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  • Tags: ground personnel

Poem about crews preparing for flight and taking off watched by station commander and off duty WAAFs. Typewritten version with annotated revision notes.

Nine verse poem about WAAFs attending a WRENs party who outshine the navy ladies with the sailors. Comments on their revenge.

Poem about an encounter with a policemen accompanied by a WAAF officer.

Two poems. The first, 'A song of hate' concerns an Irish officer who troubles R/T operators. The second titled 'A ratty problem' is about rats in the tower and the signals section. References RAF Church Fenton.

Five verse song about an Irishman and the trouble R/T girls have with him.

Multi-line poem echoing chat between friends. Asking for cigarettes, mentioning going out, going to the NAAFI, domestic chores, boys.

Two poems. The first about being Air Force GD (General Duties) and having job of cleaning floors and steps. The second about not envying WRENs.

Four verse poem about another WAAF who was in a billet with the author. Describes her and tells of getting drunk and being tangled in a fir tree.

Three verse poem about Christmas. Relates to a children's party and mentions WAAF officer doing party planning, trying to bring cheer to Waltham station. On the reverse 'Keith Burrows, RAFA'.

Multi-line poem describing a WAAF social visit, by invitation, to an American unit where they were entertained by the Glen Miller' orchestra.

Poem about crews preparing for flight and taking off watched by station commander and off duty WAAFs.

Three verse poem about the WAAF recruit process.

Writes that crew had just arrived back in the billet. States that she was one of the grandest straight forward WAAFs he had had the pleasure of meeting apart from his sweetheart.

Catches up and reminisces over past good times. Mentions previous boy friends and current one.

Describes posting to, journey to and arrival at Bawtry Hall. Goes on to describe accommodation and living conditions. Continues with description of duties including cleaning ablutions and lecture rooms. Goes on with description of life and…

Describes farewell concert at undisclosed location and closure of chapter of authors introduction to service life. Goes on to write of arrival at Bawtry Hall with friend Dorothy at new location with description of accommodation and cleaning…

Describes arrival at Cranwell in a cold December. Describes accommodation in detail. Goes on with mention of living conditions and description of camp and facilities. Continues with descriptions of daily activities, classrooms, instructors and…

D Jones was born in the parish of Manchester, Jamaica. He volunteered for the RAF and went on the SS Cuba to the United States, crossing the Atlantic to Liverpool in June 1944. He went to a former Butlins holiday camp in Filey - there, as ground…

A large group of airmen, all wearing battledress, some with visible brevet, sitting and standing in front of a B-24. Another B-24 in the distance on the right.

A large group of airmen and ground crew arranged in four rows in front of a Lancaster. It is captioned '635 (Pathfinder) Squadron RAF Downham Market Norfolk May, 1945'.

Two photographs of the same event. A large group of men in uniform and women, some WAAFs but mostly civilian. On the reverse 'Rhodesian Dance, Assembly Rooms Lincoln'.

The aircrew and ground crew are arranged in two rows in font of Lancaster 'Y'. One of the men is holding a young boy. The aircraft has completed 107 operations. In the cockpit is a sign 'These animals are dangerous'. On the reverse is 'Ground Crew of…

A large group of squadron personnel arranged in four rows in front of their Lancaster 'Y'. On the front is handwritten 44 Rhodesia 'B' Squadron and on the reverse 'Aircrew and Ground [photograph has been trimmed and the text has been lost] on…

11 ground crew grouped around the nose of Lancaster 'Y' York. One man is on a step ladder painting operation # 107. In the cockpit is a sign 'These animals are dangerous'. On the reverse 'Y Yorker 100 operation trips over Germany'.

A large number of airmen celebrating the 100th Operation of 'Y' for Yorker, ND578 KM-Y. Several are holding beer glasses. The room has been hung with union flags. On the reverse 'Celebrations of the 100th trip over Germany of 'Y' York'.
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