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  • Tags: military service conditions

Writes that he had been busy, operation to Berlin previous night. Describes life in the officers' mess. Mentions that Tom says he will come to Leeds and act as groomsman.

Catches up with friends/family news. Mentions he would be home in March. Compares British and Italian work rates on snow clearing. Continues with family gossip,

Reports he arrived back safely. Comments that he was now one trip behind his crew. Catches up with family gossip.

Reports that he arrived back safely and that he had had a good leave. Catches up with family news and gossip.

Asks how she was doing after illness. Relates visiting Tel Aviv where he has an English lady friend. Mentions current weather.

Harold Gorton writes about his wife's departure and a party she missed.

The letter to his sister and brother in law thanks them for their letter. he says he enjoys their short outings together. He has been over Berlin. He has been in hospital with a suspected skin disease.

Writes about his boxing match and playing rugby. Mentions weather, low temperatures and recent snow blizzard. Expresses that he is not impressed with Canada and has little news to report. Catches up with home news and reports that he is getting on…

Writes of arriving at new camp where they were forming a new squadron. Notes that three others who trained with him in Canada had also arrived. Mentions dispersed nature of camp and distances he had to walk to facilities and other sections. Says he…

Writes that he has settled in and has a bike and uses it to to get around and go to local village for dances and local pub. Mentions that they now have three Lancasters. Says he had gotten over a bad throat. Catches up with gossip and mentions…

Transcription of letter from Ken Gill's pilot. Writes of snow clearing activities. Catches up with news of brothers and family's activities. Mentions recent snowy weather and a difficult flight when they had difficulty finding somewhere to land.…

Bill writes before having to take part in an inter-squadron run that afternoon, which he is not looking forward to. They are all getting excited about the prospect of leave, but if they fail exams this will be cancelled for them.

He describes the…

Bill writes about his forthcoming leave (shorter than he hoped) and how he will have to return to Scotland before being posted to the Operational Training Unit. Was hoping to arrive home with his Sergeant's stripes and brevets on his greatcoat and…

Bill mentions that he was disappointed not to go overseas for training but that his mother would be pleased he is staying for home training. Writes of enjoying Eastbourne but is now at new completely different type of location at West Freugh.…

Catches up with news and apologises for not visiting while on leave.

Bill says he enjoyed his last leave, although he mentions that the nearby aerodrome is expanding and aircraft going overhead. He did, however, managed to get a trip in an…

Bill catches up with family news. Mentions going home on recent 48 hour leave. Writes of course progress and compares current base with previous in Scotland. Despite being near three towns, has only get into Oxford once, although he was impressed by…

Writes of life and events at his current location (NW London), and upcoming posting to Initial Training Wing. Says he will be glad to get away but has made some good friends. Mentions a recent air raid and anti aircraft guns sounding throughout the…

Catches up with family news. Writes of life at RAF on Initial Training Wing at RAF Aberystwyth. Tells her what scores he got in tests, how much he’s earning and how leave is looking more unlikely. He also tells her about being interviewed by the…

Bill writes to his mother mentioning no leave over Christmas and about his excitement at being selected to go to an Elementary Flying Training School near Aberdeen and if he makes the grade, the opportunity to go to the USA, possibly California. He…

Bill writes home describing saying goodbye to everyone at the chapel, his experience of Christmas 1941 and the antics of his fellow cadets. He writes 'Christmas in the RAF seems to be summed up in the one word "BOOZE"'. He didn't join in at all but…

Writes of importance of getting their letters, especially in a new place and catches up with news. Describes journey to Theale and new location. Writes about his how his flying training is going as well as time in a link trainer and how poor the…

Writes of insect bite and catches up with family news.

Excited that cadets now have own mess and, although not popular with the ground crew, aircrew need a special diet. Food is now much better and describes meals. Writes of flight up to near…

Bill is at the Receiving Centre in London. He writes that he has had a good Sunday with going to a Baptist Chapel and being invited for tea by the pastor and meeting up with another cadet - 'I can say my first Sunday in the RAF has been splendid'. …

Bill writes that he is about to be posted within London for a short period. [page missing] Have been given food to improve night vision but he really misses getting fresh milk. Are about to move and really feel they have left 'civvie street'…

Bill writes describing his new living accommodation in Sulhamstead House, Theale, where his bedroom overlooks rose gardens, park land etc. All except the flying takes place here, whereas the airfield is a couple of miles away. Writes about the…
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