Browse Items (385 total)

  • Tags: nose art

Large group of air and ground crew standing on the port wing and forward fuselage of a Halifax. One aircrew is standing with foot on a chock by the port undercarriage. There is one man looking out from a cockpit window. The aircraft has nose art of a…

Six aircrew standing in back row wearing battledress or tunic. Seven airmen squatting in front wearing battledress. In the background the front of a Halifax with nose art of a lady reclining in a heart. Underneath are bomb symbols. Dennis W Raettig…

Air and ground crew posing in two lines in front of a Halifax. Aircrew wearing parachute harness stand in the rear and aircrew squatting down in front.Dennis W Raettig is front row second from left. Aircraft has heart with reclining lady nose art and…

Seven aircrew wearing parachute harness and mae west standing in front of a Halifax. Four are wearing side caps and two peaked caps. Aircraft has nose art of heart with reclining lady. Below nose art two swastikas and two rows of bomb symbols. In the…

Flight Lieutenant Mercer and crew and ground personnel in front of their Lancaster. On the reverse:
'March 1944 X for Xray
Dunholme Lodge
Bomber Command
Left to right
Isot Pratt. (mid upper) F/lt Mercer D.F.C. (pilot) Sgt Fallan (fit.…

A group of seven aircrew standing and four ground crew, crouched in front of a Halifax 'U-again'. Nose art indicates 36 operations. There is a cartoon rabbit holding a bomb and being attacked by a fighter. On the reverse is a modern detailed…

Doris and Ernie Twells with two men and a woman. Ernie Twells and the man are holding an ornamental plate. Captioned 'Doris and Ernie with leader of Derbyshire County Council'.

The nose and main spar of Lancaster EE134. Six men are working on it.…

Nose art on a Lancaster. There is a cartoon rabbit laughing and holding a glass of beer. It is sitting in a patch of grass and flowers. On the right are bombs representing 35 operations. On the reverse 'Presumably must be DV385'.

A group of 29 airmen and one woman, arranged in three rows. The front row is seated cross legged on the grass. The second row is kneeling and the third row is standing. Behind is a caravan and a hedge. Captioned 'Ernie Twells Back Row 2nd from…

Six airmen standing underneath the nose of Lancaster 'Abel Mabel' after its 100th operation at RAF Grimsby (Waltham). One airman is wearing a Mae West lifejacket.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Photograph 1 is the crew of the B-25.
Photograph 2 is the crew of the B-25 adding the letters 100 to the aircraft's nose art.
Photograph 3 is a group of airmen round the nose of the aircraft. They are captioned '226 Sqd, 1st Mitchell A/C to…

Photograph 1 is of a group of French airmen arranged in four rows in front of a Nissen hut. Captioned '342 Sqd Lorraine (Free French) R.A.F. Hartford Bridge.'

Photograph 2 is of a French airman standing in front of a Boston, 'C'. It is named Ville…

Photograph 1 is of the port side of a Boston, 'BZ331', 'D' captioned 'Boston A/C 88 Sqd with its 'War Paint' ready for the invasion, May 1944.'

Photograph 2 is of a group of airmen arranged in five rows in front of a Boston, 'D'. Captioned '88…

Page caption: 'Middleton St George 1941'

Photograph 1 is of eight airmen under the nose of a Whitley. Captioned 'Pilot Sgt B. Jones with his Ground Crew, Whitley. A/C.'

Photograph 2 is of a sergeant pilot wearing a flying helmet and pointing to…

Shows the front of Lancaster R5868 S-Sugar and inboard engines with bomb doors open. Letter 'S' on the nose, eight full rows of operations symbols, and the quote attributed to Hermann Goering 'No enemy plane will fly over the Reich territory'. One…

Photograph 1 is of armourers with a bomb under the nose of a Lancaster X.
Photograph 2 is of an aircrew under the nose of a Lancaster. The nose displays a number of operation symbols.

Photograph 1 is of Syd Marshall
Photograph 2 is of Sergeant Syd Marshall, half-length portrait.
Photograph 3 is of seven aircrew under the nose of a Lancaster.

Photograph 1 is of Lancaster Mike Squared, port side , undercarriage down.
Photograph 2 is of seven airmen posed on the port wing of Mike Squared.

Aircrew and ground personnel sitting on loaded bomb trolleys infront of the Lanacster Mike Squared. Group Captain Sheene on a stepladder is painting a bomb symbol on the nose of the aircraft. Captioned '"Mike Twice" after 138 trips. C/V Sheene on…

The seven aircrew are standing at the nose of 'Liz Beth', their Lancaster. Each crew member is identified along with brief details of the crash at Normington, Lincolnshire on completion of an operation to Turin 12/13 July 1943.
The second part of…

Two Lancasters with engines running are being waved off by a group of ground crew. The nearer Lancaster is ED860 QR-N and the farther one is ED588 VN-G. Both have nose art depicting many operations.

Seven airmen, three kneeling in front of four standing, beneath the nose of a Lancaster coded 'S'. The bomb doors are open and there is a ladder to the rear door. In the background are buildings and a water-tower. On the reverse 'H. Ackroyd, C.R.…

Aircrew and ground crew stand in front of and on a Lancaster, which has the letter 'S', a cartoon of walking person on the port nose plus a bomb log of 24 operations, three of which are ice-cream cones. There is also a beer tankard. Some crew sit on…

A group of 27 people in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Aircrew, ground crew on opposite page'. Photograph shows 26 air force personnel in two rows. The back row standing all have aircrew brevet. 12 are wearing side caps and one an officer's peaked…

Lancaster 'N' with all engines running on a concrete surface. Nose art shows five rows of operation symbols in two columns.
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