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  • Tags: military living conditions

RAF Station Dum Dum's menu front and back cover. On the front a RAF badge and an image of the Victoria Memorial in Calcutta, the rear has image of the star and the three kings. The menu inside is illustrated and also has added signatures.

A section of a bar with pinups on the walls. There are wooden chairs and stuffed seats with wooden tables. Below some of the pinups 'Out of bounds to hell' has been written on the wall.

Arthur Atkinson's mess bill from the Sergeant's Mess RAF Turweston

Four photographs, first of Jack with Arthur Price sitting in a Whirlwind entrance, reverse captioned, 'Arthur Price & self, Kuching Borneo, 1965, 225 Sqdn'.
Second is Jack standing in the entrance to a building with an individual, reverse…

Four photographs from an album.
Photos 1 to 3 are views across his barracks.
Photo 4 is a head and shoulders of Rex Searlein RAF uniform.

Seven photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is two men lying on their bunks.
Photo 2 is two men sitting and holding tennis rackets.
Photo 3 is five men leaning on a beach cabin.
Photo 4 is two men standing at the front of a Hurricane 'Sir…

Five airmen in khaki uniform standing in front of a bush. Behind are tents and palm trees.

Eight photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is an airman sitting on his bunk.
Photo 2 is two airmen standing beside a wooden fence.
Photo 3 is an airman sitting reading.
Photo 4 is an airman standing beside his bike.
Photo 5 is two airmen admiring…

Album page, five photographs, first is of Jack with another SNCO, urban street scene in background, captioned 'Rome 1945'. Reverse captioned 'Rome May 1945, Darling, as I was when peace was declared in Europe, yours as always Jack xxx'.
Second is…

A row of bunk beds, some occupied, captioned 'Billets Wyton'.

Nine photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is seven men, captioned 'Gang at R&I Mauripur'.
Photo 2 five men, a camel and a boy, captioned 'At Hawks Bay'.
Photo 3 is three airmen in khaki uniform and broad brimmed hats, captioned 'Off to town.…

Seven photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is two men in uniform sitting on the grass.
Photo 2 is a lorry filled with airmen, captioned 'Dinner time at R&I'.
Photo 3 and 6 are two men and a woman at a table, captioned 'Opening of Contact Club…

Page captioned, 'Tocra N/Africa 1943, "The first time I ever saw her face" W.V.S. photo of Jean'. Three photographs and print of squadron badge.
First photograph, Jack and 'Ginger' MacGan sitting reading newspapers, tent in background, Captioned…

Page captioned 'Misurata N/Africa May 1943, On guard, tented accom, visit to Leptis Magna'.
Five photographs, first is of Jack, rifle slung over shoulder, tin hat on, standing on a rocky outcrop, desert background. Captioned, 'Misurata, North…

Two photographs, first is of Jack on motorcycle, captioned 'Just off on a run'.
This is a Norton model 16H 490 cc motorcycle with a Canadian Army registration number.
Second is of four servicemen, standing on sand, buildings and tents in…

The detailed biography begins with government measures at the start of National Service. Philip Hopgood volunteered and enlisted at Padgate, Warrington. He was classified as medically Grade 1. Initial training was at RAF Regent's Park (Lord's Cricket…

Photo 1 is two men standing in the snow.
Photo 2 is one man standing in the snow, captioned 'McGarr '41'
Photo 3 is two men standing in the snow.
Photo 4 is eight men standing in the snow.
Photo 5 is four men around a table, playing backgammon,…

A wartime log kept by Jim Tyrie. He lists his crew on the night they were shot down over Berlin, the construction of tin trays, addresses of co-prisoners, cartoons, London restaurants, newspaper cuttings in German and English and finally more…

Four images:
1. Three airman, two shirtless and one in swimming trunks, using a stirrup pump and fire buckets outside a nissen hut. Caption unreadable.
2. Two airmen (shirtless) washing down nissen hut with hose. Caption '.. AT 76 SQDN'.
3. Three…

In the log Dick Curnock recorded crew and friends names and addresses, an obituary of Ginge Wheeldon who was shot by a Typhoon whilst on a march, cartoons, sketches of aircraft, dates of letters received and samples of window.

A note to the Heliopolis Palace Hotel requesting accommodation for Dick Curnock.

A cartoon from Dick Curnock's Wartime Log Book. A prisoner is in a bunk which has had the slats removed. The mattress and his body sinks down where the slats are missing. It is captioned 'Life seems full of Ups and Downs'.

Catches up with mail sent and received. Mentions he is sunburned and comments on local weather. Writes that it is grape season and they are five francs a kilo. Mentions his weight, food and exercise opportunities. Goes on to comment on conditions and…

Reports letters that have arrived since his last letter to them and a cable that only took two days. Mentions letters from other people but he could not write back to them all because of his mail allowance and lack of post cards. Catches up with…

Owen Cox went to a grammar school in York and joined the Home Guard when the war started. At 18 he joined the Royal Air Force, although his parents were not keen. His initial trade was ground wireless operator (Morse), waiting to attend a gunnery…
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