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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 3

Airgraph from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes that he has received two letters from them, about family and friends, that the Red Cross has provided clothing for him, about the recent Corpus Christie parade and of going…

Letter from Warrant Officer Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes about his capture in Germany after his aircraft was shot down on December 20th 1943 and subsequent capture. He goes on to describe the conditions he was kept in at Stalag IVB…

Thanks her for her letter. Advises her to continue to address letters to Stalag 357 in case his move to Stalag Luft 3 did not take place.

Reports arrival of his letters and postcards and that she has at last received his prisoner of war number. Writes of results of her efforts to recruit friends and acquaintances at home and abroad to send him food parcels. Mentions arrival of heavily…

Whites that she has had no mail from him that week and that some plans for week fell through. Describes other activities of shopping, gardening and mentions receiving information about visit to his camp by by Swedish representatives. Writes of…

Writes of her recent activities with daughter Frances and friends. Mentions that she has heard that food parcels from the United States have been stopped. Writes of contacting Red Cross education books section and news of friends. Continues with…

Asks whether he would like her to send razor and to mention that he would like his post office savings book to be returned to her as she need his written authority for this. Asks whether he would be prepared to make a rug if she sends him materials.…

She writes whilst she is on fire watching duty. She says that their daughter Frances went to tea on her own and that she has finished her diptheria immunisation. She writes that she and some friends went to tea and that she has been practising…

Writes of daily activities involving lodger going off to meet husband leaving baby with Ursula as well as talk of other visitors including her sister. Continues with description of other activities and catches up with family gossip. Concludes with…

Catches up with received and sent mail and complains about censor restrictions on what she is allowed to write. Continues with description of her and daughters recent activities. Mentions she bought herself a skirt and her plans to send him a chess…

Writes about sending him socks and other items as well as about the activities of daughter Frances. Mentions she has been appointed fire-fighting group leader and been asked to do some secretarial work. Continues writing of fruit bottling, jam making…

Writes about domestic activities and visit from the vicar. Mentions that monthly copy of prisoner of war official Red Cross Journal had arrived and wonders about accuracy of some statements about food. Continues with more domestic chat and about…

Writes telling him that she had bought their daughter some bedroom slippers. She goes on to say that two books would be sent on to him. After giving him some general news regarding people they both know she ends by saying that she has written to…

Notes that mail is getting slower as war draws top climax but hopes photographs she sent will arrive. Describes lodgers baby and recent activities including intention to take up learning Russian again. Continues with description of daily routine and…

Writes telling him she went to the West End to have her hair cut and she tells him of the shopping she bought for their home. She talks of a meeting, organised by the Red Cross for the next – of - kin of prisoners of war. Plus other news from home…

She writes about the piano tuner turning up at the same time as the window cleaner. There have been 6 houses burgled recently in the area and she has recently seen Gone with the Wind, which she hopes they can see upon his return.

Reports receiving postcard he sent in January an glad he got new boots from Red Cross and discusses whether she should send more parcels or not. Laments over time missed while he has been a prisoner despite fact he is learning violin and Dutch.…

Reacts positively to his news that he is getting more to eat and is feeling better. Says she hopes he should be receiving food parcel from overseas soon. Catches up with news of family and friends and says she is complying with his suggestion that…

She writes that she had visitors for tea including his parents who brought some tomatoes and peaches, also a gift for their daughter. She mentions that she will be sending him a book she had ordered called Agriculture, which she hopes will arrive…

Writes of letters received and contents of parcel sent and intended for future based in his lists of requirements. Writes about his violin lessons and comments that prisoner of war monthly journal mentioned his camp had a dance band and symphony…

Writes of getting violin music and tutors for him as well as enquiring about his violin and where he practices. Catches up with family news.

Thanks him for recent letters and mentions raining medical supplies issues with Red Cross headquarters. Glad he has joined church choir and decided to study English literature. Discuses other potential study and lack of mail from his family. She goes…

Writes about daughter Frances being 18 months old, has no sign of measles and her putting squash ball in the oven where it melted. Continues with family news and description of her recent activities. Mentions that Red Cross is sending medicines and…

Writes of her activities and domestic matters including making chutney and marmalade as well as going to Red Cross meeting to receive mementos her for work done on penny a week club. Continues with description of church service arranged for next of…

Comments on problems with censorship of letters and tells of her attempts to get food parcels from foreign countries. Mentions she was touched by descriptions of him learning violin. Catches up with family and friends news and her attempts to find…
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