soldier. Each man is named. They are sitting on a jeep.
#3 is seven airmen, annotated with their names. Behind is a Stirling.

A memoir written by a Royal Australian Air Force wireless operator. Firstly he describes major events in the war but he continues with his own experience training in Canada then commencing further training in the UK. Only three pages are…

Partial flying log book for Kevin Roberts, wireless operator, detailing some operations flown 2 January 1945 to 20 February 1945. Served at RAF Chedburgh. Aircraft flown was Lancaster. He flew seven operations as a wireless operator with 218 Squadron…

Six airmen in a group outside a Nissen hut. On the reverse ' "Too Stiff to Move" so the photo was taken again, a little further away. L to R Pilot, Wop, Mid upper gunner, rear gunner.
L to R Navigator, Bomb- Aimer'.
Information supplied with the…

Left - white headstone with unreadable name - possibly O.S. Milne.
Middle - white headstone for B Nundy.
Right - white headstone for W Delgarno.

The story of an attack by Pathfinders of 35,105,109 and 582 Squadrons 23 December 1944. Tribute to Robert pPalmer and thirty comrades who died with him. Contains history of Battle of the Bulge. Description of Oboe system. List of aircraft and crews…

Biography of Rohan Amerasekera. Consist of early life, war service in the RAF including training eventually as as a navigator. Operational tours on 158 Squadron and 35 Squadrons. Lists his crew. Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross in January 1944.…

Biography of Rohan Amerasekera. Consist of early life, war service in the RAF including training eventually as as a navigator. Operational tours on 158 Squadron and 35 Squadrons. Lists his crew. Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross in January 1944.…

Seven airmen wearing battledress, six with half brevet, and one with pilot's brevet (front row, second from left), sitting and standing in two rows with open ground in the background.

Notes kept by Jack during his training.

Notes kept by Jack during his training.

Notes on operating a wireless set No 22.
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