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  • Tags: ground personnel

At the top a half length portrait of three aircrew officers in tunic with aircrew brevet and peaked caps. Captioned 'Frank Bryer- Navigator, Jack Captain, Alec Taylor mid-upper gunner'. Below a group of air and ground crew stand in front of a…

Four adults standing in line with a child in front. Reg Jaques in tunic and peaked cap is second from the left. On the left a woman in white shirt and dark skirt, 3rd from the left a woman in tunic and peaked cap. On the right a man with dark jacket…

Three adults standing in line in a garden. Reg Jaques wearing tunic with brevet and peaked cap is standing on the left. Next to him on the right a woman wearing tunic and peaked cap. On the right a man wearing dark suit with a peaked cap. To the left…

Inside page of album cover with a head and shoulders portrait of Reginald George Cavalier Captioned 'R.G. Cavalier, R.A.F. 1264567. 1940 to 1945' and the crest of 137 Photographic section Section Head Quarters.

Group of 26 airmen arranged in three rows in front of a brick building. Reginald George Cavalier is front row, fourth from the left. The lower half is the signatures of 25 of the participants.

Head and shoulders portrait photograph of a Woman's Auxiliary Air Force airwoman in tunic and peaked cap.

A number or airmen in short sleeved shirts and shorts sitting and laying on beds in a barrack room. The second man from the left is a corporal and next to him a man is laying on a bed. Behind them a window with curtains drawn.

An man covered with a blanket is asleep in the middle bed of three in a bed in a barrack room. There are lockers by each bed and shelves on the wall either side of windows. On the reverse 'Ped in bed, 1941 RAF Mount Hampden'.

Five airmen , three sitting and two standing behind in a barrack room. The left front man is smoking a cigar, the centre man is smoking a pipe and holding a photograph of a woman. The man in centre back is holding a pineapple. There is a window in…

An airman in shorts asleep on a bed in front of a window. To the right a locker and to the left shelve with photographs. On the reverse 'Taff Griffiths in the land of nod, Mt Hampden 1941'.

Five serviceman and a man in a suit and six women are sitting in two rows. The rear row is sitting on a stone wall and the front row on chairs. One woman, second from right in front is wearing a Royal Air Force side cap. In the background Trees and…

A man in short sleeved shirt, shorts and side cap standing in a river by the edge of a cataract. In the distance the river disappears over a fall. On the reverse 'Pedro Walker, Victoria Falls. July 1942, (Devils Cataract)'.

Photograph 1 and 2 are of two airmen on a boat on the Rhine. Reginald George Cavalier is on the right in photograph 1. Captioned 'On the Rhine, Germany 5th Aug 1945'.
Photograph 3 is of one airman and three soldiers on a pontoon bridge across the…

Photographs 1, 2 and 4 are of airmen standing and sitting on a V-1 launch ramp.
Photographs 3, 5 and 6 are of airmen standing on the badly damaged concrete protection at the site.
Photograph 7 is of four airmen standing in a large bomb…

The King and Queen being shown round aircraft at West Raynham.
The King is dressed in RAF uniform. Queen Elizabeth is being accompanied by a WAAF. Captioned 'R.A.F. West Raynham Sept 1942. King George VI, Queen Elizabeth. Group Capt Earl of…

Photograph 1 is of a group of French airmen being inspected, captioned 'Rt Hon Sir Archibald, Secretary of State for Air.'
Photograph 2 is of a group of French airmen standing at attention.
Photograph 3 is of a group of French airmen being…

Photograph 1 is of the King standing to the left and the Queen leaving her car. Photograph 2 is of the King and Queen leaving the Officers' Mess. Photograph 3 is of the King and Queen talking to airmen. Photograph 4 is of the King shaking the hand of…

Photographs 1 to 7 are of King George VI presenting medals to airmen.
Photograph 8 is an overall view of the investiture ceremony with the King and Queen, airmen and airwomen lined up and civilians spectating.
Captioned 'King George VI presenting…

Photograph 1 and 2 are of the King and officers standing in front of a Boston. Photograph 3 is of the King being shown a vertical aerial camera set up. Photograph 4 is of the King and Queen with an officer looking at his watch. Photograph 5 is of the…

An airman in tunic and side cap is standing between two women in dresses on a railway platform. Railway tracks to the right. On the reverse 'Joyce Boytha, Ped Walker, Minky Omsdaal, Johanesburg [sic] railway station 1943'.

Photograph 1 is of eight airmen in two rows and is signed by seven of the individuals. Captioned 'R.A.F. Middleton St George, S.H.Q. Photo Section. 3rd April 1942.'

Photograph 2 is of an airman in battledress carrying a Thompson machine gun and…

Photograph 1 is a group of eight airmen. Reginald George Cavalier is standing far right. Seven of the individuals have signed the photograph.
Photographs 2, 4, and 6 are Reginald George Cavalier in uniform in various poses.
Photograph 3 is Reginald…

Photograph 1 is of Reginald George Cavalier amongst several loaded bomb trolleys. In the background are trucks and aircraft.
Photographs 2 and 3 are of a group of airmen watching a 4000 lb bomb being lifted on slings. Captioned '1000 lb…

Four airmen in wearing tunics standing round the front of a car. Behind to the right a sign 'Marandellas, Rusape 61 miles, Untali 120 miles'. In the background trees. On the reverse 'Week end outing at Marandellas, S Rhodesia, 5-5-41. The car is my…

Page caption: 'Middleton St George 1941'

Photograph 1 is of eight airmen under the nose of a Whitley. Captioned 'Pilot Sgt B. Jones with his Ground Crew, Whitley. A/C.'

Photograph 2 is of a sergeant pilot wearing a flying helmet and pointing to…
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