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  • Tags: pilot

A head and shoulders portrait of JH Bird, in uniform.

An extract from a document briefly detailing JH Bird's career in the RAF. Also included is a second pilot, Pilot Officer Alexander Fraser.

Gives account of last (and 7th) operation to Schweinfurt 26/27 April 1944. His Lancaster was shot down and the pilot, wireless operator, flight engineer, and both gunners were killed. The bomb aimer and navigator (Bob Burns) were made prisoners of…

Notes kept by JH Bird during his training.

J H Bird's log book from 1 September 1945 to 17 June 1946 including glider tug flights.

An unofficial log book kept by JH Bird from 29 March 1943 to 17 June 1943 detailing his training flights.

Two photographs of JH Bird and crew.
#1 Five airmen forming JH Bird's crew.
#2 is the five airmen standing in front of a Wellington.

A head and shoulders portrait of JH Bird, DFC.

Four airmen including three pilots standing in front of a hangar, huts and water tower. On the reverse is handwritten '5' and '277'.

A pilot in full flying kit, standing in front of a corrugated steel hut. On the reverse is stamped 'G564'.

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JH Bird looking back from the cockpit of a wellington. On the nose are a large number of operations marked as bombs and a painted pin-up woman.

A pilot standing on a balcony with Vesuvius behind.

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Three photographs of JH Bird and his crew.
1. A Flight Sergeant airman wearing uniform and a Mae West life jacket. He is standing beside the rear turret of a Wellington aircraft. The photograph is captioned: 'JOE REAR GUNNER'
2. JH Bird sitting in…

Seven aircrew standing in front of a Lancaster, squadron letter K. Hangar in background. Captioned 'Kindest regards from crew of 'K''. On the reverse a skull and crossbones and 'in memory of a tree & a pair of torn pants R. Aird. Engineer, M/U…

Account of last operation to Schweinfurt on 25 April 1944. Describes attack by night fighter. Aircraft spinning down and Bob eventually blown out of aircraft by explosion and parachuted to safety. Initially evaded but captured while injured. Recalls…

Full face portrait of a Luftwaffe officer with iron cross on neck ribbon. On the reverse 'Hauptman Walter Bernschein, Ju88 night fighter pilot, who shot down Lancaster ND853, XN=J'. Two versions of the same image. Submitted with caption 'Hauptmann…

Form giving details of crew: pilot - Bishop C A, (annotated orig burial Schrouchenbach village), navigator - Burns D (annotated in hospital), W Op - Daw D (annotated dead), flt eng Healy H R, bomb aimer - [.....] (annotated safe), rear gunner -…

Peter volunteered in 1942 and was accepted early in 1943. He outlines the combat training they received. Talks of the rations he received early in the war and on the RAF station. He describes the autonomy of his anti-aircraft unit. Reflecting on…

Patrick Geary’s Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 21st April 1943 until 15th May 1958. Initial training as a pilot at No. 6 Elementary Flying Training School, No. 10 Service Flying training School. Posted to 20 Advanced Flying Unit in March 1944.…

A letter and transcript to Charlie Warner's sister from Donald Flett. Donald was the sole survivor of the Lancaster crash.

A memoir of Bernard Scheidauer who was shot down over France but crashed on Jersey. He was a prisoner at Stalag Luft 3 and was involved in the tunnels used during The Great Escape.

Two newspaper cuttings, the first one records the award of the DFM to Patrick.
The second cutting records the death of a fellow crew member, Sergeant Harold Parrott, who had flown 13 operations with Patrick.

A group of 13 POWs arranged in three rows. Behind is a timber frame building. On the reverse is 'This photo was taken in Dec '39 at Oflag IX Spangenburg. It is a photo of all the RAF officers taken by the Germans up to then + 1 Fleet Air Arm officer.…

A pilot, observer and two airmen standing by a wooden fence. On the reverse '11.9.40 Office'.
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