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Target photograph showing built up area top right with smoke from bomb explosions. Captioned '2391.DRF.13-9-44//8" 17000.1831.Gelsenkirchen.Nordstern.R.16x500.C.34secs.F/S Jubb.462'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

Target photograph showing forest area in top half with smoke from bomb explosions. Many craters are visible in this wooded area. Cleared area where tracks converge in this wooded area top centre, just edged by clouds. Bunker itself is just below and…

Image shows open countryside with Route National 158 between Caen and Falaise. Captioned '4425HLM.14-8-44//8" 6000 >140 degrees 1444 Tractable 22 RD, B16x500 c 23 secs F/S Jubb M76'.

Identification kindly provided by Ray Moroney of the Finding the…

Target photograph showing built up area in top half with road and railway running left to right. Smoke from bomb explosions top left. Captioned '2630 DRF.6-10-44//8"17500 >094.1716.Sterkrade. R.16x500.C.34 secs.F/S Jubb.R.462.'.

This item was sent…

Target photograph showing smoke from bomb explosions and fires. Captioned '2686 DRF.14-10-44//8" 20000 >120.0908.Duisburg, R.7x1000.6x500.C.37 secs.F/S Jubb.R.462.".

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better…

Target photograph of open heathland with canalised ditch running top to bottom. The ditch has tracks either side and several crossing points. Craters are visible, particularly in lower left with one row crossing ditch with one crater visible within…

Night target photograph showing roads and glare in centre. Captioned '4271 HLM.28/29-7-44//NT8" 10000 >150.0400.Foret Du Neippe. B1. 18x500 c21secs F/S Jubb M76'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better…

Target photograph taken during daylight attack on Tirlemont (Goetsenhoven) airfield. Patchwork of fields with aircraft dispersal hardstands to left and right of explosions and smoke centred on airfield itself. Village of Bost is to the bottom left…

Target photograph showing built up area of Wilhelmshaven. Photograph is orientated with north to the left. Ems-Jade-Kanal is running from top to middle right of photograph. Railway goods yard towards bottom. Streaks of light and anti-aircraft fire…

A vertical aerial photograph taken over Bochum. No detail is visible due to light flashes.
It is annotated '4565 EWS 4/5.11.44// NT(8") 16500 145° 1944 BOCHUM A/P.A.C. 1HC 4000 [indecipherable] 29 SECS F/O MORGAN O 103'

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Ulm. Most of the image is obscured by cloud or explosions. It is annotated '4710 EWS 17/18.12.44//NT 7" 12500 118° 1932½ ULM C 1HC 4000IN 15X4 23SEC F/O MORGAN C 103'.

A vertical aerial photograph of a daylight bombing operation. Six Lancasters can be seen at lower levels. Below them are lots of explosions and smoke. Open countryside, with few buildings but several minor roads, can be seen around the bombing area.

A vertical aerial photograph of the bombing of the Tirpitz. Much of the image is obscured by smoke and explosions. Tirpitz can be seen right of centre. Anti-aircraft fire can be seen to the top of the photograph. Three bomb explosions in the water…

Top - six aircrew standing in line behind a Lancaster, Captioned 'Crew from left to right, Sid Grimes wireless operator, Ken Gill navigator, Charlie Randon bomb aimer, Jack Penswick gunner, Eddy Barnett engineer, Barney Gumbley pilot'.
Bottom target…

Target photograph of Bergen Submarine pen. Coastline runs bottom left to top right with sea to right. Ubåtbunkeren Bruno is the square structure in the centre of the image. The town of Bergen is in the left hand corner, with port facilities and…

Target photograph of Bielefeld Viaduct. Railway runs left to right across centre with Johannisbach river running top to bottom and Gummibahn railway by-pass running from bottom centre and joining the main railway to left of viaduct. One or more bomb…

Target photograph showing shoreline, with smoke obscuring the island of Hakøya within Tromsø fjord. Battleship Tirpitz can be seen just right of centre through smoke. Three water-spouts from earlier explosions above and to the right. Anti-aircraft…

Description of three (one aborted due to weather) operations against Tirpitz, photograph of crew on return from sinking Tirpitz, poor photocopy of target photograph of attach on Tirpitz. Account of operation on E & R boat pens at Ijmuiden along with…

Blurred target photograph. Captioned 32B, TPL. 16-27/3/44//NT 8" 21700 > 156 degrees, 2213, Essen, M,6x30 - 6 x 4.31sec W.O. Leonard, R 420'. On the reverse 'One prior turnover on ground'.

Target photograph showing anti-aircraft fire trails and glare. Captioned 'TLP 24/25.3.44//NT 8", 20000 > 354degrees, 2310, Berlin L,6x30,5x4.31 sec, S/L Beal L N 420'.

Target photograph showing glare. Captioned '324 TLP 26-27/3/44//NT 8" 23000 >156degrees 2211 1/2, Essen, J 6x30-6x4.3 sec, F/L Northern J 420'.

Target photograph showing roads with houses and fields and large amount of smoke in the centre. Captioned '3946 WIT 24.4.45//7" 8000 340 1043, Bad Oldesloe, 10ANM590T.2 ANM64DT.C32 secs F/O Rosser 115'. Underneath 'Bad Oldesloe, 115 Sqdns last raid'.

Target photograph taken during an operation to Flushing, Netherlands. Several bomb splashes in the water and smoke from explosions on the ground. Water is flowing through the sea wall at one point. The photograph is captioned:
2007 MEP 21.10.44 //…
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