Letter from Bill Akrill to family



Letter from Bill Akrill to family


Bill writes about his forthcoming leave (shorter than he hoped) and how he will have to return to Scotland before being posted to the Operational Training Unit. Was hoping to arrive home with his Sergeant's stripes and brevets on his greatcoat and uniform (as a surprise) but that hasn't been possible. Hoping that the next posting is nearer home. Mentions a drawing he made of the officer in charge of their course which is being copied - hopes the officer doesn't see it before Bill leaves.




Four page handwritten document


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The [one indecipherable word] Holiday (or [one indecipherable word] [underlined] Camp [/underlined]
[underlined] Sunday 20 [/underlined]
Dear All.
Leave for next Sat confirmed but its only a glorified weekend as I have to leave again on Thursday morning to be back here for Friday. It looks as if we’ll be going straight to O.T.U. – possibly on the Friday night. Rather disappointed about this leave as I was hoping that we’d be passed out here, sent on indefinite leave & then posted from here to O.T.U. This is what we were given to understand & I was going to give you such a surprise by turning up as a Sergeant with tapes & brevy[?] up. However it wasn’t so bad for me as for some of the others as I hadn’t got tapes & brevy[?] stitched on my best blue or greatcoat. I bought them
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yesterday tho.[sic] & you should have seen us comparing brevys[?] & tapes last night!! It was going to be so grand coming home for indefinite leave (& all my kit) as a Sergeant but the RAF always seems to dash our fancies. I ought to be grateful for 4 days (+ 2 travelling). I am but I don’t fancy the idea of returning to The Freugh[?]. Hope we’ll not be here long & hope O.T.U. is nearer home. Most of them are in Scotland or S. England around London & thereabouts tho’ there’s one not so far from Grantham.
Let Dave know if you see him, that if he sees me it’ll still be as a humble L.A.C. as I’d informed him of the great secret that I’d be
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Sergeant Akrill [deleted one or two letters] on my next leave & was planning a surprise for you. So have my civvies aired, please, as I’m determined not to be seen with props any more!!! All very exciting this passing out & as we’re as good as & all but Sgts. It’s annoying we can’t appear as one on leave! Exams this week, but we’re so fed up we just refuse to do anything else!
I did a drawing of the officer [deleted] two indecipherable words [/deleted] in charge of our Course & the other instructors are getting it photographed & reprinted – one for each of us & others to distribute round the camp. It’s no too complimentary so I hope he doesn’t see it till I’ve gone!
[page break]
Think I [underlined] may [/underlined] be sending my bike home this week as I may not have time to send it to O.T.U. before posting. I’ll see.
See you on Sat – 12.30 I expect, may be a bit earlier.
Be very hungry[?].
Love Bill



William Akrill, “Letter from Bill Akrill to family,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 10, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/17987.

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