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  • Tags: observer

Edward Cayhill was the eldest of eight children and with his father’s encouragement was hoping to go to university. His father died in 1938 which meant that the university dream was cancelled and Edward went to work as a Civil Servant in the…

Bob Smith was born in Brisbane, Australia. He recalls moving to the family farm in 1932 and being a member of the Air Cadets during his school years. Upon leaving school, Smith undertook training as a bank clerk. Following the events of Pearl…

He has been practising for the concert. He had a letter from Lady Ampthill asking about his pilot and observer.

The diary starts with a letter stating that Les is missing and believed killed. In reality he had become a prisoner of war. It is subtitled 'Diary June 3rd 1941 to Nov 6th 1943 Life as a POW'

Flying Officer Laurie Woods DFC was born in Deloraine, Tasmania, in 1922. He grew up in Tasmania, and at the age of eighteen, despite being in a reserved occupation, he volunteered for Air Crew in the Royal Australian Air Force. Initially training in…

Life history of Oliver Gomersal. Includes training in South Africa as observer/navigator, training on Wellington and operations with Coastal Command, journey to East Africa with antisubmarine and search operations in the Indian Ocean. On return to…

Contains details of the nine operations Philip flew to Stettin, Hanau, Maresburg, Cologne, Bremen, Magdeburg, Wesserling-Klon, the railyard in Berlin and the Leuna oil refinery. Includes descriptions of targets, weather conditions, defences…

Explains about 'O' and 'N' brevets, both were for navigator but the second was a new badge and had not arrived in Canada yet. He writes that he could be home in a month as some of them were getting posted back to England, and he could be one. Says he…

Half length portrait of three airmen wearing battledress with half brevet and side caps. Ben Openshaw is on the left with observer brevet.

John Wright was born in 1932. He was evacuated from West Ham during the War along with his Mother and two Brothers. Johns’ Father joined the Royal Air Force as an Observer Bomb Aimer with 207 Squadron. His aircraft was shot down over Switzerland on…

A completed shipping report form by Pilot Prune and Observer Neale.

The letter advises that Les has been elected into the Goldfish Club.

A biography of Vivian, born in Beaminster in 1920. He trained at Aldergrove and served at Bassingbourne, Wattisham, West Raynham, Watton then Wyton. Losses were high. He was shot down near Le Bourget, his two crew members dying with him. Additional…

Writes that she has just come in and commenting on clear sky and large moon and wonders whether he is flying. Hopes he will return safely. Continues with news of her domestic and gardening activities and finances. Reports on visit to baby clinic and…

A card accompanying a gift of 'Fags and Sweets' presented by Pilots and Observers from the 1914-18 war.

Last letter before leaving West Freugh. Writes about potential choice next courses as navigator or bomb aimer. Chooses navigator course at Upper Heyford. Considered navigator as harder job. Catches up with news and writes in pencil at the end that he…

Disappointed to tell his mother that he has failed the flying test. Bill described the final test with the Chief Flying Instructor, which went badly, despite having completed a successful test beforehand with his own instructor. Has now been…

No addressee. Writes of possible posting notice of 132 observers but he is the only one of his crowd going. He is concerned that none of his friends will be on same posting.

Head and shoulder portrait of Sergeant Jim Auton in tropical uniform with observer brevet.

William Barfoot in dress uniform with observer brevet standing arm-in-arm with his wife in wedding dress in front of a brick wall.

The description of this item is partially based on information provided by the donor. This item was sent to the…

Wedding group photograph of eight people standing in front of a wall. William Barfoot, is in dress uniform with observer brevet, is standing in the middle hand in hand with his new wife who is wearing her wedding dress. A bridesmaid, a man in a suit,…

Flight Lieutenant William Barfoot, in dress uniform with side cap and observer brevet, is standing with his arm round his wife in civilian clothes in front of a hedge.

The description of this item is partially based on information provided by the…

William Barfoot in battledress with observer brevet sits on a wooden collapsible chair in front of a concrete hut. He has a whistle attached to his collar and some papers spread across his knees.

The description of this item is partially based on…

William Barfoot is featured among a group portrait of 55 trainees at Eastbourne Navigation School, Eastbourne College, some standing, some sitting; five men in the centre of the seated row wear observer brevets and two of these are officers, one a…

Group of three observers in front of a concrete hut. Two are standing behind Flying Officer William Barfoot, who is sitting in a collapsible chair with an improvised desk.

The description of this item is partially based on information provided by…
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